People Capping In Bgs While Taking Dmg

I'll gladly complain as much as I can for it to get addressed by Nexon.I was hoping fellow Kanna mains would join me.Don't worry, you're not alone.I thought new forum accounts needed verification before posting though. They changed Haku's Blessing because it made other mages powerful.And the only way to fix that is obviously by completely destroying Kanna's own range.The idea of just taking away the party-buff aspect of Haku's Blessing and turning it into a self-buff is just absurd.Exactly, and what ticks me off the most is that they expect us to just forget this happened.Well, news flash; that ain't happening. But I guess that doesn't prevent our dear DeeMon here from continuously making new accounts with rather, 'interesting' names to troll. The correct solution here is to revert Haku's blessing back to being a MATT% buff while changing it to be a self-buff but obviously the devs gave no thought on balancing Kanna whatsoever because if they did, we wouldn't be stuck with a sorry excuse of a blessed ensemble copy (yeah, a bishop skill yay!) when our party buffs that trigger it lasts 60s at max and aren't controllable. Angel ray dmg maplestory m guide. Obviously not as explorer mages depend on infinity just as Kannas depend on Haku's blessing.

WhilePeople capping in bgs while taking dmg 2
  1. I have run Warsong Gulch (WSG) in 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49 and 50-59 brackets on both Horde and Alliance characters and most classes. My druid probably has more flag captures (caps) than most of the people he BGs (enters a battleground) with has Honorable Kills (HKs.) Advice for going in as a character.
  2. Jul 16, 2019  On the occasions I do jump into a BG, I don’t worry about objectives. As a healer who actually heals, my best placement is in a pack of friendly players. It doesn’t matter what they’re doing, I can make them feel like twice their numbers and they will steamroll a group of the same size with no healer. This does assume that they bother to use their various stuns to protect me.

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  • darkstriker said
    1-pvp players got [filtered] on for AGES. pvp had absoluletly no gains at all til the recent ks/belli cred shops update.

    Sorry for pvp getting screwed like that. Haven't been around as long as you to know that much. KS/Belli has been around since I started, there is no doubt it's an old concept.
    and right now pve players complaining that they cant get some stuff they dont even need to clear hardest content easily.

    You would have had to die over and over again consistently while learning those mechanics your self to say something like that. Once you MASTER those mechanics then yeah something THEN becomes easy to clear. So don't talk that mess, blatantly.
    i mean for example, dyad niveot forceful effect gives 21 power while fine niveot gives 20 power effect. do you really need that 1 power.

    First yes that 1 more power helps. Attack increases the damage your character does. Your attack is based on your power stat, plus any bonuses from your character’s item, such as weapons, gloves, rings, necklaces, and crystals. (See Understanding Stats)
    Second you should consider that second line regardless of it being random as it still helps you regardless of your class. Regardless of PVP or PVE it still helps and does a huge change, when you do dungeons. You actually see the difference in what you do compared to before.

    That depends on how you go about doing it, in either case.
    you simply cant make a full premade in fwc for a %100 since you wont be controlling whos going against you, not by my knowledge,

    I believe you can it's called raid party? If I am not mistaken. I could be ofcourse because my focus has not been PVP VS PVE.
    you can learn how to clear a dungeon in some tries with a group of guildies/friends at worst and put the said dungeon on farm mode.

    This is true if you can find a dedicated group of people that will do exactly that. Ofcourse again that depends on what server you are on if you are looking for deligate party members.
    someone mentioned 'class imbalance' for pvp. while it is an undeniable truth of this game, you can very easily defeat any class as any class as long as youre willing to get better so that's not really an excuse. just accept the fact you got outplayed and try to see your mistakes and learn from them. why is it so hard for you people?

    Though there is some truth to what you say, remember that your are focusing this specific statement to pvp. With that said, you should also consider the scenario in which said defeats happen. Take into consideration the players set up. Don't dog people because of their playing style. At the same time THEY should not complain when defeated. I know I don't. I have gotten my but beat more times than I can think, and that is brawler versus slayer. In order to beat someone like you said.. 'As long as you are willing to get better.' Yes this is truth. Practice makes perfect. Though one needs to remember when you duel for practice you shouldn't duel the same person over and over then your chances of winning on both ends become 50%. Duel other players of the same class. Or rather should I say 'Farm Duels to get better.' =PVP Life.
    Yes, 'Accept the fact of getting outplayed.' as long as you are equal geared at the very least. NO reason to be a sore loser. Just practice more if PVP is truly going to be your focus.
    pve'rs got several advantages over pvping in drops department. 70k creds are not 'cheap' compared to how easy they are to get compared to pve, for example. and then theres feedstock stuff too, and mwa is much better to obtain from vg chests than the stuff at credit shops.

    Define your statement please. It is unclear.
    At the end of the day, this is about PVP Servers keeping something more easily obtained to PVE. They want those on PVE to PVP and do away with PVE all together. Dyads and Smart Dyads are beneficial to both sides. Not just one side. There is no reason to be biased against PVP or PVE as both sides have stated it encompasses everything of Tera. However to say to someone, 'Learn the PVP aspect of Tera it's part of the game too' Is like trying to tell someone. 'The grass is purple not green.' It's about choice. People choose not to fight another player perhaps, because they know they will not win or are that good at it. Their focus has been monsters. Now the hard mode dungeons. Yes those Dyads, a plus the won't break. That was the first thing that I had noticed, and the fact that I can fuse the same crystal to come up with a stronger crystal dyad of the same type with a secondary line on that. Yes PVE does indeed get better with that benefit. Ofcourse those whose focus in the game is always dueling another player or gvg or pvp or the like, Is not expected to know these things either.
    Now, I could do something entirely to my boredom. And this is where PVP gets the shaft. I could farm bg all day long, to spend those credits earned after weeks of grinding it. to do one thing, buy the dyads.after weeks and weeks of fighting other players win or lose. It sounds to me like a no win situation for pvp and find it quite boring and NOT a good use of time. It does not feel very rewarding to me.
    NOW SHOULD YOU BE DOING IT FOR GEAR MATERIAL, then it becomes rewarding because you can spend those credits more quickly in more than one way.
    Having the Dyads in the Vangaurd credit store is an ALTERNATIVE SOLUTION, to those that do not want to grind for weeks to get that Dyad from BG's. I mean really for me. It would not be fun at all to just grind bg's consistently and spend all those credits to one thing.
    Gear designs I can understand,
    But not's a level 65 accessory piece.
    It should be more available as we always have to sell it after breaking down a gear no longer used.
    So yes we need to make the Dyads a bit more available in an Alternative way I personally don't understand why it was not placed in the Vangaurd store to begin with.
  • edited June 2016
    Make them tradeable, problem solved.
    Pvp players can sell their credit for gold, and pve players can farm dungeons/vanguard for gold and buy it. You can choose to do whatever you're better at to get to the same goal.
    Or put them in normal merchant as a gold sink. We're in dire need of those given how EME chose to keep the double gold event until further notice.
    However EME would be crying with nobody buying keys though.
  • Syviette said
    Though that is not an unpleasant idea, I can promise you that I would never trade mine. I would keep them for all my chars. What would also be pleasant, is if they were not gear bound. But also not able to be refused. I can only think of a lot of Level 65's to be very happy about it not being Gear bound and working a lot harder to get more of them. The que's for FWC would Drop as well as CS. You would see a lot more GVG action as well I think. All in all I think this would help improve the PVP community as well. As some of those on pvp servers are partial to pve on that. I think at the end of the day the whole focus needs to be the following.
    As far as Dyads are concerned:
    How can we improve both PVE population on servers as well as PVP?
    What can we do to make both happy and draw more attention?
    In my opinion we need to make the Dyads more available. You notice that they are available only in the hard mode dungeons. Problem is you can't do hardmode dungeons if your gear is not high enough? So then what? it's hard to get those gears plussed up 12 or 15 unless you rank in something
    to get rewarded that MWA in one giant lump.
    All I know is I would like to see an alternative atleast an easier alternative then grinding for days on BG to get one single dyad. For me atleast it's just not a pleasant experience.[/.I]
  • edited June 2016

    So you've already proven blah balh blah. Im sad boy i just argue for the sake of argument.

    1. You continue to make no seance, here is why
    a) My english is good enough for you to understand and keep arguing otherwise you would simply walk away
    b) You keep talking about teared MES and Spellbinds like you don't know that those untradable unlike ones from enchanting boxes
    2. Oh pardon me i didn't keep attention that those mats aren't tradable but you keep pretending like the only way for pvpers to get them is trough ks/bellie credit, lies. Battle/Sea chases have a chance to grant those + you get some sweets exclusively locked to pvp such keys and ember titans
    3. Pretending that you don't know what to do when your char is capped on weeklies. Hint: Run pvp raids on the other chars.
    4. You keep pretending that you didn't read my question: Why so much hate? We aren't asking for the bread you taking home to feed your kids, we didn't burned your village. All we ask is to add smart dyads to VG merchants. Why is it causing you so much butthurt that you keep arguing here for 3-4 days now?
    P.S Yes new pvp gear (whatever it calls) is getting buff pretty soon afaik as they say so there is no reason for you to farm VM7. If no, who cares? Not me. Make a noise and they will buff it. And this topic wasn't about VM7 anyway.
    p.S.S rolling a reaper to do more FWC. I laught so hard nowadays in those raids. I'm actually having fun this 12-15 minuts. Almost crying every raid i laugh so hard, till i get MMed with a facerolling premade to leach my daylies. Ez Life
  • Nektor said
    Why so much hate? We aren't asking for the bread you taking home to feed your kids, we didn't burned your village. All we ask is to add smart dyads to VG merchants. Why is it causing you so much butthurt that you keep arguing here for 3-4 days now?

    I don't feel negative statements like these, are being productive to the discussion friend. Regardless of what the opposing party says, I'm sure you can refrain from these type of statements. 'We aren't asking for the bread you taking home to feed your kids, we didn't burned your village...Why is it causing you so much butthurt that you keep arguing..'
    To say things like this, in any format to any topic is what brings nothing but dissention to the topic. I'm sure you are a better person than this, in your attempts to make your point and view across. IN a way you are verbally attacking a person with these type of statements. There is no need for it.
  • Today I learned that pvers absolutely know nothing. The first time pvers are forced to do the other side of content they whine and say its unfair, not realizing that pvpers have been forced to do the same for 4 years. I never knew that vm7 was made so pve players could farm for it to go into pvp. I guess this shows the same mindset of needing to attempt to overgear for something so they have a harder time of failing. Don't forget, we get exclusive rewards such as titans embers and keys.
    You do not need dyads for any form of content in PVE. It will not be the deciding factor in clearing a dungeon and wiping, same thing with +15. This is hilarious how pve players are complaining that for ONCE in the game, they don't have something available to them that they desire obtainable from pve only. It sucks, doesn't it? Having to do the other side of the game because you want something badly? That's pretty much what every pvp player has felt this entire time.
  • Today I learned that pvers absolutely know nothing. The first time pvers are forced to do the other side of content they whine and say its unfair, not realizing that pvpers have been forced to do the same for 4 years. I never knew that vm7 was made so pve players could farm for it to go into pvp. I guess this shows the same mindset of needing to attempt to overgear for something so they have a harder time of failing. Don't forget, we get exclusive rewards such as titans embers and keys.
    You do not need dyads for any form of content in PVE. It will not be the deciding factor in clearing a dungeon and wiping, same thing with +15. This is hilarious how pve players are complaining that for ONCE in the game, they don't have something available to them that they desire obtainable from pve only. It sucks, doesn't it? Having to do the other side of the game because you want something badly? That's pretty much what every pvp player has felt this entire time.

    With all due respect. Please don't pot all pve players together. I personally stated that I have no problem with how things are. I also already said I know people in the pvp side have been forced into pve despite not liking it. And in fact I shared my opinion that I feel would be best if everyone could get equal benefits, both from pvp and pve, though in the end nothing is going to be changed right now, much less if coming from this thread.
  • There's nothing that you could give from the pve side to pvp benefits that would make both people happy because then pve players will complain that x is easier to get by just pvping as you can see from the mindsets shown; an attempt was made to justify that vm7 is a pve only equipment designed for pve people to use in pvp. equal benefits will never happen as pve is always infinitely more rewarding than pvp, as as said pve players will always complain about anything they can't get through pve only, or if something is easier to get in pvp that can be done through pve.
  • edited June 2016
    There's nothing that you could give from the pve side to pvp benefits that would make both people happy because then pve players will complain that x is easier to get by just pvping as you can see from the mindsets shown; an attempt was made to justify that vm7 is a pve only equipment designed for pve people to use in pvp. equal benefits will never happen as pve is always infinitely more rewarding than pvp, as as said pve players will always complain about anything they can't get through pve only, or if something is easier to get in pvp that can be done through pve.

    This thread not only confirms that even equality will have it's detractors, but any and all 'solutions' will not make everyone happy. There's simply no way to make everyone happy in this matter.
    As for the other part that was ignored. I feel pressed to say it again and for the last time. I'm on the pve side of things but I'm not complaining nor arguing, and I'm sure there's at least a few or more people who are in my same boat. But since that was said and was ignored, I assume I will keep being tossed into that pot with the complainers, just for being a pve-er. As such, there's nothing else for me to say to you here. So very respectfully, but not agreeing to that view, I withdraw.
    Guys, where are the old players that played all the aspect of the game (PvE and PvP) to progress in the gear and experiencing everything this game gives to us, is not about they get this i want that too, they dont get this what a bunch of noobs, they dont make everything be able to obtain by only one method, they want players to spread in all the content (doesnt matter if the content is low, is still content). Play the game!

    There will always be people who don't like part of a game. Like in this case, pvp. Sure, people shouldn't ask for things to cater to the part of the content they like while damaging the other side or making it meaningless. They shouldn't but they still have the right to voice it, at least according to the laws of this side of the world. This started as an opinion and request which I suspected would have detractors. But more than that it exploded into a rather heated argument that tells me that with how many supporters and detractors it has, this requested change has little to no chance at all to even being considered. So, happen whatever will happen in this thread, the smart dyad will remain in pvp turf for the time being, unless something or someone with enough influence triggers any change. So those who want the item and don't want to do pvp will have to look for ways to get it through pve. Whatever availability the item may have in that mode.
    Lastly, while it's a good advice to explore other ways to play the game and such, if someone simply doesn't like a mode of play after trying, then they shouldn't play that mode at all, since that would mean the game itself fails to them at giving the fun and entertainment a game is meant to give.
    This is solely my opinion.
  • I'm not really understanding some of the posts I read on here. Posts like 'this is a multiplayer game, it's an MMO, you're not supposed to play alone, play with us OR ELSE!!! Why don't you want to play with us, you [filtered] [filtered] piece of [filtered]? Are you antisocial or something?' Gee.. let me try to think of a reason why I might prefer to play alone..
    Or posts like 'pve is for [filtered], why don't you play pvp, are you scared or something?'
    No, I'm not scared. It's a game. Not the end of the world if you die in a video game. It doesn't hurt. Not even a little bit.
    Doesn't even hurt my pride if you decide to teabag my dead character and brag in global chat about what a [filtered] I am and how easily you beat me. Hey, congrats. You have superior skillz in a vidya game. Hat's off to you.
    In fact, I'll save you the time and trouble and just tell you right now, if you dueled me, you would most likely win. There, hopefully that satiates your ego for the day.
    No, it's not that I'm a bad player (not saying I'm a good or great player, but I am semi competent). But (1) my computer is pretty awful; it wouldn't matter how quick my responses are, because my potato simply can't keep up with everything that's going on anyway. I know, I know, 'I need to upgrade my potato', don't you think I know that? But I also know that money doesn't grow on trees (well technically paper and cotton do, but-- grr, never mind, you get the point). (2) I'm pretty sure that pvp is just as unbalanced in this game as pve. Okay, so I can't speak from experience on this one, but I've seen enough [filtered] from pvpers on the forums to come to that conclusion. So I guess it's just, roll brewlar and dominate everything, super skillz, super fun, right? Okay. Whatever floats your boat? (3) I'm not very experienced in pvp.. I mean I used to duel my friends on console games back in the 1990s (I'm old as dirt).. used to play some capture the flag in classic Team Fortress.. used to dabble in world v. world in Guild Wars.. held my own well enough, I suppose. Ranked pretty decently, nothing to brag about but nothing to be ashamed of either. But all of that was years ago, and I don't have the first clue about CS or FWC or any of the other TERA bgs.. between running the game on a single digit fps potato and being totally clueless, I'm 99% sure that nobody would want me on their teams anyway (so why are you trying to force me to pvp? don't you have enough noobs on your teams already? or are you just looking for easy kills to feed your score?). Oh and I almost forgot, the most important reason, #4. Why I don't pvp: because I play games for entertainment. To pass the time. Not for bragging rights, or for the aggravation of having some 12-year-old tell me how bad I am. I mean you do get that this is a game, right? As in not real life? As in for fun? As in, you can't include your l33t TERA playing skillz on your job resume?
    Sorry if some of my posts seem to come across as being arrogant or condescending or whatever. I truly don't mean to offend anyone, but I'm not exactly a master when it comes to social skills, and I find that I oftentimes word things poorly (unintentionally). I fully respect pvpers, and I'm glad that you guys finally have good rewards for the efforts you put into the game. Just because I choose to not game competitively, does not mean that I don't understand the thrill of competition. I used to be VERY competitive in all aspects of my life. I get it, it's fun, thrilling, sometimes aggravating, but incredibly satisfying when you win. That's great that you have that passion. But don't [filtered] on those of us who don't. Sometimes I just want to relax and escape the ultra competitive aspects of life. I don't care who is better at pressing buttons on their keyboard really fast. If it matters that much to you, I'll let you kill my 'toon' and declare you the King of TERA.
    I also fully respect party players, in fact I envy you. You get to run endgame dungeons with other people there to support you? That's awesome. Having a tank to hold the boss in place and a healer to keep you alive; as a self-sustaining, solo playing dps, that sounds like a dream. But as I mentioned before, my computer is potato. It can barely manage Ghillieglade, let alone some 5-man dungeon. That and the class that I'm most familiar with, archer, is already considered something of a liability on the dungeon circuit. Add to that the fact that I'm at least 10-15 years older than the average TERA player.. yeah, sorry, I don't have anything in common with you young whippersnappers. I'll let you kids party up and talk about your favorite animes while playing on your top of the line gaming rigs, just let grandpa solo farm his VG dailies on his toaster and pretend like he doesn't exist. It really shouldn't offend anyone that I prefer to play solo; it's not like you'd want to party with me anyway (lol, 'party with me'.. had a whole different meaning back in my dinosaur days, but I digress..)
    Yes, I realize this is an MMO, and I know very well what MMO stands for. Believe me, if there was a single player version of TERA, I would be playing that instead. But there's not. It is what it is; it just happens to be a fun and somewhat addictive game. I have just as much right to play as a solo player as a person who plays in big parties/guilds and/or people who play competitive pvp. I'm not understanding all the hatred in some of these posts, like 'you have to play this way or else!!!' Umm shouldn't people just play the way they want to play? Remember, people, games are meant to be FUN. And nothing says 'fun' like combining a neverending Korean grindfest with the toxicity of the internet, amirite? No but seriously, stop taking the game so seriously. If you don't like it, there's a very simple solution, just stop playing. Problem solved. I mean sure we can all come here and give our opinions and ask EME to change stuff, and that is our right as gamers; but at the end of the day, it's their world and we're just playing in it; they can choose to listen to us or not, and we can respond in kind, etc.
    Holy rant Batman, I'm not even sure where I meant to go with this post. I probably should have ended it a long time ago. But I've been wanting to respond to a lot of the opinions I've been reading with my own opinions, and thought it would be better if I didn't spam every single thread with my opinion on every single little thing. Really didn't mean to hijack OP's thread (on topic, I would like moar dyads in pve pls ) BUT since this thread derailed a LONG time ago (as internet threads tend to do) into some kind of PvP vs. PvE battleground (come on pvpers, you know that's not a fair fight, PKing us filthy pve casuals ), I figured I would add my two cents*
    * - approximate value. Not redeemable for actual real life currency or in-game gold.
  • edited June 2016
    ye so sucks to suck no dyads for pve :^))))))

    Nope. No dyads for pve.
    @TheGreyWolf Bravo. I liked hat post, even if it was more of a general rant than anything, I liked it. I share most of your sentiments. I'm also an old gamer(can you say Atari 2600 and not get ganked by tomatoes around here?) who prefers to play solo because there's no Tera Offline. Though, our issues would be better off on it's own thread. Let's leave the pvp vs pve battle for the grand prize of a not dumb dyad to rage on till a GM decides he had enough.
  • im still not getting a few things here.
    1-pvp players got [filtered] on for AGES. pvp had absoluletly no gains at all til the recent ks/belli cred shops update. and right now pve players complaining that they cant get some stuff they dont even need to clear hardest content easily. i mean for example, dyad niveot forceful effect gives 21 power while fine niveot gives 20 power effect. do you really need that 1 power? im not counting the secondary effects cus theyre random no matter what you do.
    2-pve is much easier to get a decent group for. you simply cant make a full premade in fwc for a %100 since you wont be controlling whos going against you, not by my knowledge, while you can learn how to clear a dungeon in some tries with a group of guildies/friends at worst and put the said dungeon on farm mode.
    3-someone mentioned 'class imbalance' for pvp. while it is an undeniable truth of this game, you can very easily defeat any class as any class as long as youre willing to get better so that's not really an excuse. just accept the fact you got outplayed and try to see your mistakes and learn from them. why is it so hard for you people?
    4-pve'rs got several advantages over pvping in drops department. 70k creds are not 'cheap' compared to how easy they are to get compared to pve, for example. and then theres feedstock stuff too, and mwa is much better to obtain from vg chests than the stuff at credit shops.
    5-excluding elite and calling it 'the top thing that cant be taken as base' is pretty dumb tbh since everybody and their grandmother has elite in this game and will keep having it it, and showing that people capping out on creds before patch to buy the stuff with those creds after the patch hits as a proof to your argument, since you might as well just saved up gold and bought the equipment with gold when patch hits. or even better answer that that point is that point saving thing is not sustainable. you cant do it now. and in the end you still put more time on that kind of farming cus pre-patch point farming was far slower and cap was much lower too.
    tldr: as a pve player, i'd say stop crying. you don't need dyads to perform well enough. if you want to min/max then that also means you need to learn all aspects of the game, including pvp.

    as a pvp player you dont need dyads either so why do you need smart dyad structures on top of dyad structures? also pre patch farming was easier as you seem to have forgotten the multiple power hour events etc, you literally could get 60k bell and like 20k ks per game at times. the cap was only 40k credits less btw.

    dyads are far more useful in pvp than they are in pve, if you havent learned that yet then its your problem. and 40k is not an exactly small amount if you were farming on several toons(example 40k x 16 = 640k which is pretty damn huge). power hours werent exclusive to pre patch. nothing says they cant happen again, and the cred rewards are buffed overall so yes it IS easier to farm stuff via pvp now.
    anyway even if ppl did win that much it doesnt mean anything since you cant do it now to gain the upper hand on pve players.

    dyads are much more useful in pve i could argue, mp starvation, glistening hardies, brilliant hardies etc.
  • edited June 2016
    Today I learned vm7 isn't for pvpers LOOOL. What a complete joke. If you're going to spew nonsense and say conflate is the end gear that people who pvp should go for, then I have no more hope in ridiculing your baseless arguments. If you think conflate is the BiS for pvp, it just shows how clueless and uneducated you are in talking about it. Here's a note for the blind sheep pvers that keep saying 'get conflate, u dont need vm7', conflate is garbage. Utter garbage in comparison to the credits it takes. Starfall+12 weapon is better. conflate chest is utter garbage. Conflate boots are getting its only pvp line removed next patch. And gloves are the only slight upgrade. Know your [filtered] before you spew it out of your mouth
    @nektor and no. conflate is not getting a buff. stop talking [filtered]. You have no basis for that stupid assumption and no one else does either, because Ktera only got the stats on boots transferred to its chest and thats it. Stop talking if all you're going to spew is garbage lies

    vm7 pvp is confalate..what cant you understand about that? that was bhs's fix for the whole +15 wrecks everything issue, increase the base attack mod and make it only able to go to +12. imperator is the vm7 pve thats why it does not have pvp bottom line rolls. you are the uneducated person, go read a ktera forum or patch post, it is known yes even imperator is missing lines that make it situationally worse than starfall. can a starfall weapon roll pvp lines? no it cant, confalate has higher base attack mod more pvp dmg lines with higher pvp damage stats, did you even test confalate vs starfall yourself under the same circumstance or did you go read it off a post or take someone's word for it?
    Based on white damage from front.
    +15 VM6 (Starfall) Weapon = 16600
    +12 New PvP weapon = 15800
    +12 VM6 (Starfall) Weapon =15000
    +15 Tensus (VM5) 15 = 14800
    note it says from the front and only white damage, starfall lost its back damage pvp line so from behind confalate probably will very well out dps starfall +15.
  • edited June 2016
    Also don't even act like pvp is 'harder' than pve we all know its not its just a coin flip either you get the winning side or you just get owned on the fail side and nothing you can do about it since you cant carry 19 other people no matter how good you are, honestly i would say trying to do SSHM is harder than trying to get anything out of the pvp store (maybe longer certainly not harder).

    If there are 19 other people in your BG, then you are in the wrong place for smart dyads. The correct place has either 2 or 14 other people.
    I do CS on 3 characters with full PvE crystals, and one of them in cruxes. Why? Because i don't give a [filtered] about PvP but i'm forced to do it. People will have to put up with PvErs dont caring about CS and i do it untill i get carried so i can move on with the rest of dailies.

    So then I guess I should wear my PvP crystals and gear to dungeons, with my PvP glyphs? Why? Because I don't care about PvE and I only do it because I need to, to get PvP gear.
    Also, if you are doing CS for smart dyads, you are doing it wrong.
    If you think PVP is harder than PVE - in a mean way from a player who pvp over 25 years.. you just not PVP enough. Since you don't understand <

    Coming from someone that has actually PvPed in MMO's for 20 years (Since 1996 before there were even graphics.), I disagree. PvP is harder than PvE, because PvE follows a pattern that can be learned - Once you learn it, you are set. But PvP is 100% related to skill, and is never fully predictable. PvP has always been the true measure of skill in MMO's.
    Today I learned vm7 isn't for pvpers LOOOL. What a complete joke. If you're going to spew nonsense and say conflate is the end gear that people who pvp should go for, then I have no more hope in ridiculing your baseless arguments. If you think conflate is the BiS for pvp, it just shows how clueless and uneducated you are in talking about it. Here's a note for the blind sheep pvers that keep saying 'get conflate, u dont need vm7', conflate is garbage. Utter garbage in comparison to the credits it takes. Starfall+12 weapon is better. conflate chest is utter garbage. Conflate boots are getting its only pvp line removed next patch. And gloves are the only slight upgrade. Know your [filtered] before you spew it out of your mouth

    I hate to break it to you, but these statements show how clueless and uneducated YOU are. VM7 weapon is the ONLY BiS VM7 item. The other items have no PvP lines which makes them worse than Devastator+12!
    Starfall weapon is NOT better than Conflate weapon. Currently Starfall chest is better, but any smart person would get Conflate chest, because it becomes BiS once they move the PvP defense from boots to gloves. Conflate gloves are BiS unless you are a healer. The only item that won't be worth having is conflate boots, because Starfall will be better, after the update.
    And as for Conflate weapon vs. VM7 weapon - the difference is so small, most people won't feel it worth the effort, myself included.
    In other words, most classes will be best off in Conflate everything, except boots.
  • As long as there people PVP with you so its all fine?
    Even they just massing around doing nothing?
    I really don't see a point to PVP together or against with people like this. This same as doing PVE with a group of floor master. Pve can pick people and Pvp cant? I not sure if there still premade BG since I haven't touch it for years.
    If you think PVP is harder than PVE - in a mean way from a player who pvp over 25 years.. you just not PVP enough. Since you don't understand how to read what going happen next in a GAME.
    dungeons are all precoded stuff
    class skill also all precoded stuff
    it just to learn how to against/react it.
    After all the main skill part needed in PVP gaming is react. Rest is experience and preparation.
    Experience - PVP more, sure not with people who just massing around
    Preparation - Learn/Play all class, watch, think - image training.
    The one you play against with also is human but not something unknown. Wont be that random when you understand or know how to against/react on skills - what going on.
    The only thing can called skill in both PVP/PVE is react - you can train it yet some people have it better or worse since it a talent.
    I sort of don't care PVP as much as while I back in Asia..
    PS: PVP only hard in real life cause.. it scary. /hide from it > < I value my life > <

    your first lines dont really make sense to me, cus if people are afking theyre not actually pvping, and i rarely see ppl afk in fwc matches if the team isnt getting slaughtered. and a player will always be much less easier to predict than a dungeon boss. ALWAYS. you simply cant deny that. and how can u actually pvp for 25 years lol?
    and if you dont care about pvp doesnt mean everybody shares your opinion. pvp needs to be rewarding, and as of now it is.

    If you think that people joining a BG will be trying to win.. then you really not BG/PVP enough.
    Like other explain some PVEer forced to do BG for credit to get mats/item. They dont need to win, they do whatever they want.
    As PVPer, first thing seeking for is competitive/challenge and this what the fun for PVPer.
    Population to PVP increased yet the quality dropped. This really not worth it.
    PVP for loots with opponent not even worth the time? no thx rather play something else.
    I have around 30 years gaming experience, playing game nearly everyday. Hour to hours - just a stupid gamer.
    ( off school/work , time for gaming - plain stupid gamer.. oops sorry no offence to any other gamers.. )
    PVP experience only 25year+ cause i sort of dont care PVP around I start Tera.
    ( last mmorpg I play was NA WOW, Pker run away with instance matching summon pop up.. how shame for they? fail on gank then run away, dont even try to PK/PVP at the first place. I was PKKer back then so I welcome they try to PK me. )
    Fps/hit box/latency issue damage the free combat system PVP a lot. So I choice not to do it.
    Hit baraka belly with your weapon and.. no damage.. this make me like.. umm, hit box? latency?
    Most my PVP gaming experience is in arcade video game center back when I was at Asia - fighting game main.
    So the reward for me.. not loot or item.. its the people I against with.
    ( watch friends do something stupid like 1 chain combat the whole health bar gone.. get hit = gg, so gotta good on predict or.. you going spend a ton of money for it )
    PVP in a game there a limit of options how you/your opponent going react - it not that hard to predict.
    I feel sorry for PVP store dont get good loots. You guys experience how sad it is and still against to add loots in PVE?
    Loots/item drop been part for PVE. There PVE game dont drop item/gold/loot etc? If so.. how many %?

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