Angel Ray Dmg Maple Story M

Oct 13, 2016  I was thinking to see the Classic Story somehow, with the additions of the Potential System (a nerfed one) and the Cash Shop with some limits to make the game fun to everyone. Yeah, the old times, where we had up to 2nd job with some tweaked skills. Maple m was never meant to be a maplestory server, it’s a mobile game that’s less shit.

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  1. Angel Ray Dmg Maplestory M Release
Check out the patch notes for the v20 Lovely Update here:

Slightly disappointing?

So, ever since KMS was announced and video's of classes were shown, I've known for a while that I wanted to play Priest. Not only is it the only healer, which I enjoy playing, but it could dish out some pretty nice numbers from what a lot of the videos were showing. It was a very well rounded class that seemed fun on both sides and I was always super excited for it.
Fast forward to present CBT, where upon making my very first Priest, I was met with a lot of disappointment. I'm not really sure if it's because of the balances, or if it just doesn't click with me like I thought it would, but I must say i'm finding it very hard to find willpower to level this thing lol.
My list of grievances started as soon as I checked my skill tab and noticed a LOT of skills had been moved around. My main excitement was for Angel Ray, which instead of level 18 or so, is now their highest level ability to unlock. Instant mood crasher. On top of that, it seem's like a lock of their skills were changed, for the worse. Shield of Archon no longer being a basically permanent buff, and the wave skill (forget the name) at level 22, that seems to do pretty much no DMG now. They really just seem like a total heal bot now, which is pretty frustrating.
Add all this on top of the 'holier than thou' voice acting for the male character, and I just can't bring myself to enjoy what I thought I would.
So if you've made it this far I'd really like to know if this class get's better at the later levels and if I should try to power through it. I'd really like some 'end game' feed back here. And if anyone has any similar thoughts, or want's to present their own argument, please do so gracefully. This is just a vent post, not trying to start any sort of clown fiesta on the forums lol.
  1. Should I truck through to end game Priest?49 votes
    1. 63% (31 votes)
    2. No
      37% (18 votes)

Angel Ray Dmg Maplestory M Release


Angel Ray Dmg Maple Story M
  • The way I leveled was through quest. I learnt that Celestial light is a dot and while its dotting you can use holy blast to recast the initial damage of holy light, so there was my damage. Other damage spells are worthless to me.
    Also, the buffs. They look like they don't impact but they're there. I've got a second page and my damage buff raises the party dps by 6.4% plus its a heal. Not sure if its ideal to give that buff and spam holy light but its what I've been doing so far.
    Btw, the holier than you is an issue on female priest too. Their voice lines are of devotion and obnoxious religion and I'd enjoy the korean voice pack so at least I don't have to understand what she says.
  • The buffs are nice, but it get rather boring rather quickly when you just apply a base DoT than spam and AOE around yourself and hope things die quickly. It would be much nicer to have Angel Ray at the lower tiers, especially because the second 'wave' skill, does essentially half the damage as your other AoE. Most of the buffs are pretty high level as well.
    My main point is that again it seem's Priest has just become some sort of heal bot, rather than a flexible support/dmg dealer. Especially on Fire Dragon raid where the mechanic is literally 'hope your Priest is spamming heal or you all die terribly'. That just doesn't seem like fun game play to me.
    And I agree with the voice lines. They're a bit grating, especially on the attack. And that goes for all characters. A VERY spamable ability should not be saying a voice line E V E R Y cast. I wish we still have the cute Korean emote voice lines as well. But i'm sure someone in the future will make some work arounds for all this anyhow lol.
  • MapleStory 2 Rep: 1,365
    Priest DPS for me hasn't been too much of an issue, but it is kind of annoying the two skills we spam the most are what we start off with. Celestial Light to DoT and apply some extra holy damage to our skills while Holy Blast does damage then strikes again if the target has the Celestial Light debuff.
    Shield of the Archon is some nice extra damage to the 'Spam Holy Blast' rotation and gives some beefy defensive numbers for pulling packs of mobs together, while we can also drop Holy Relic for 282% damage and provide some breathing room with the knockback. The Stamina reducing factor of Holy Relic is good for PvP as well, considering you can potentially pin someone to a wall for a second and laugh as they can't immediately use their dash out.
    Angel Ray was a disappointment to me, honestly. Seeing it up at lv46, I assume it would be a good attack given the high percentage but it doesn't seem to do as much as I hoped, but then again, I probably had crap gear at the time to see any real difference. Depending on how you build, if you were going for a more DPS oriented priest, you could take Ray to deal damage and help a heal the group still.
    The only skill I haven't really done much with at all is Smiting Aura, because of the sheer point investment needed for it to be functional and having to basically spam the ever living crap out of it to keep up that percentage debuff. The only way I can see it being used effectively would be if there were two priests in the group, one built for damage and using smiting aura, and the other a full support priest.
  • I've seen a lot of video's where Angel Ray becomes a spamable skill with some sort of buff. But i'm not really sure how that functions and what level that is to be achieved at.
    I don't really PVP so I can't comment on that but i've gotten to about level 25 and have hated every second of leveling this class lol.
    I feel like shield of archon would be a tad bit more usefull if either it lasted a bit longer, or the cool down was a bit shorter. But again, i'm no where near level capped as priest so I can't really comment on those balances.
    From what i've seen doing raids on my archer is the Priest just pretty much sets up a little heal bunker, and spams heals. I don't even see the DoT from the priest going off, or any attacking skills. So it's just really unfortunate to watch and see a class basically just be desk weight that heals. lol
  • MapleStory 2 Rep: 1,365
    You only really need one priest in a raid group to keep everyone alive. If there isn't any damage going out and everyone is reasonably topped off, then the Priest should be DPSing as well. This goes for any game, not just MS2, imo.
  • There is a shadow expedition where a buff is applied with purification wave which makes it possible to spam angel ray ( @Andromedy is it because you had other thoughts about the useability of angel ray, or does the class feel underwhelming in general?
  • I never got to experience end level content to test how practical our healing and support abilities were in raids/dungeon parties.
    In cases where bosses implement OHKO attacks; healing and defense party buffs quickly become moot. For those who did tag along in lvl 50 groups, how effective were your heals, Defense buffs? Did you notice if our party attack increases made a difference in overall raid DPS?
  • I don't know what to tell you.
    Priest isn't a class that prioritizes damage.
    Nerfs are disappointing, but we get most of our DPS needs from our starting skills.
    Is it really so bad to be a 'heal bot' as a Priest?
    If you don't enjoy healing then you should look into another class.
  • MapleStory 2 Rep: 9,195
    I found the Priest to have far more damage than I was expecting, and that's coming from someone that played a Priest in KMS2. In my opinion, Priests are probably overpowered. I found it way too easy to solo dungeons with a Priest, considering they're supposed to be a party gameplay-oriented class. It's hard to call them a Support when they're not only perfectly content soloing a raid, but actually better at it than some other classes.
    Against static targets, in particular, the amount of different skills Priests have that apply damage to a single location concurrently is insane. Mobile bosses might prove to be more challenging, but some bosses are so passive in terms of mobility, that you can hit them with every tick of damage from Shield of the Archon, Holy Relic, and Sactuary, at the same time as Celestial Light's ticks, Holy Blast's primary damage, and the bonus damage from Holy Blast + Celestial Light's combo. That amount of concurrent DoT damage is actually unlike anything any other class has. Not even Thieves and Heavy Gunners have that many ways to damage a single target at once.
    If Zakum turns out to be completely static, can have all his arms targeted at once, and has a weakness to Holy damage (all of which are quite likely) Priests with their damage skills maxed out may be capable of doing more DPS than any other class. I'm not even exaggerating.
    Priests are also very strong in PvP, and I had more trouble defeating Priests than any other class. That's not to say that they will, in general, beat out Thieves and Assassins, because they won't, but for a support class based on healing allies, the Priest is far better in one-on-one PvP fights than you would expect based on that description. The fact that Holy Blast has a knockback means it's quite possible to get stunlocked by the skill, especially if you're backed into a corner. It's terrifying if a Priest is within range to Holy Blast you.
  • Priests are also very strong in PvP, and I had more trouble defeating Priests than any other class. That's not to say that they will, in general, beat out Thieves and Assassins, because they won't, but for a support class based on healing allies, the Priest is far better in one-on-one PvP fights than you would expect based on that description. The fact that Holy Blast has a knockback means it's quite possible to get stunlocked by the skill, especially if you're backed into a corner. It's terrifying if a Priest is within range to Holy Blast you.

    holy blast knockback turned off in pvp, just holy symbol now
  • MapleStory 2 Rep: 9,195
    holy blast knockback turned off in pvp, just holy symbol now

    Oh, thank goodness. That was always one of my biggest issues with PvP.
  • MapleStory 2 Rep: 1,710
    If you don't like the class, don't torture yourself trying to play it just because its popular or a good class. There are alot of people who want to play priest in this game so imo you should stick to your personal preference. I get the feeling that alot of priest bandwagoners are just that, and will quit the class at random points throughout the game.
  • One of you mentioned only one Priest is needed for raids which is 10-person to my understanding. Does that mean it’ll be hard to find a part for dungeons and bosses for priests? It would suck to join a guild and find that I’m unabke to join the raid because there is already a designated priest for that group.
  • One of you mentioned only one Priest is needed for raids which is 10-person to my understanding. Does that mean it’ll be hard to find a part for dungeons and bosses for priests? It would suck to join a guild and find that I’m unabke to join the raid because there is already a designated priest for that group.

    In CBT2 there was always someone in World chat looking for a priest for a raid. I don't think it will be an issue.
  • I’m perfectly fine with the priest! In my personal opinion if you are disappointed in a class you should probably not play it since you don’t enjoy playing it.
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