Comet Or Aery More Dmg

Runes Reforged is in full swing—it’s been an entire week since the new rune system went live, and players are figuring out exactly which ones are better than the rest.

And now let's analyze aery, 4-6s cd in early game, even shorter when you actually fight against meeles, it always deals dmg, it's not a skillshot, and it deals more than half of arcane comet. So in the lane, you can hit aery 4-5 times, while you can hit comet 0.7 times in the same amount of time.

  1. Every 10 minutes, gain 1 (+1 per 10 Minutes) stacks of Gathering Storm. Each stack grants an Adaptive bonus of 8 ability power or 4.6 attack damage.
  2. This page was last edited on 10 May 2019, at 19:46. Gamepedia's League of Legends Esports wiki covers tournaments, teams, players, and personalities in League of Legends.

Summon Aery fits the OP bill, and it’s had complete domination over the Sorcery rune path, and that’s exactly why it’s being nerfed in the next patch, according to the latest PBE update.

Aery the fairy is a little helper that flies at your enemies when you damage them, dealing bonus damage, or zips over to your allies when you shield them to strengthen their shields, making her a very versatile little bugger. Unfortunately, though, she’s so useful and reliable that mages are choosing her rune over the likes of Arcane Comet, even when Arcane Comet was specifically designed to work well with their kit.

Likewise, damage dealers like Jhin and Pantheon are even running Aery because it helps their lane harass so much, making Aery one of the most popular runes in the game. Rather than buffing up other runes around Aery to make them a little more attractive, Riot is nerfing the poor little fairy instead.

In the game right now, Aery’s damage to enemies begins at 20 per tick and scales up to 60 as you level up. After the nerf, it will start out at 15 damage and scale up to 40—significantly less damage than before at each level.

Aery’s power on enchanting supports like Janna and Lulu will remain, as her shield strength isn’t being lowered at all, but damage dealers will find her considerably less powerful, and they’ll therefore choose her less in their rune builds.

If this change makes it through PBE testing and into the live game, it will probably ship with next week’s patch.

With the new Dark Harvest, (even hotfixed version 40 base damage, 5 dmg per stack), a large majority of champions are taking this rune for one simple reason, it does damage. It brings out the blandness and unoriginal design of all other damage runes. If you can't do as much damage as Dark Harvest, you are useless as a damage rune. And that's where the other damage runes fail in design.

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Does Janna want to take Summon Aery to increase shield potential? No, she wants to focus on damaging lane opponents because enchanting is a way worse playstyle now. Why sacrifice DH damage and stacks when you can chunk laners below 50% HP with 2-3 W's at level 1. Does Brand want to have Summon Aery proc 2-3 times due to his burn passive? Again, there is little to gain when forfeiting the damage boost and potential damage stack that DH gives. Comet doesn't compare to the potential of DH damage in teamfights.

This brings out the core issues that champions don't care what a damage rune does and what utility it brings, they just want the rune that does the most damage. After DH gets nerfed, this same idea will apply. If DH remains the strongest in terms of damage, a large majority of players will still take it over other damage runes. If another rune outputs the most damage, it will become the most picked rune. Damage runes all compete with each other but there is no real competition when there is a clear cut 'strongest' rune amongst them.

That is why I think it'd be a more versatile Rune system if other damage runes were tweaked to allow more versatile playstyles other than 'I choose this rune because it does the most damage' among the damage runes. I think Predator is a damage rune that has been done right. It allows a certain playstyle among off meta champs like Hecarim. Of course Hecarim is meta now, (seeing less of him since Celerity nerf), but he was mostly meta because Predator allows his playstyle and ability kit to become better than average.

Comet Or Aery More Dmg Free

He could go DH or Electrocute but Predator fits extremely well with his kit and I believe that's one of the best reasons to use a rune. Because instead of just giving you more damage than other damage runes, it promotes a certain champion's playstyle. Other damage runes should aim to offer utility in some way to make them more viable for champion kits.

The statements above are the core arguments of this post. I personally would like to see changes to Summon Aery and Comet since anyone who takes either is mainly worried about one thing, which rune can I do more damage with? One suggestion is maybe nerf Aery damage but increase the shielding amount. This way Enchanter supports have a better reason to use Aery and play an Enchanter playstyle while still being able to harass. A change for Comet could be adding 10 range on your next spell cast and having the normal comet effect. Maybe someone like Veigar would not choose the rune with the most damage if he could extend his stun cage by 10-50 units and sacrifice damage to do so. What are your thoughts on this issue?

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© Post 'Dark Harvest is the sign that other damage runes should be more unique to promote a larger variety of playstyles.' for game League of Legends.

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