Xcode 5.0 1 Dmg

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Feb 15, 2012  Xcode includes everything developers need to create great applications for Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, and Apple Watch. Xcode provides developers a unified workflow for user interface design, coding, testing, and debugging. The Xcode IDE combined with the Swift programming language make developing apps easy and fun. Aug 11, 2018 Then simply click on the “+” button to expand the information about the release and to access the download, it will be labeled something like “Xcode 7.3.1.dmg” or “Xcode 10.xip” according to the version you are downloading.

  • Xcode 5.0 provides many new features along with support for development with iOS 7.0 SDK.

  • Xcode 5.0.1 adds support for development on OS X v10.9 and other feature additions.

  • Xcode 5.0.2 addresses reported developer issues.

  • Xcode 5.1 includes SDKs for OS X v10.8, OS X v10.9, and iOS v7.1 and other enhancements.

  • Xcode 5.1.1 is a maintenance release addressing reported bugs.

Xcode 5.0

Xcode 5 is the latest release of the Apple developer tools. Building on the design of Xcode 4, this release focuses on features and enhancements to improve your ability to adopt core platform features, design new interfaces, and deliver high-quality applications.

Xcode 5 adds support for developing with iOS 7.0 SDK. Xcode 5 requires a Mac running OS X v10.8.4.

User Experience Improvements

  • The Xcode 5 user experience has a cleaner UI with more working space for your content. The changes are many and subtle—for instance, the toolbar has been shortened and simplified to produce more space in the editors. The new look is simpler with fewer distracting details, and the highlighting of buttons and panels is clearer and easier to see at a glance. At the same time, your familiarity with Xcode 4 works for you—you can be familiar with the new Xcode 5 UI in just a few minutes of use. You’ll find all the familiar controls there for you, clearer to see and use, putting your content first and foremost.

  • Open Quickly has been revamped with a streamlined input panel that is easier to use. The changes under the hood include a much stronger matching algorithm that returns highly prioritized results faster, and the results are presented with more content.

  • The refined search navigator allows all current search options and settings to be seen at a glance. The options are easily manipulated by clicking directly on them in the search navigator. You can set search scopes, including selecting multiple folders in a project, and save them by name for easy re-use. The search results display wraps to allow you to see more results easily and quickly.

Automatic Configuration

  • The new Accounts preferences pane allows you to manage your Apple IDs, repositories, and continuous integration servers from one place in Xcode preferences. Add and view your Developer Program Apple IDs, add source code repositories to store the location and authentication information used when accessing Subversion and Git, and add continuous integration servers to take advantage of Xcode Services on OS X Server.

  • The streamlined Capabilities settings in the project editor allow you to easily configure platform features such as iCloud, Game Center, and more.

  • You choose the signing identity from the target editor.

  • Xcode 5 uses the Accounts preferences, the Capabilities settings, and the signing identity settings to automatically create provisioning profiles with proper settings for you. It can also identify and offer to fix issues in provisioning profiles as well.

    To learn more about the tasks and workflow required to develop and distribute OS X or iOS apps with Xcode 5, see App Distribution Guide.


  • Xcode 5 provides a new test navigator that offers an overview of all tests in the workspace. The new test navigator has the ability to easily add new test targets and test classes, as well as the ability to run individual tests or ad hoc collections of tests. It can also show the status of the last test run for each test.

  • New test categories in the assistant editor enable you to edit code and tests side by side. The source editor provides the status of the tests, and you can run individual tests from within the editor. The assistant editor’s “Test Callers” and “Test Classes” categories provide access to unit tests related to the current source code in the primary editor.

  • The new XCTest testing framework provides support for iOS and OS X projects. It is the default for new projects and works for iOS 7 and later, as well as all versions of OS X.

    Note: Xcode 5 offers the ability to migrate your tests from the OCUnit framework to the XCTest framework. Use the “Convert to XCTest” command located in the Refactor submenu of the Edit menu.

  • The xcodebuild command-line tool now supports the test action for both iOS and OS X tests, allowing a scheme’s test action to be performed from the command line or integrated into other scripts. Detailed information on using xcodebuild for running tests can be obtained using man from a Terminal window. Type: man xcodebuild

Continuous Integration

  • Xcode 5 supports using services offered by the Xcode service included with OS X Server. You create a bot in Xcode to build, analyze, test, and archive your project on an OS X Server shared by your development team.

  • Bots can be configured to launch an integration on every commit to your SVN or Git repository, or at defined intervals.

  • Continuous integration allows you to see immediately when anyone on the team breaks a build or starts failing tests.

  • You can view bot integration results in Xcode 5, drilling into build and test failures to find and fix the problem.

    Note: Xcode bots require Xcode services, a new feature of the OS X Server product, that provide:

    • Hosted bots that perform continuous integration for any Xcode project

    • Archives of past integration logs available to everyone on your team

    • Creation and hosting of Git repositories

    • A web interface for QA teams to access recent builds and archives

    • A web-based “scoreboard” to display an overview of recent bot results (useful, for example, on big-screen HDTV)

    For more information about continuous integration, see Xcode Server and Continuous Integration Guide.


  • Debug gauges have been added to the debug navigator to show real-time memory, CPU activity, energy use, iCloud, and OpenGL data with very low overhead. This improves the visibility of program data and provides key indicators for application performance debugging.

  • Debug gauges serve as a gateway to Instruments. Open Instruments templates direct from the debug gauge detail display to investigate a variety of memory, performance, and energy use situations.

  • The variables view and data tips display has been refined to show a summarized value for the variable, and presents the same hierarchical display as the variables view in the Xcode debugger area for looking at child values. The data tips support presenting variable info, and can print the Objective-C description of the object to the console.

    Clicking on the info button () next to a variable brings up a display showing the console output.

  • Dmg system shock d supplement. Clicking on the Quick Look button () next to a variable presents a graphical display of the variable’s contents, for known graphical types.

  • The debugger automatically creates a new debug session for any embedded XPC services in an application.

  • The debugger now provides control options to make NSView objects more visible when debugging. The options include turning on frame rectangles, alignment rectangles, flashing drawing done by NSView, and others.

    Note: NSView debugging options are only available for OS X 10.9 and later.

  • The Debug menu includes an iCloud submenu with two new commands designed to help facilitate iCloud development.

    • “Trigger Sync in Simulator” provides a convenient way to force an iCloud sync from an iOS app without having to switch to the simulator. See the iOS Simulator section for details on the Trigger iCloud Sync feature.

    • “Delete Container Contents” enables you to delete all documents and data in an app’s iCloud container.

      Note: Deleting contents from the app’s iCloud container will affect all of your iCloud enabled devices and cannot be undone.

OpenGL ES Support

  • Apps using the OpenGL ES 3.0 API can now be debugged with the OpenGL ES frame debugger.

    Note: Requires devices supporting OpenGL ES 3.0 or later, see iOS Device Compatibility Reference for details.

  • The OpenGL ES shader profiler enables you to profile OpenGL ES shaders on compatible iOS devices.

    When inspecting a captured OpenGL ES frame, set the debug navigator to “View Frame By Program” mode. In this mode, you see timings for all programs, their constituent shaders, and the draw calls using those shaders. Select a shader to see further detail on where time is spent within the shader.

    Note: Requires devices supporting OpenGL ES 3.0 or later, see iOS Device Compatibility Reference for details.

    Shader debugging requires an ES3 capable device but not an ES3 context. That is, you can use shader debugging with an ES2 app on OpenGL ES 3.0 compatible hardware.

  • The new auto variables view mode automatically shows the relevant OpenGL ES state and bound objects for the current OpenGL ES command.

  • Issues found in your OpenGL ES frame capture can now also be seen in the context of the frame. Issue badges appear in the debug navigator marking commands that triggered an issue. The auto variables view in the debug area lists the issues found at the current command.

  • New OpenGL ES error breakpoints add support for breaking in the debugger in response to OpenGL ES errors including multi-threading issues, shader compilation failures, and program link failures.

Interface Builder

  • Interface Builder in Xcode 5 includes support for the iOS 7 user experience and user interface objects.

  • The Auto Layout editor provides more flexibility when designing app interfaces. The enhanced workflow for designing interfaces with auto layout puts you in greater control of setting object relationships.

    See Xcode Help for more information on using new Interface Builder features.

  • The new Preview mode of the Assistant editor can show how the iOS 7 UI you are designing would look in portrait or landscape mode, or even how it would look when viewed on a device running iOS 6.

  • The asset catalog manages images and icons in multiple resolutions. An asset catalog is a new asset management file type and editor in Xcode 5. You use asset catalogs to store and manage images for different platforms, devices, and scale factors. The catalog presents the image variants required, and provides you with the ability to define slice and stretch points for images that are resized at runtime. For more information on using asset catalogs, see Xcode Help.

Source Control and Version Editor

  • The source control management workflow in Xcode 5 creates a project-centric experience by removing the Repositories organizer and moving these functions into the project window and the Source Control menu. The Source Control menu provides convenient access to many workflows including Check Out, Commit and Push changes, Update, Add, and History.

  • The Xcode 5 source control management features also include the ability to check out multiple working copies and handle branch management directly. You manage all repository location and authentication information in one place using Accounts preferences.

    For more information about using the new source control management workflow, see Xcode Help.

  • Subversion has been upgraded to version 1.7.9.

Note: The Subversion 1.7 upgrade includes a migration option. When opening an existing project in Xcode 5, you are asked if you would like to upgrade. If you are still working with an older version of Xcode, do not update the SVN version—once you do, you cannot go back. If you choose not to update to 1.7, you can do so later at any time using the History command in the Source Control menu.

The Subversion 1.7 upgrade affects only working copies of your source and not your SVN servers.


  • The new Auto Vectorizer supports automatic optimization of computational loops for both iOS and OS X apps. To enable this option, use the Vectorize Loops option in the target build settings.

  • Modules for system frameworks speed build time and provide an alternate means to import APIs from the SDK instead of using the C preprocessor. Modules provide many of the build-time improvements of precompiled headers with less maintenance or need for optimization. They are designed for easy adoption with little or no source changes. Beyond build-time improvements, modules provide a cleaner API model that enables many great features in the tools, such as Auto Linking.

    Note: All new projects created in Xcode 5 now build with modules enabled by default. For existing projects, you enable modules by using the project Build Settings panel. Search for “module” and set Enable Modules (C and Objective-C) to YES.

  • Auto Linking is enabled for frameworks imported by code modules. When a source file includes a header from a framework that supports modules, the compiler generates extra information in the object file to automatically link in that framework. The result is that, in most cases, you will not need to specify a separate list of the frameworks to link with your target when you use a framework API that supports modules.

  • The default C++ standard library for projects deploying to iOS 7 is now the LLVM libc++ library, which utilizes many of the benefits of C++11. Applications built using this library can deploy back to iOS 5 and OS X 10.7.

  • LLVM now supports the AVX2 vector instruction extensions available in new Macs. To enable these extensions, use the Xcode build setting Enable Additional Vector Extensions.

  • A new optimization level -Ofast, available in LLVM, enables aggressive optimizations. -Ofast relaxes some conservative restrictions, mostly for floating-point operations, that are safe for most code. It can yield significant high-performance wins from the compiler.

iOS Simulator

  • iOS Simulator now supports iCloud syncing of documents and KVS data within an app, enabling apps to sync between devices using iCloud. This feature is useful when testing to ensure that the app documents and data are syncing properly across multiple devices.

    Note: With the app running in the iOS Simulator, sign in to an Apple ID account using the Settings app. After signing in, use the “Trigger iCloud sync” command in the Debug menu to tell the simulator to sync with other devices.

  • Chinese Sina Weibo and Tencent Weibo character systems have been added to the iOS Simulator.

    Note: With your app running in the iOS Simulator, use the Settings app to add a Chinese keyboard. Then relaunch the Settings app to see the new settings for Sina and Tencent Weibo.

See Simulator User Guide for more information on using the new iOS Simulator features.


  • The Zombies instrument template has been enhanced in Xcode 5 and now supports use on devices. Using Zombies on devices requires iOS 7.

  • The Allocations instrument now includes virtual memory mappings.

  • Retain-release pairing in the Allocations instrument has been enhanced to help track down imbalanced retain counts.


  • The documentation experience for Xcode 5 has been redone. A separate window tailored to search and display provides fast access to documentation resources. The documentation window supports tabs so that you can have multiple documentation references simultaneously available.

  • A dedicated table of contents display area is incorporated into the documentation window, allowing you to easily see and browse topics in open documents.

  • The new documentation experience includes support for bookmarks and integrated, easy sharing via Mail, Messages, and other tools.

  • Project documentation from framework API reference documentation and structured comments in your own source code are displayed in the quick help panel and in code completion popover views. Doxygen and HeaderDoc structured comments are supported formats.

Sprite Kit Support

  • The Xcode 5 build system incorporates support for including Sprite Kit texture atlases as part of your project’s build cycle. A texture atlas provides you with a way to improve the performance of Sprite Kit–enabled apps by combining all of an app’s image assets into one or more large images. You can improve the performance of your app by drawing multiple images with a single draw call. More information about texture atlases in available in Xcode Help and SpriteKit Programming Guide.

  • Xcode 5 includes a new editor for Sprite Kit particle emitters. Particle emitters are a function of the Sprite Kit framework that allow you to specify a specific point in your display and create images that move and change over time. Using emitters, you can simulate rain, snow, spinning car wheels, fire, and many other effects in your game. More information on particle emitters can be found in the Particle Emitter Editor Guide, Sprite Kit Framework Reference, and the SpriteKit Programming Guide.

Deprecation and Removal Notice

Important: Xcode 5 does not support use of the LLVM-GCC compiler and the GDB debugger. Existing projects configured to use LLVM-GCC and GDB will be reconfigured to use the LLVM compiler and LLDB debugger when opened by Xcode 5. Please file a bug using bugreporter.apple.com for any issues that prevent you from moving to Xcode 5 for this reason.

Xcode 5.0.1

Xcode 5.0.1 adds support for development on OS X v10.9 and other feature additions.

  • Development with Xcode 5.0.1 is hosted on OS X 10.8.4 or later, and OS X 10.9.

  • SDKs for OS X 10.8 and OS X 10.9, and iOS 7.0.3 SDK, are included.

  • Xcode 5.0.1 supports continuous integration bots, hosted on OS X Server.

    Use the Add button (+) button to add OS X Servers in the Accounts preferences panel, then click the menu command Product > Create Bot.

  • Includes support for OS X Server hosted repositories.

  • iOS 6 (32-bit) and iOS 7 (32-bit and 64-bit) binaries build with a single build target.

Xcode 5.0 1 Dmg 2

Xcode 5.0.2

  • The Xcode 5.0.2 release is a maintenance release responding to reported developer issues and Apple qualification testing. See Xcode Release Notes — Archive for more detailed information.

Xcode 5.1

Xcode 5.1 requires a Mac running OS X 10.8.4 (or later), or OS X 10.9. It includes the following highlighted features:

  • SDKs for OS X v10.8, OS X v10.9, and iOS v7.1

  • Updates to the LLVM compiler

    Important: Xcode 5.1 no longer supports building OS X apps that use garbage collection; attempting to build such targets results in a build error. You should employ the Xcode migration tool to convert to ARC (Automatic Reference Counting) on all projects using garbage collection. For more information about transitioning to ARC, see Transitioning to ARC Release Notes.

  • Enhancements to Auto Layout constraints and editing tools in Interface Builder

    Interface Builder supports the creation of proportional and aspect ratio constraints. Enhancements to the Attributes inspector enable the creation of cross-attribute constraints as, for example, to align the leading edge of one object with the center horizontal position of another. See Adding Layout Constraints to Objects by Control-Dragging and Editing Auto Layout Constraints.

  • Variables Quick Look in the Xcode debugger supporting custom object types

    Developers can now provide Quick Look content for their classes. When an instance of a class is viewed with Quick Look using the variables view or a data tip, the debugger looks for a method named debugQuickLookObject in the class implementation. For more details, see Quick Look for Custom Types in the Xcode Debugger.

Xcode 5.1.1

  • The Xcode 5.1.1 release is a maintenance release addressing reported developer issues and Apple qualification testing.

For additional details on Xcode releases, see Xcode Release Notes — Archive.

Copyright © 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use Privacy Policy Updated: 2016-09-13

Xcode 11 includes everything you need to create amazing apps and to bring your apps to even more devices. Take advantage of SwiftUI, an all-new user interface framework with a declarative Swift syntax. Start bringing your iPad app to Mac with just a click. And with support for Swift packages, Xcode 11 lets you share code among all of your apps or use packages created by the community.

Xcode 5.0 1 Dmg


Better apps. Less code.

SwiftUI is an innovative, exceptionally simple way to build user interfaces across all Apple platforms with the power of Swift. Build user interfaces for any Apple device using just one set of tools and APIs. With a declarative Swift syntax that’s easy to read and natural to write, SwiftUI works seamlessly with new Xcode design tools to keep your code and design perfectly in sync. SwiftUI is truly native, so your apps directly access the proven technologies of each platform to beautifully implement everything users love about the Apple ecosystem.

Declarative syntax. Write simpler code with a declarative Swift syntax that clearly states what your user interface should do.

Design tools. Drag and drop to construct or edit your interface. Quickly make changes to visual UI elements with pop-up inspectors.

Native on all Apple platforms. Your apps gain incredible native performance and take advantage of the proven technologies, controls, and user experiences of Apple platforms to feel fully integrated.

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Live mode. See your design change instantly in one or many exact previews. Switch the design canvas to live mode to instantly interact with your running app in Xcode or on a connected device.

Bring your iPad App to Mac

Xcode makes it easy to get a huge head start on turning your existing iPad app into a native Mac app. Your Mac and iPad apps share the same project and source code, so any changes you make translates to both platforms. And your newly created Mac app runs natively, utilizing the same frameworks, resources, and even runtime environment as apps built just for Mac.

Swift and Swift Packages

Swift 5 is now built right into all Apple platforms and the binary interface for Swift is stable moving forward. Your apps will be smaller, download faster, and keep working as Swift continues to evolve.

Swift packages are integrated throughout all of Xcode 11, making it incredibly simple to use a package in your apps for Apple platforms. Just add a new package dependency to add an external package to your project., then clone the package from GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab, or your own code host. Xcode checks the package dependencies and displays all the packages you use directly in the navigator.

It’s also easy to create your own packages to use with projects based on your own code, or to share with the world. Source code you put in these packages will be built into any apps that depend on the package, with support for all Apple platforms. Code in the package is still easy to debug, test, and use with source code management.

Xcode 5.0 1 dmg free

Dark Mode for iPhone and iPad

Dark Mode has been beautifully integrated throughout iOS, and Xcode 11 gives you powerful tools to easily support dark mode in your apps. Quickly switch your designs and previews between light and dark in Interface Builder, and preview both modes in SwiftUI, even side-by-side. Asset catalogs let you label assets and named colors with variants for light and dark. And you can switch your app in and out of dark mode while debugging. This is all done using controls within Xcode that only apply to your app, with no need to change your system settings.

Xcode 5.0 1 Dmg Free

Your Editor, Your Layout

Whether you prefer a single editor or split your windows into a precisely-arranged mosaic, Xcode 11 gives you total control over your coding area and the ability to split any editor pane. Editors can also show SwiftUI previews, live views of playgrounds, and a myriad of assistants. If you need to focus on just one file, you can click-zoom to maximize the pane, and return to exactly where you were before. The new minimap sidebar shows a birds-eye view of the open file, including highlights that make it easy to jump to the right place.

Your code looks better than ever with documentation comments with bold and italics rendered inline with your code. You can even inspect the differences in your current source edits compared to past versions, with a comparison view that updates as you type.

In-depth Testing

The updated Devices window lets you simulate your users’ environment, for example when your app is running in extreme heat or on a slow network. Test plans in Xcode 11 make it easy to automate a huge number of test and analysis steps, all to be run in parallel. For instance, you can select several sanitizer tools with conflicting build settings, and Xcode will run all the tests for you and automatically build all the versions you need.

Screenshots are now easy to automate with an API that saves screenshots to your results bundle during UI testing. Combined with testing your localized UI, it’s easy to take every screenshot you need to submit to the App Store, or to show your localization team.

With even better support for Xcode Server and other continuous integration tools, you can constantly test your app in hundreds of user scenarios, easily and efficiently.

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