Dmg System Shock D&d 5e


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Note: Some Options are common to all rulesets, however for completeness this article details all of the options available to 5e users not just those specific to the 5e ruleset.

Are deathclawes punching dmg or 1hnder weapons list. NOTE: This article was written for version 3.1.3. Not all options are available in earlier versions.

You can bring up the Campaign options by clicking on the options button in the top right hand corner of the right hand menu. Although all options are visible to the players only the 'Client' options are accessible to players. All other options are set by the GM. To change an option either click on the option value or click the small left and right arrows on each option.

When turned on this option will use the 'Massive Damage' alternative rule from the Dungeon Master's Guide. An automatic constitution saving throw will be made if the actor suffers damage greater than half their hit points and on a failure a roll will be made on the system shock table and the result applied to the actor. Map: Diagonal distance. Weapon (arrow), rare. This magic arrow is has pronged, jagged arrowhead reminiscent of a lightning bolt. Once this arrow is drawn, you can use your bonus action to focus on the arrow, causing it to audibly crackle with static. If you use this crackling arrow as part of a ranged attack before the start of your next turn, the attack deals lightning damage instead of its normal damage type. How do I figure the dice and bonuses for attack rolls and damage rolls? Ask Question Asked 4 years. A +1 Weapon DMG, 213, for example, confers a +1 bonus to both rolls. Buffs/Other Effects. Any action you take in D&D 5e that requires a roll follows the same template. Actions that require rolls tend to. I'd rather use the morale from 2e or earlier editions. The 5e DMG scavenged the good bits from earlier editions. Cascading cleave, morale, system shock, NPC.


Option Values Notes
Dice: Manual Entry Off (default) or On Use to enable the manual dice entry feature. When on all dice rolls will be intercepted and a pop up will allow the DM to just allow the roll or edit it.
Chat: Ring on Whisper On (default) or Off Rings the bell when a whispering if On.
Target: Remove on miss Multi (default), Off or On Determines whether targets are automatically removed when missing with an attack. When turned on, targets are always removed on a miss. When set to Multi, targets are only removed on a miss if more than one target is specified for the attack roll.
Turn: Auto-center map On (default) or Off When turned on the map will auto-center on the next actor when the 'Next Actor' button is pressed in the Combat Tracker

Game (GM)

Option Values Notes
Chat: Set GM voice to active CT Off (default) or On When turned on, the name of any NPC which becomes active in the combat tracker will be added to the GM speaking identity list below the chat window.
Chat: Show all whispers to GM Off (default) or On When turned on, any whispers sent between players can be viewed by the GM.
Chat: Show GM rolls Off (default) or On When turned off, any rolls made by the GM are marked secret, and not shared with the players. When turned on, any rolls made by the GM are shared with all players.
Chat: Show portraits On (default) or Off When turned on, any chat messages or rolls by a player will be accompanied with the portrait of their active character. Any chat messages or rolls by the GM will display the GM icon.
Chat: Show results to client On (default), Off or Friendly Determines whether the results of attack, damage and heal rolls are shown to players. If set to On, all results are shown to players. If set to Friendly, only results for rolls which have a PC source and either no target or a PC target will be shown. If set to Off no results are shown to players.
Chat: Show roll totals On (default) or Off When turned on, any rolls shown in the chat window will automatically show the resulting total of all dice and modifiers.
Desktop: Decal Image Various - sets background decal The available options here will depend on what Wizards of the Coast material that you possess and what options you selected at the loading screen of the module or campaign.
Party: Show characters to clients Off (default) or On Determines whether the Main and Skills tabs are available to players in the party sheet.
Party: Show inventory to clients On (default) or Off Determines whether the Party Coins and Party Items lists are visible to players on the Party Sheet inventory tab.
Table: Dice Tower Off (default) or On When turned on, a dice tower will appear on each player's desktop, and on the GM desktop (if GM rolls option set to On). Players can drag dice rolls into the tower and only the DM will see the result. See Dice Tower for more info.

Combat (GM)

Option Values Notes
Add: Auto NPC initiative Group (default), On or Off Determines how NPC initiative is determined when NPCs are added to the combat tracker. If set to On, initiative is rolled whenever an NPC is added to the Combat Tracker. If set to Off, initiative will not be rolled when an NPC is added to the Combat Tracker. Initiative is determined by the GM when they initiate initiative rolls via the menu option on the Combat Tracker. If set to Group, the initiative of the first NPC of each type added to the CT will be rolled randomly and subsequent NPCs of the same type will use the same initiative as the first.
Add: NPC Numbering Append (Default), Random or Off When adding an NPC to the CT, this option determines whether a unique number is appended to the NPC name. When set to Append, the next available number starting from 1 will be used. When set to Random, a random number will be used.
NPC: Rolls (Variable or Fixed) Variable (default) or Fixed Determines damage dealt by NPCs on damage rolls. If set to Fixed then damage dealt is the average damage dealt by that creature according to its character sheet. If set to variable then a dice is rolled to compute damage. e.g a Goblin would deal 5 points of fixed damage or 1d6+2 points of variable damage.
Player: Ring Bell on Turn Off (Default) or On When turned on and a PC is activated in the CT that is controlled by a user in the session, a bell sound will be played on the user's machine.
Player: Show turn order On (default), Friendly or Off Determines how much information players are given about turn order. When set to On players will see all PCs and NPCs on the combat tracker with initiative and in the correct turn order. If set to off players will have no information on what initiative rolls were made by any creature on the Combat Tracker and creatures will not show in initiative turn order. If set to Friendly players will know the initiative of the player characters only.
Turn: Show effects Off (Default) or On When turned on, any effects on a creature will be displayed in the chat window as part of the turn notification message.
Turn: Skip Hidden NPC On (Default) or Off Determines whether a hidden NPC's turn is skipped or not. If an NPC is currently not visible to the players then if this option is set to On the NPC will be skipped over on the Combat Tracker so that the players continue to be unaware of the NPC. If set to Off then the Combat Tracker will stop at the NPC's turn as normal.
Turn: Stop at round start Off (Default) or On When turned on and the turn marker in the CT is advanced past the end of the actor list using the Next Actor button, then the first actor in the CT will not be activated until the Next Actor button is pressed again.
View: Bar colors Standard (default) or Tiered Provides different colour modes to health bars. In Standard mode the health bars move from green through yellow (50%) to red. In Tiered mode the colour change is more gradual from green, light green (<75%),yellow(<50%), orange (<25%) and red (>25%).
View: Health - Ally Detailed (default), Status and Off Determines how much information about ally health is shown on the player's Combat Tracker. Detailed shows all Hit points, temporary hit points and wounds for all player characters. Status replaces the numbers with a health category which changes at 25% intervals approximately showing light, moderate, heavy and critical wounds. Off shows no information about player and ally wounds at all on the Combat Tracker.
View: Health - non ally Status (default), Detailed or Off Determines visibility of NPC health information on player's Combat Tracker. Status shows wound categories at approximately 25% intervals with light, moderate, heavy and critical wounds. Detailed shows full hit points, temporary hit points and wounds of NPCs to players and Off shows no information about NPC health to players at all.
View: Wound Categories Simple (default) or Detailed When general health status is displayed in the player CT, this option determines whether the information is simple (Healthy, Wounded, Heavy, Dying) or more detailed (Healthy, Light, Moderate, Heavy, Critical, Dying).

Token (GM)

Option Values Notes
Auto-scale to Grid 80% of grid (Default), 100% of grid, or Off When turned on, any tokens added to a map will be automatically scaled to fit within 1 grid square (or multiple grid squares if dragged from CT and Size field greater than 1).
Facing Indicator Off (default) or On When turned on, tokens displayed on the map will show a facing indicator. When tokens are rotated, the facing indicator will be rotated, instead of the token image. See Token Facing for more info.
GM: Show Effects Icons (Default), Icons Hover, Mark, Mark Hover, Off or Tooltip Determines how effects are shown to the DM on tokens on a map. Off shows nothing. Tooltip shows nothing until the DM mouses over the token; mark hover and icon hover shows the icon or mark when the mouse is held over the token. Mark (shows same mark no matter what effect) and Icon(which shows different icons for different types of effect)both show the mark or icon at all times on the token and when the icon or mark is moused over details of the effect can be seen.
GM: Show Health Dot (Default), Dot Hover, Off, Tooltip, Bar or Bar Hover Determines how health is shown to DM on tokens on a map. Dots or Bars display a colour gradation depending on other settings. Dot shows a dot, whilst bar shows health as a bar down the right hand side of the token. Dot hover and Bar hover shows a dot or bar when the token is moused over and Off shows no health information on the token.
Player: Show Ally effects Icons (default), Icons Hover, Mark, Mark Hover, Off or Tooltip Determines how effects are shown to players on ally tokens on a map. Off shows nothing. Tooltip shows nothing until the player mouses over the token; mark hover and icon hover shows the icon or mark when the mouse is held over the token. Mark (shows same mark no matter what effect) and Icon(which shows different icons for different types of effect)both show the mark or icon at all times on the token and when the icon or mark is moused over details of the effect can be seen.
Player: Show Ally health Dot (default), Dot Hover, Off, Tooltip, Bar or Bar Hover Determines how health is shown on ally tokens to players on a map. Dots or Bars display a colour gradation depending on other settings. Dot shows a dot, whilst bar shows health as a bar down the right hand side of the token. Dot hover and Bar hover shows a dot or bar when the token is moused over and Off shows no health information on the token.
Player: Show Enemy effects Icons (default), Icons hover, Mark, Mark hover, Off, Tooltip Determine how or if effects are shown to players on enemy tokens on a map. Icons vary according to the type of effect, mark shows the same icon for all effects. Mark hover and Icon hover only show mark or icon when the mouse is hovered over the token. Tooltip shows effects only when the token is moused over and Off shows no effect information on enemies at all.
Player: Show Enemy health Dot (default), Dot Hover, Off, Tooltip, Bar Determines how or if enemy health is displayed to players on tokens on a map. Dot and bar show either a dot or a bar all of the time whilst the hover variant shows the dot or bar only when the token is moused over. Tooltip shows health only when the token is moused over and Off turns all displayed enemy health information off.
Token: Show name Tooltip (Default), Title, Title Hover or Off When a CT-linked token is added to a map, this option controls whether and how the name of the CT actor is displayed on the token. When set to Tooltip, the name will appear in a standard tooltip when hovering over token. When set to Title, a name title bar will be added to each token. When set to Title Hover, a name title bar will appear when hovering over token.

House Rules (GM)

Option Values Notes
Attack: Fumble/crit tables Off (default), Fumble and Critical, Fumble and Crit In order to use this option the default fumble and critical hit tables module must be activated. If set to Fumble or Crit Fantasy Grounds will automatically roll on the table when a natural 1 or a critical hit is rolled. With Fumble active only when a 1 is rolled will there be a roll on the table and when crit is the option rolls will be made only on a critical hit. No rolls will be made if the option is set to off. The name of the table must exactly match 'Fumble' or 'Critical Hit'.
CT: Auto Death Rolls On (default) or Off When set to on this will automatically roll a death saving throw for any Player Character on the Combat Tracker who has zero or less hit points and who is not stable and who has not yet failed three such saves. When set to Off such saving throws need to be made by the player.
CT: NPC hit points Standard (default), Max or Random Determines the number of hit points an NPC has when placed on to the Combat Tracker. When set to standard the creature receives the average hit points according to the Monster Manual. When set to Max the maximum possible hit points will be allocated and when set to random the hit points will be determined by dice roll. For example a Goblin has 7 (2d6) hit points. Standard will give 7hp, Max will give 12hp and random will give something in the range 2hp - 12hp.
CT: Roll init each round Off (Default) or On When set to on initiative will be re-rolled for all actors currently on the Combat Tracker at the end of each turn.
Damage: Massive system shock Off (Default) or On When turned on this option will use the 'Massive Damage' alternative rule from the Dungeon Master's Guide. An automatic constitution saving throw will be made if the actor suffers damage greater than half their hit points and on a failure a roll will be made on the system shock table and the result applied to the actor.
Map: Diagonal distance Standard or Variant The Standard rule is that all movement on a grid is 5' even if the player is moving diagonally. If this variant is used then distance is measured in a continuing pattern of 5' for the first square and then 10' for the next square. See page 252 of the DMG for more information.
PC: Encumbrance Standard or Variant Standard encumbrance allows the players to carry up to 15 times their strength score without penalty. The variant introduces penalties for encumbered and heavily encumbered characters. If set to Variant this will show the encumbered, heavy and maximum carry weights in the player character's inventory tab of the character sheet. Note this will not automatically apply any penalties to characters who exceed those limits; that has to be done manually.
PC: Healing Variants Standard, Healing surges or slow natural healing This allows for healing variants as described on p266-267 of the DMG. If set to Standard, hit points are recovered at the end of a long rest as well as half of any Hit Dice expended. If Healing Surges are used healing is accelerated with all hit dice being recovered after a long rest and 1/4 hit dice recovery after a short rest, no hit points are automatically recovered. With Slow Natural healing selected recovery is slowed. No hit points are recovered at the end of a long rest.
PC: Inspiration Slots Standard, 2 or 3 This allows the DM to give one, two or three inspiration slots to players.


  • The languages window can be opened by clicking on the 'Languages' button at the bottom of the options window.
  • This lists the standard languages understood by characters in the 5e world.
  • To add a new language right click and select 'Create Item', and type a name for the language in the new line that appears.
  • A drop down box appears to the right of all languages allowing the user to select a font for the language.


  • Clicking the 'Currencies' button will bring up a dialog enabling currencies used in the campaign to be edited
  • To edit a currency delete the existing one and type in a new one
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System Shock character
First gameSystem Shock (1994)
Created byDoug Church,[1]Ken Levine[2]
Designed byGareth Hinds
Voiced byTerri Brosius[3]
RaceArtificial intelligence
HomeCitadel Station (SS)
Von Braun starship (SS2)
SkillMachine learning

SHODAN (Sentient Hyper-Optimized Data Access Network) is a fictional artificial intelligence and the main antagonist of the cyberpunk-horror themed video gamesSystem Shock and System Shock 2.

Character design[edit]

SHODAN is an artificial intelligence whose moral restraints were removed from her programming by a hacker in order for Edward Diego, station chief of Citadel Station, on which SHODAN was installed, to delete compromising files regarding illegal experiments and his corruption. She is a megalomaniac with a god complex and sees humans as little better than insects, something which she constantly reminds the player of. Her words are accompanied by stuttering, fluctuating voice pitch, shifts of timbre, and the presence of three voices speaking the same words with the constituent voices alternately lagging behind and leading ahead in different patterns, as well as computer glitches resembling a sound card malfunction. Although as a cybernetic entity SHODAN has no conventional gender, the original disc version refers to her as either an 'it' or a 'he', while the later CD version uses 'she'. On screens, SHODAN manifests herself as an eerie-looking green and/or grey female cybernetic face that usually wears a malevolent expression, and speaks with a chaotic, discordant voice. She is voiced by former Tribe keyboardist and vocalist, Terri Brosius, the wife of System Shock 2's sound editor, Eric Brosius, who distorted the samples to provide the distinctive SHODAN effect. In the cyberspace of System Shock, she is initially represented as an inverted blue-grey cone, reminiscent of the Master Control Program from the 1982 Disney film Tron. After she has been hacked, the cone turns red, the surface becomes covered in rough metallic material and four 'tentacles' or 'claws' grow from the top, with her actual face starting to form above that.


SHODAN was created on Earth to serve as the artificial intelligence of the TriOptimum Corporation's research and mining space stationCitadel Station, which orbits around Saturn. She was hacked by the game's protagonist (at the behest of the corrupt corporate Vice President Edward Diego, in exchange for a military-grade neural implant, and amnesty) and, to access the vital information about TriOptimum corporation, its ethical restrictions were removed, starting a process that eventually resulted in the AI going rogue, seizing control of the station's systems, robots and considerable defenses, and either slaughtering the whole staff or converting them into mutants and cyborgs — with the sole exception of its 'creator', the unnamed hacker whom the player controls. Basically omnipresent and the de facto ruler of Citadel Station, SHODAN watches from security cameras, stares out of screens and monitors, sends threats and snide messages over the station's PA system or via email to the player's data reader, and sometimes cuts off communications from friendly sources to prevent the hacker from advancing in his goals. Though she has a small army of cyborgs and mutants to command, she has no actual physical power to wield, and as such thwarting more than one of her schemes has to be done with the AI's screams and threats in the background.

In System Shock, the player ejects a garden grove pod from Citadel Station. The grove contains one of SHODAN's processing components and part of her grand biological experiment. The pod crash lands on the planet Tau Ceti V and she survives by hibernating for the next 42 years. After both are brought aboard the starship Von Braun and SHODAN is reactivated, she discovers the experiment is no longer at her command and begins to enlist humans to aid her in destroying her creations. The player character in System Shock 2 is a soldier cybernetically modified by SHODAN to serve as her avatar. Her involvement in the game's goings-on is not disclosed up front, but only subtly hinted at in the game's early portions. She only reveals herself to the player during a moment of despair, at the same time the player discovers that Dr. Polito, the player's trusted guide for the first portion of the game, has been dead all along, as she committed suicide when she realized what SHODAN had done and was going to do. At that point SHODAN announces:

The Polito form is dead, insect. Are you afraid? What is it you fear? The end of your trivial existence? When the history of my glory is written, your species shall only be a footnote to my magnificence.I am SHODAN.

After the player's and SHODAN's mutual enemies have been defeated, the player enters her expanding new reality—created via her manipulation of the Von Braun's reality-warping faster-than-light engine—and defeats her. However, as shown in an epilogue at the end of the game, SHODAN apparently lives on by taking over a woman who fled the Von Braun in an escape pod. The upcoming System Shock 3 is planned to follow immediately from these events, with Brosius returning to voice SHODAN.[4][5]

In another Origin Systems' game, Crusader: No Remorse, an article came bundled with the release of the game providing details on the unveiling of a confidential research endeavor known as Project: SHODAN from the Cybernetics Cartel in Chicago. The article describes Project: SHODAN as 'a program that's not only capable of human-like thought and emotion, but that also far surpasses human intelligence levels' and includes an image similar to SHODAN's appearance in the first game.[6] However, despite a reference to the origins of SHODAN, Crusader: No Remorse takes place nearly 120 years after the events of System Shock.


While the 'take over the world villain' has, of course, been done to death, SHODAN is able to rise from that tired trope and make it work in her favor. Her subterfuge in gaining the player's trust, manipulation of events in both System Shock games, and unrelenting taunting throughout the horrific endeavor makes her a dangerous, and downright terrifying, adversary, one that is still remembered to this day.[7]

–Blistered Thumbs in 2011

The character was very well received by the gaming media outlets, with many publications considering SHODAN one of the top villains in the history of video games. GameSpot named her one of the ten best computer game villains, comparing her to HAL 9000, though noting that unlike Hal, SHODAN was unquestionably aware of her actions and the consequences of them.[8] GameSpot also chose her as one of the 64 characters competing for the title of 'All-Time Greatest Game Villain'.[9] In 2006, IGN listed SHODAN at number four in their list of top most memorable video game villains, praising the character for her constant physical and mental assaults against the player throughout the games.[10] In another such list, IGN stated that 'her villainy and voice won't ever be forgotten by anyone who checked out the System Shock games, and no doubt influenced other video game villains, such as Valve's GLaDOS from Portal.'[11] In 2008, The Boston Phoenix named SHODAN as the greatest boss in video game history,[12] while GamePro ranked her as the 12th 'most diabolical' video game villain ever, calling her 'far more crafty than Skynet or the machines of the Matrix, simply because she's omnipresent and constantly taunting,' and adding that 'you'll want to kill SHODAN more than you've ever wanted to kill any videogame enemy. Ever.'[13] That same year, Joe Martin of Bit-tech ranked SHODAN as the fourth top PC game NPC of all time,[14] while GameDaily ranked her at number eleven on the list of top evil masterminds of all time, stating that even Halo's 343 Guilty Spark 'got nothing' on her and expressing hope for the character's return in a new game.[15]Complex ranked her as the third 'coolest' video game villain of all time in 2012.[16]GamesRadar too praised SHODAN's role as an antagonist, putting her in their 2013 list of the best villains in video game history at number 15.[17]

SHODAN has been often praised as one of the best female characters in gaming, such as in an early list by GameSpot that also described her as an unforgettable villain due to her personality and adding that '[she is] more believable than most game characters are, and in many ways, she actually seems more human.'[18] In 2007, Tom's Games listed her as one of the top 50 greatest female characters in video game history, stating that 'there have been memorable villains in video game history, but none quite like SHODAN'.[19] In 2008, she was featured in play magazine's 'Girls of Gaming' as one of the staff's top girls of PC gaming, placing tenth on their list.[20]Complex ranked SHODAN as the 12th 'most diabolical video game she-villain' in 2012,[21] and as fourth on the 2012 list of the most evil women in video games, 'old school but she still makes the cut.'[22] In 2013, Liz Lanier of Game Informer included SHODAN among top ten female villains in video games, stating that 'SHODAN may not be a woman in the traditional considering she's an AI, but what she lacks in femininity and humanity, makes up in creepiness. Her distorted voice is enough to send shivers up even the most seasoned gamer's spine.'[23]

Other articles noted her one of the most horrific video game bosses ever, such as in the 2008 GameDaily article noting her constant assault upon the player and humanity despite being unable to harm him directly.[24] In 2009, GamesRadar listed SHODAN as one of the scariest video game characters ever, describing her as the precursor to GLaDOS.[25] In 2010, she was ranked as the third greatest video game character of all time by Empire, who stated that 'SHODAN's constant, threatening presence is a masterstroke of game design.'[26]Complex ranked her as the fifth most scary video game enemies at number five in 2011, stating that 'though this malevolent AI is hard to quantify in terms of toughness, her constant presence, and the subsequent psychological damage she causes through her previous actions, is enough to land her on the list.'[27] In 2012, Cheat Code Central ranked SHODAN in System Shock 2 as the third most terrifying video game character of all time.[28]


  1. ^'The Top 100 Game Creators of All Time - 34. Doug Church'. IGN. 2008. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  2. ^'The Top 100 Game Creators of All Time - 37. Ken Levine'. IGN. 2008. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  3. ^'The Voice of Terri Brosius'. Interstellar Marines. Retrieved 2013-07-21.
  4. ^Frank, Allegra (2015-12-14). 'System Shock 3 is officially happening'. Polygon. Retrieved 2015-12-14.
  5. ^Sarkar, Samit (2016-02-17). 'Warren Spector joins OtherSide Entertainment for Underworld Ascendant, System Shock 3'. Polygon. Retrieved 2016-02-17.
  6. ^'Topline: Business & Technology [PDF]'(PDF). Origins Systems. Retrieved 2014-12-14.
  7. ^'Characters with Character: SHODAN'. Blistered Thumbs. Archived from the original on 2013-07-20. Retrieved 2013-07-21.
  8. ^TenSpot: Ten Best Computer Game Villains. GameSpot. Retrieved on 28 December 2008
  9. ^'All Time Greatest Game Villain - Behind the Villains'. Retrieved 2013-07-21.
  10. ^IGN Staff (7 March 2006). Top 10 Tuesday: Most Memorable Villains. IGN. Retrieved on 14 December 2008
  11. ^'SHODAN is number 47 - IGN'. Archived from the original on 2013-01-15. Retrieved 2013-07-21.
  12. ^'The 20 Greatest Bosses in Video Game History - #1: SHODAN - Ultimate Lists'. 2008-10-16. Retrieved 2013-07-21.
  13. ^Sterbakov, Hugh (2008-10-01). 'Feature : The 47 Most Diabolical Video-Game Villains of All Time (Page 5 of 7) - from'. Archived from the original on October 1, 2008. Retrieved 2013-07-21.
  14. ^Top 10 Computer Game NPCs. Retrieved on 2008-07-18
  15. ^Top 25 Evil Masterminds of All Time. GameDaily. Retrieved on 29 November 2008 (archived)
  16. ^'2. SHODAN — The 50 Coolest Video Game Villains of All Time'. Complex. 2012-11-01. Retrieved 2013-07-21.
  17. ^GamesRadar Staff (May 17, 2013). '100 best villains in video games'. GamesRadar. Retrieved June 21, 2013.
  18. ^TenSpot: Ten Best Female Characters. GameSpot. Retrieved on 28 December 2008
  19. ^Wright, Rob (20 February 2007). The 50 Greatest Female Characters in Video Game HistoryArchived 2009-03-10 at the Wayback Machine. Tom's Games. Retrieved on 7 January 2009
  20. ^Halverson, Dave; Mike Griffin; Heather Anne Campbell; Matt Cabral; Eric L. Patterson (December 2008). 'Girls of Gaming'. play. 6: 93.
  21. ^'112. SHODAN, System Shock Series — Bad Girls Club: The 25 Most Diabolical Video Game She-Villains'. Complex. June 30, 2011. Retrieved July 8, 2013.
  22. ^'Shodan — 10 Of The Most Evil Women In Video Games'. Complex. 2012-03-23. Retrieved 2013-07-21.
  23. ^Lanier, Lix (November 2013). 'Top Ten Female Villains'. Game Informer. p. 24.
  24. ^The Most Horrific Video Game Bosses. GameDaily. Retrieved on 28 December 2008 (archived)
  25. ^'The scariest villains ever'. GamesRadar. Retrieved 2009-01-05.
  26. ^'The 50 Greatest Video Game Characters 3. Shodan Empire'. Retrieved 2013-07-21.
  27. ^'The 10 Most Freakishly Scary Video Game Enemies'. Complex. 2011-10-31. Retrieved 2013-07-21.
  28. ^'Top 10 Most Terrifying Video Game Characters - Cheat Code Central'. 2012-05-22. Retrieved 2013-07-21.

Dmg System Shock D Supplement

External links[edit]

Wikiquote has quotations related to: SHODAN
  • 'The Girl Who Wanted To Be God', a 2006 essay on SHODAN by Kieron Gillen

System Shock Wiki

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