Dmg Wealth By Level Rule

“For boss NPCs, just give the NPC a PC’s wealth. That increases the boss NPC’s CR by +1, so a zero HD creature with class levels and PC wealth is a CR equal to his class level. We do this pretty much for EVERY major boss of an adventure path.” -James Jacobs. The PHB only gives starting wealth for Level 1 PCs. Based on my experience in other games, specifically Pathfinder, I would expect to get more at higher levels. Page 38 of the DMG provides a table for starting wealth and equipment at various levels. Share improve this answer. The rule of thumb there is to avoid removing the need to. Apr 05, 2016 The DMG has a rough recommendation for starting gold and equipment for higher levels, but with my groups running one-shots, we wanted to nail it down to level by level. Here's my DMG-inspired table. Generally I allow equipment to be traded in during character creation for half book value, where applicable.

  1. Dmg Wealth By Level Rule Calculator
  2. Wealth By Level Pathfinder

According to Table: Character Advancement and Level-Dependent Bonuses, a character gains an ability score increase at level 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20. How much is this increase? What ability scores does it affect? At 4th level, a character can increase one ability score by +1. This is a typeless, nonmagical bonus that cannot be changed once selected.

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  • 1
    • 1.3Class Features
    • 1.5Chemical Cards


Card Clasher[edit]

A rouge tabaxi holds a deck of 52 playing cards when a bar fight between barbarians and his party members begins. The tabaxi smirks then throw twenty playing cards a the feet of the barbarian leader. The leader becomes enraged then charges the Tabaxi until the card flies towards the barbarian leader and kills him. The Tabaxi walks past the corpse a shows the remaining barbarians his ace as they flee from the bar..

Creating a Card Clasher[edit]

Have you ever felt like building an illusionary wall by using some of your cards? Or have you wanted to block guard's charging spear by just throwing up an ace or two? then this is your class!

Quick Build

You can make a Card Clasher quickly by following these suggestions. First, Dexterity should be your highest ability score, followed by Charisma. Second, choose the Entertainer background.

Class Features

As a Card clasher you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Convert mac os x dmg to bootable iso file. Hit Dice: 1d6 per Card clasher level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 1d6 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + Constitution modifier per Card clasher level after 1st


Armor: none
Weapons: simple weapons
Tools: poisoners kit, herbalism kit
Saving Throws: dexterity, charisma
Skills: Choose 3 from the following; Persuasion, Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, and Stealth.


Dmg Wealth By Level Rule Calculator

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

Dmg wealth by level rules
  • Deck of playing cards
  • (a) Poisoners kit or (b) Herbalism kit
  • (a) Entertainers pack or (b) Dragon chess set
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 5d6*10 gold in funds.

Table: The Card clasher

FeaturesCard dmg dieFate Dice—Spell Slots per Spell Level—
2nd+2Chemical Cards2d4-2
3rd+2Crazier cards2d4-3
4th+2Ability Score Improvement3d4-3
6th+3<!-Class Feature3->3d4142
8th+3Ability Score Improvement4d4143
9th+4<!-Class Feature3->4d42432
10th+4<!-Class Feature3->4d42432
12th+4Ability Score Improvement3d62433
14th+5<!-Class Feature3->3d644331
16th+5Ability Score Improvement, <!-Class Feature3->4d644332
17th+6<!-Class Feature3->4d6543331
19th+6Ability Score Improvement4d6543332
20th+6<!-Class Feature3->4d6543332

Dealers Deck[edit]

At first level: You have learned that you could use cards for more than just show they could be deadly in the wrong hand probably yours. You can attune yourself to a deck of 52 cards the cards are treated as versatile weapons and deal damage equal to the card dmg column of the leveling table. You can use the cards as a ranged weapon (30 60) dealing half dmg on a successful attack. You can only attune yourself 1 deck of cards at a time. A binded deck is considered magically for the purpose of getting over resistances.<!-Class feature game rule information->

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Unarmored defense[edit]

At first level: After practicing the art of gambling and swiftness you've learned that being nimble is just as important as being charismatic. Your AC is equal to 8 + DEX + CHA.

Chemical Cards[edit]

At second level: You can add a different dmg type to your attuned deck of cards Dealing an extra d4 of the associated dmg type. The types chosen can be these on the list

Dmg types

Radiant, Necrotic, Fire, Cold, Acid

Crazier card dealing[edit]

You can choose a subclass from Magic trick the gambler or the build the subclass features come at levels 3rd 5th 7th 13th 17th

How to use dmg in virtualbox. Contents.License violations According to the macOS and OS X software license agreement, macOS should only be installed on Apple Mac devices.

Ability Score Increase[edit]

When you reach the 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

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<!-Class Option 1->[edit]

<!-For subclasses introduce this class option here->

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<!-Class Option 2->[edit]

<!-Introduce this subclass here->

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Spell List[edit]

You know all of the spells on the basic spell list and additional spells based on your subclass.

1st Level

<!-1st level spell list->

2nd Level

<!-2nd level spell list->

3rd Level

<!-3rd level spell list->

4th Level

<!-4th level spell list->

5th Level

<!-5th level spell list->


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the <!-class name-> class, you must meet these prerequisites:

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the <!-class name-> class, you gain the following proficiencies:

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  • 1Morale and Stress
    • 1.2Reducing Stress

Morale and Stress[edit]

These rules were created with solo play in mind (one PC with one or more henchmen) to give a structure to some game elements that would normally be handled through roleplaying in group play.

Your character has a new attribute, Stress. Its initial value is 0. When certain gain events occur, it decreases or increases.

This in turn effects the morale of your henchmen and hirelings. This can be used with the optional Loyalty rules in the DMG (p. 93): NPCs have individual loyalty scores, but morale effects the whole group.

Stressful Events[edit]

The following events increase your Stress by 1d4, to a maximum of 20.

  • Conflict. You perform an action that goes against your Ideal.
  • Threat. Something threatens your Bond.
  • Fear. You encounter one of your phobias.
  • Loss. An NPC party member is killed or captured by enemies.
  • Injury. You are reduced to 0 hit points
  • Hunger. You go without eating for a number of days equal to your Constitution modifier.
  • Failure. An expedition to a dungeon ends with less than three resolved encounters. Generally this means a successful combat encounters, a bypassed traps, recovered caches of treasure or other encounters that further the quest.
  • Curse. Gaining a curse.
  • Madness. You are forced to roll on one of the Madness tables.
  • Poverty. Changing to a cheaper lifestyle (PHB p. 157).

Reducing Stress[edit]

Presented below are a variety of ways to decrease Stress. The minimum Stress is 0. If your Stress was 5 or greater and you reduce it to 0, you gain Inspiration.

If your character has a personality trait or flaw that ties in with a stress reducing activity, adjust the Stress adjustment by +1 or -1. For example, if your character is prone to drinking or gambling, carousing decreases Stress by 1d4+1; while if they are shy or monastic, carousing decreases Stress by 1d4-1. A result of less than 0 increases Stress instead!

Expedition Events[edit]

Each of the following expedition events decreases Stress by 1d4, to a mininmum of 0.

  • Success. Completing a quest. If you are adventuring with no fixed quest, this can be any 'successful' expedition with six or more resolved encounters; or returning from an expedition with two or more hoards of treasure.
  • Rescue. Rescuing a captured NPC party member.
  • Experience. You gain a level.

Downtime Activities[edit]

Pursuing a downtime activity (PHB. 187) can reduce stress.

Some activities refer to your 'value threshold'. This is a gold piece value that depends on your level: 500 gp at 1st to 4th level; 5,000 gp at 5th to 10th level; 50,000 gp at 11th to 16th level; or 500,000 gp at 17th to 20th level.

  • Crafting. Your Stress is reduced by 1d4 when you finish crafting an item with a market value at least that of your value threshold.
  • Practicing a Profession. Your Stress is reduced by 1 for every 10 days spend practicing a profession.
  • Recuperating. As one of the recuperation options, you can choose to reduce your Stress by 1d4.
  • Researching. Your Stress is reduced by 1 if you learn a new piece of information, and it took at least one day per character level to procure.
  • Training. Your Stress is reduced by 1d4 when you complete your training.
  • Building a Stronghold. Your Stress is reduced by 1d4 when you complete a building with a construction cost at least that of your value threshold.
  • Carousing. Your Stress is reduced by 1d4 when you finish carousing over a number of days equal to your character level (even if you were arrested or robbed!).
  • Crafting a Magic Item. Your Stress is reduced by 1d4 if you finish crafting a magic item with a creation cost at least that of your value threshold.
  • Gaining Renown. Your Stress is reduced by 1d4 if your renown increases.
  • Performing Sacred Rites. If you spent at least 10 days performing sacred rites, your Stress decreases by 1.
  • Running a Business. Your Stress is reduced by 1 if your business makes a profit (a roll of 61 or higher on the Running a Business table).
  • Selling a Magic Item. Your Stress is reduced by 1 if you sell a magic item with a base price worth at least that of your value threshold.
  • Sowing Rumors. Your Stress is reduced by 1 if you successfully sow a rumor.
  • Training to Gain Levels. No reduction other than the normal 1d4 for gaining a level.

Other Activities[edit]

Stress can also be reduced in the following ways:

  • Wealth. Changing to a wealthier lifestyle decreases your Stress by 1d4. This takes a number of days equal to the gp-per-day cost of the new lifestyle.
  • Shopping Therapy. Buying a luxury item such as an expensive bottle of wine, piece or art or exotic pet; or a luxury service such as a visit to a theatre or a 'special hireling'. The item or service must be a new experience and worth at least your value threshold. This reduces your Stress by 1d4.
  • Resolving Conflict. This is a catch-all category for when you end a story-based conflict not directly associated with a quest. The situation must be described fully, and you must be your own judge as to the the impact of the resolution. You may have defeated a villain that has been a thorn in your side; patched things up after a messy relationship; beaten an addiction; acquired a prized item or let go of your feelings after the loss of one; made amends with your deity after going against their ideals, etc.

Risky Endeavours[edit]

Some pursuits have a variable effect on Stress.

Addiction. If your flaw is an addiction or obsession, pursuing it can provide short-term gains with long term consequences. The addiction has a level, starting at 0. It takes a number of days equal to 1 + the flaw's level to pursue the addiction, after which your Stress is reduced by 2d4 - the flaw's level, to a minimum of 0. If the Stress reduction is 0, the only way you to reduce Stress again is by pursuing the addiction again (until the Stress reduction is 1 or higher).

This can lead to a situation where nothing can reduce your Stress. This can be relieved by resolving the addiction or obsession. This will require investing time, money or other resources, or a dramatic shift in your relationships with NPCs. Finally, the flaw is replaced with a new one.


The Effects of Stress[edit]

Stress effects different people in different ways. When you first reach 5 Stress points, roll 1d8 on the following table to see what effects you while you are at 5 Stress or more. There is a more severe effect if you are at 10 Stress or more. If you reach 20 Stress, you have a career-ending nervous breakdown.

d8Stress TypeEffect (5 or more Stress)Effect (10 or more Stress)
1Broken WillYou have disadvantage on the first Wisdom save made each expedition.You have disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws.
2PalpitationsWhen you recover 1 less hit point when rolling hit dice.You have disadvantage on Constitution saving throws
3ShakingYour have a -2 penalty to initiative checksYou have disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws
4DistractedWhen you make a skill check, you add half your proficiency bonus (instead of your normal bonus)When you make a skill check, you do not add your proficiency bonus.
5AbusiveWhen you start an expedition, choose one NPC. That NPC's Loyalty is reduced by 1d4.You must pass a DC 15 Charisma check in order to gain any new NPC party members until the end of the next expedition.
6CarelessWhen you return from an expedition, you lose 10-percent of the coins and gems you found.Instead, you loose 25-percent of the coins and gems you found.
7InsomniaWhen you finish a long rest, you regain one-third of your hit dice (instead of half).Instead, you regain one-quarter of your hit dice.
8InattentiveYour passive Perception is 5.You have disadvantage on Perception checks.


Wealth By Level Pathfinder

When you, as expedition leader, shows signs of stress it effects the behaviour of the NPC party members. Unless an NPC has a Loyalty of 10 or more, they are less willing to take risks if you have a Stress of 5 or more.

Risks might include:

  • Engaging in a hard combat encounter
  • Engaging in any combat encounter if they have 50-percent or less of their hit points remaining
  • Interacting with a trick or trap

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