Cri Dmg Vs Atk Summoners War

Decrease ATK Decreases damage of attack scaling attacks by 50%. Essential first skill weakening effect for Raid Battle. Useful effect against other PvE content. Mao, Aqcus, Varus, Seren. Lets a farm Hydeni Ruins (Hell) by Tazsea 99%AUTO 9 Lushen Rage Blade ATK% CRI DMG% ATK% ATK 2100 CRIRATE 50 B10 arbupsz B10 Giants (all. Giant B10 by arbupsz 100%AUTO 8 Veromos Energy Energy Focus SPD HP% ACC% HP 18356 ATK 1173 DEF 1175 SPD 168 CRIRATE 19 CRIDMG 73 RES 24 ACC 100.

  1. Cri Dmg Vs Atk Summoners Wars

Cri Dmg Vs Atk Summoners Wars

Inugami is a natural 3 stars monster (★★★) in Summoners War

[tab name=”Fire”]Type: Attack
Awakened bonus: Strengthen Skill [Scratch] (Adds 30% chance to attack consecutively)
Awaken name: Raoq
Obtainable from: Unknown Scroll, Mystical Scroll, Mystical Summon, Social Summon, Faimon Volcano

Easy to get in early game. One of the best 3 stars monsters for beginners.
Secret Dungeons are very easy for Raoq, he can clear the first stages by itself.

Very dependent on luck.
Lacks damage in late game. Commonly is substituted by other monsters.

Rune Recommendations for Fire Inugami

Fatal/Blade(Spd/Crit R%/Atk%) – Substats with Atk%, Crit R% and Crit D%
Violent/Revenge(Atk%/Crit R%/Atk%) – Substats with Atk%, Crit R% and Crit D%
Swift/Blade(Spd/Atk%/Atk%) – Substats with Atk%, Speed and Acc%

Worth evolve to:
6 stars

[easyreview title=”Beathem Rating/Score” cat1title=”Dungeon” cat1detail=”false” cat1rating=”4″ cat2title=”Arena Offense” cat2detail=”false” cat2rating=”4″ cat3title=”Arena Defense” cat3detail=”false” cat3rating=”3″ summary=”Excelent”]


[tab name=”Water”]Type: Defense
Awakened bonus: New Skill [Counterattack]
Awaken name: Icaru
Obtainable from: Unknown Scroll, Mystical Scroll, Mystical Summon, Social Summon, Garen Forest

Dmg Soul of Vengeance Starting at 15th level, the authority with which you speak your Vow of Enmity gives you greater power over your foe. When a creature under the effect of your Vow of Enmity makes an attack, you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack.

It can be obtained very easily in the first stages of the game.
3rd skill allows counter attack. Perfect for Faimon Volcano.

Low attack.
Its set of skills would work better if it’s an attack monster.

Rune Recommendations for Water Inugami

Fatal/Blade(Spd/Crit R%/Atk%) – Substats with Atk%, Speed and Acc%
Swift/Focus(Spd/Atk%/Acc%) – Substats with Atk%, and Speed
Violent/Revenge(Atk%/Crit R%/Atk%) – Substats with Atk%, Crit R% and Crit D%

Worth evolve to:
4 stars (if you get it in early game), 6 stars if you want Icaru for Faimon

[easyreview title=”Beathem Rating/Score” cat1title=”Dungeon” cat1detail=”false” cat1rating=”3″ cat2title=”Arena Offense” cat2detail=”false” cat2rating=”3″ cat3title=”Arena Defense” cat3detail=”false” cat3rating=”3″ summary=”Fair”]


[tab name=”Wind”]Type: Defense
Awakened bonus: New Skill [Smother]
Awaken name: Ramahan
Obtainable from: Unknown Scroll, Mystical Scroll, Mystical Summon, Social Summon, Telain Forest

Leader skill grants 23% speed to wind monsters
2nd skill removes beneficial effects with 3 turns of cooldown when maximized.

Low attack base
3rd skill situational

Rune Recommendations for Wind Inugami

Swift/Focus(Spd/Atk%/Acc%) – Substats with Atk% and Speed
Violence/Revenge(Atk%/Crit R%/Atk%) – Substats with Atk%, Crit R% and Crit D%
Swift/Energy(Spd/Hp%/Hp%) – Substats with Hp%, Speed and Acc%

Worth evolve to:
4 stars

[easyreview title=”Beathem Rating/Score” cat1title=”Dungeon” cat1detail=”false” cat1rating=”2.5″ cat2title=”Arena Offense” cat2detail=”false” cat2rating=”2.5″ cat3title=”Arena Defense” cat3detail=”false” cat3rating=”3″ summary=”Good”]


[tab name=”Light”]Type: Defense
Awakened bonus: Strengthen Skill [Scratch]
Awaken name: Belladeon
Obtainable from: Scroll of Light and Darkness, Secret Dungeon

Probably the most versatile monster in the game (Giants, Dragon’s Lair, ToA, AO, AD).
Defense debuff, remove beneficial effects, heal.

Chat spam on Sundays.

Rune Recommendations for Light Inugami

Swift/Focus(Spd/Hp%/Acc%) – Early game, substats with Spd, Hp% and Acc% (no more than 85%)
Violent/Focus(Spd/Hp%/Hp%) – Late game, substats with Hp% and Speed. Def% helps as well. Acc% is mandatory.
Violent/Revenge(Spd/Hp%/Hp%) – Slot 6 can be substituted with Def% as well. Substats with Hp%, Spd and Acc as much as possible.
Violent/Nemesis(Spd/Hp%/Hp%) – Slot 6 can be substituted with Def% as well.

Cri Dmg Vs Atk Summoners War

Worth evolve to:
6 stars (highly recommended)

[easyreview title=”Beathem Rating/Score” cat1title=”Dungeon” cat1detail=”false” cat1rating=”5″ cat2title=”Arena Offense” cat2detail=”false” cat2rating=”5″ cat3title=”Arena Defense” cat3detail=”false” cat3rating=”4.5″ summary=”Awesome”]


[tab name=”Dark”]Type: Attack
Awakened bonus: Strengthen Skill Scratch
Awaken name: Kro
Obtainable from: Scroll of Light & Darkness Secret Dungeon

Defense debuff.
3rd skill can be devastating if the opponent has harmful effects.

No AoE skills.
Average damage.

Rune Recommendations for Dark Inugami

Swift/Focus(Spd/Atk%/Acc%) – Substats with Speed and Atk% and Acc% (no more than 85%)
Fatal/Blade(Atk%/Crit D%/Atk%) – Substats with Atk%, and Crit R%
Violent/Revenge(Atk%/Crit R%/Atk%) – Late game. Substats with Atk%, Crit R% and Crit D%

Cri dmg vs atk summoners war 2

Worth evolve to:
6 stars

[easyreview title=”Beathem Rating/Score” cat1title=”Dungeon” cat1detail=”false” cat1rating=”3.5″ cat2title=”Arena Offense” cat2detail=”false” cat2rating=”4″ cat3title=”Arena Defense” cat3detail=”false” cat3rating=”3″ summary=”Excellent”]



Static Atributes

Speed: 107
CRI Rate: 15%
CRI Damage: 50%
Eff RES: 15%
Eff ACC: 0%

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