Anima Of Life For Aoe Dmg Tanking

Imperial DK would be my guess

But what spells for AoE? the Templar have puncturing strikes>Biting Jabs. What AoE spells does DK have? maybe im missing somethingTanking

Jan 02, 2012  Welcome to the Forum Archive! Years of conversation fill a ton of digital pages, and we've kept all of it accessible to browse or copy over. Whether you're looking for reveal articles for older champions, or the first time that Rammus rolled into an 'OK'. Dmg extractor 1.1 1.1 download full. Therefore a Tank will need lots of CC abilities, AOE skills and enough damage to keep them attacking him. This means that a Tank might need two sets of gear. 1 for dmg and 1 for boss tanking. The question for me is how much damage will a tank be able to do while he is still able to tank every Boss? Oct 07, 2012  If you are looking for a champion that can put out solid aoe dps the entire fight and also has strong map presence, then Karthus is an extremely solid pick. His ability to charge into a fight causing aoe damage, his primary nuke being an aoe, and his passive allowing him 7.

Talons isn't exactly an AoE, but it does damage and roots enemies within 8m, as well as applying a DoT or reducing the damage done by those enemies depending on the morph. It's not as good as Biting Jabs for an AoE DPS build, but I'd consider the crowd control of the root to make it more valuable for an AoE tank build.
The Volatile Armour morph of Spiked Armour also does AoE damage on activation, while providing you with a buff to help your survivability.
The Standard of Might morph of Dragonknight Standard is basically designed for an AoE tank, because it does a lot of damage in an AoE, it reduces enemy healing, allies can activate a root & damage synergy, and it reduces the damage done by enemies within it, while increasing the damage you do to them.

Anima Of Life For Aoe Dmg Tanking 3

Anima Of Life For Aoe Dmg Tanking 1

Take those 2 skills & 1 ultimate, use a destro staff for Impulse, and Inner Fire from the Undaunted skill line for your taunt (or use Puncture from the Sword & Shield skill line, swapping to that weapon set when you want to taunt, and back to destro staff for when you want to use Impulse), along with Dragon Blood (whichever morph you prefer) for a self-heal, and you've got a pretty darn good AoE tank. Anima of life for aoe dmg tanking 2

Anima Of Life For Aoe Dmg Tanking 2

I've been trying to put together a DK tank that optimizes on AOE tanking. I idea is to hold and control and DPS AOE well enough in PVE and be able to switch to a second bar for single target. A FULL stamina build so all points into Stamina, your heavy armor makes up the difference with 5 piece heavy and 2 piece light..So for the first bar .
Sword n Board.
1 - Burning Breath
2 - Choking talons
3 - Ash Cloud with morph into either
4 - Shielded Assault (to charge in, stun and get the damage shield)
5 - Vigor to heal ( or if you are not high enough in PVP, Green Dragon's Blood)
U - Ferocious Leap (for the damage shield) - Possible Corrosive Shield instead
2H bar
1 - Executioner
2 - Wrecking blow
3 - Unstable Flame
4 - Stampede
5 - Rally
U - Flawless Dawnbreaker OR Werewolf for the stam regen and to finish off single targets fast
Idea here is to charge into Combat (or leap if it's up) with Shielded Assault,. hit choking talons to hold mobs/players in place,. then Ash cloud, burning breath to start dots and CC . Vigor or Green Dragons blood to heal . then on bosses or single targets you use Stampede for CC and gap closer, unstable flame to get a dot going, then beat them down with wrecking blows, rally to heal and executioner when they are low health,. with DAwnbreaker to or WW for the ultimate..
Appreciate any thoughts anyone has on this. thanks!!
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