Best Aoe Dmg Issue25 Coh

Galio r no longer does dmg recution. The Japanese are a very agile civilization, and is able to perform a number of unique strategies. Look below for each specific one. Think that your strategy belongs here?

863 postsMember
Thinking about the trouble I've been having with strong DPS characters hiding behind RG, I was wondering if an AOE squad might be viable - I know it will be a disaster against certain squads but let's consider the current norm of RG, QGJ and Leia/RG +2 others.
Which characters have the best AOEs?
Which are the best characters overall who have decent AOEs?
Anyone using an AOE squad successfully (at high gear levels and arena ranks)?
Any tips for AOE squad comps?
Best aoe dmg issue 25 coh 5

Best Aoe Dmg Issue 25 Coh 4


Best Aoe Dmg Issue 25 Cohen

  • 13411 postsMember
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • 3236 postsMember
    Meanwhile, down on the farm..
  • 3103 postsMember
  • 2733 postsMember
    Lando rocks..also
    Hk/88/86/je/gg is aoe dream team..focus fire to eliminate the weakest link first use grevious's health down and then unleash aoe's..this has been incredibly effective against the meta squads..rg/sthan are rendered useless..
  • 1488 postsModerator
  • 380 postsMember

    Yes, Lando. But above someone said phasma.. Gotta disagree with that one, no offense.
  • 982 postsMember
    HK's is also decent since it has a chance to apply so many debuffs with the omega, and it almost always crits.
  • 1037 postsMember
    Lando for sure!
    Just keep in mind that there's a bug, when AI plays it never triggers AeO if the opponent team has taunt up.
  • 380 postsMember
    Veers in the attackers challenge!
    But sadly not Veers in my squad
  • 226 postsMember
  • 408 postsMember
    Speaking of IG88
    What gear level before his AOE is worthwhile?
    I have him at G7 and it's not very impressive.
    Will G8 be ok? Or does he need to be G10-11?
  • 1802 postsMember
    88 really shines with Vader. You need to get debuffs on
  • 1826 postsMember
    Lando, 88, Darth Maul, Snowtrooper, GG( by damage anyway)
  • 380 postsMember
    88 really shines with Vader. You need to get debuffs on

    Please explain why 88 is a good fit with Vader. I understand AA and Vader, but 88?
  • 1802 postsMember
    Because 88 does more damage with more debuffs on.
  • 1802 postsMember
    here is the AOE team I use in galactic war: Phasma or AA lead, 88, Vader, Lando, and st han or rg
  • 863 postsMember
    So I have a few I can work with but seems I'm definitely going to need to get Lando starred and levelled/geared.
    Without the omegas would you say phasma or ig88 lead?
    Squad would look something like:
    Phasma/ig88 (L)
    Could maybe put Vader in but probably not until I get him to 6 stars.
  • 380 postsMember
    Yes, understood. For some reason I thought you were referring to Vader being buffed by 88
  • 35 postsMember
  • 218 postsMember
    Lando, phasma( can still trigger assist attack with aoe ), Vader, 88, and yoda( not really a lot of damage but steal all buff especially after a lumi heal, and then use battle meditation and give it to them). That's my top picks right now.
  • 915 postsMember

    Yes, Lando. But above someone said phasma.. Gotta disagree with that one, no offense.
    She gives everyone a gauranteed critical (which is nice for other AoE's) while giving a bunch of TM, her AoE has a high chance to apply slow and she has good potency. Plus her basic has a chance to apply defense down. I agree her AoE isn't huge on its own, but she synergizes with other AoE toons really well. Perhaps that's what the other person meant.
  • 375 postsMember
  • 1802 postsMember
    IG88 lead, Vader, Lando, Phasma, Poe

    Blech. Poe is resisted too easily. I would think st han or rg for the tanks
  • 686 postsMember
    Lando for sure!
    Just keep in mind that there's a bug, when AI plays it never triggers AeO if the opponent team has taunt up.

    Btw, fought a couple of b2s in gw yesterday..they ae'd when rg had taunt up. First ae toon I have seen do it.
  • 3485 postsModerator
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.**My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
  • 376 postsMember
    June 22, 2016 7:24PMedited June 2016
    Um Rancor.
    Yeah, when are we going to get Rancor as a collectable/playable character?
    If EA really wanted to make some money, they should provide access to a team of boss creatures:
    Rancor, Wampa, Sarlac, the Geonosian execution creatures, and that thing in episode7 Han kept locked up on his ship.
  • 31 postsMember
    I like using the Underworld Police. He's rad for inflicting offense down as well with his attack and it makes a world of a difference.
  • 16 postsMember
    Wedge is a little disappointing overall.. but his AOE attack is Solid!
  • 341 postsMember
    Wedge is a little disappointing overall.. but his AOE attack is DISAPPOINTING!

    You mean disappointing, so I fixed it for you.
  • 334 postsMember
    why is wedge's aoe disappointing?
    it is only a little less than lando's and hits 50% more if used early when toons have protection or above 50% health. Granted you can not re-use right away like Landos but it still hits hard the first turn.
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