Wild Attack Dmg Legacy Worth For Aoe Spec Champ Lotro

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Wild Attack Dmg Legacy Worth For Aoe Spec Champ Lotro

All In gives you 15 seconds plus any time added by trait points of +50% attack speed, +50% Melee Damage, and +20% Evade chance. So what’s the big gamble? If you don’t kill anything within the time allotted, you will get a debuff of the same amount when it wears off, so -50% Attack Speed, -50% Melee Damage, -20% Evade chance.

Wild Attack Dmg Legacy Worth For Aoe Spec Champ Lotro 17

Annie - Annie is a burst mage with a built in stun mechanic and is intended to teach you the basics of playing a burst mage. Her q is a last hitting mechanism and her w is an AOE nuke and I'm sure you know about Tibbers. You wont see many pros pulling her out but that doesnt mean she isnt a viable choice in all but the very highest levels of play.
Ryze - Ryze has a pretty lackluster early game but once he gets tear plus Rod of Ages he can build as tanky as he wants and not gimp his damage in the least. On top of this he is one of the most faceroll champions in the game and pretty much wins most 1v1s once he's up and running.
Twisted Fate - Much harder to get the hang of but alot more rewarding IMO. TF brings a ton of utility to the table with his pick a card and can easily wave clear with wild cards and/or red card. On top of that his R not only reveals all champions he can also teleport about 1/3 of the map while its active allowing him to make some incredible ganks without having to stray too far out of his lane to get there.
Morganna - I'm not the biggest fan of Morg any longer but she possesses good push with tainted soil, a high damage root (skill shot) and is practically ungankable with her black shield up. That doesnt even touch her teamfight changing ult (get a Zhonya's, flash in, hit R, activate Zhonya's, watch everyone run away from you).
Karthus - I cant play Karthus to save my life. That said he scales about the hardest of any mage into the late game and has huge damage output if positioned correctly. Add to that his R passively putting pressure on the entire enemy team to keep their health above a certain amount whenever its up and he's a monster without even having to be anywhere near you.
Anivia - She's slow as molasses and has a god awful auto attack. Despite this she does gobs of damage if you can land her q->q(explosion)->e combo or even r->e combo. Once she hits 6 so long as she has blue or a chalice with some mana regen backup she pretty much decides where she wants the lane to be as her r is perfectly capable of clearing entire waves all by itself and is on a short cooldown. She also possesses a wall ability that once mastered is a tactical nighmare for opponents (before you master it the thing can be a tactical nightmare for your own team so use with care).
LeBlanc - Not much to say here. Her farming ability stinks and she falls off super hard late game but her early game is utterly devistating to opponents who cannot zone her or push her. She can 100 to 0 just about anyone in the game from level 4 onwards (until late game anyway) so long as they are about the same level and the same amount of farm.
Lux - Highy skillshot reliant. If you can hit them she's a terror if you cant she's worthless.
That's about it for everyone that's 3150 or lower and ranged save Veigar who you seem to already know about.
Edit: Forgot Fiddlesticks but I really dont play Fiddle at all and cant make too many comments on him.

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