Why Is My Paladin Bh Dmg So Low


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A Ret paladin on my raid team consistently has low DPS for his ilvl (talking around 20-percentile on most fights at 897). I used to play Ret pally and tried looking at his logs but I'm not familiar enough with the class to pinpoint exactly what he's doing wrong. I've noticed his cast #s are very low for the length of the fight, so that may have something to do with it. Here's logs for Normal Krosus and Heroic Spellblade (we do heroic on Krosus as well but it's the same there too).
I can't post links yet, but the report string is:
I appreciate any input. We could really use his high ilvl to push progression if he could fix his DPS.

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Why Is My Paladin Bh Dmg So Low 2017

Jan 02, 2008  With + skills I got lvl 5 Zeal with 5 hits. My Zeal now does 400 to 600 with the weapon I have. If I switch to a two hand axe, it does like 1000 dmg. I'm following the maximum dmg Hammerdin guide to get highest Hammer dmg at low levels. So I put a 2. Jun 03, 2011  I mean, my main focus is fast leveling, so I just want the XP benefits of the items mainly but I also want to be able tank some dungeons and maybe do some PvP along the way. Also, I already have a Repurposed Lava Dredger, could a Paladin make good use of that weapon for the above mentioned things or would I need to get a new weapon?

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Why Is My Paladin Bh Dmg So Low Lyrics

  1. Aug 29, 2012  Hey Playgrounders, I'm going to be blunt: I have been struggling to design a Striker Paladin for an upcoming campaign, and I can't come up with a build I like. The basic Ardent Vow Paladin has been the starting point for my builds, but I've always run into a few problems: 1) Inability to find solid burst damage encounter powers.
  2. Feb 21, 2017  Hello, A Ret paladin on my raid team consistently has low DPS for his ilvl (talking around 20-percentile on most fights at 897). I used to play Ret pally and tried looking at his logs but I'm not familiar enough with the class to pinpoint exactly what he's doing wrong. I've noticed his cast #s are very low for the length of the fight, so that may have something to do with it. Here's logs for.
  3. Paladin / New Ret a bit lost why DPS is low. I am stuck as to what i could be doing so wrong to be that much lower. If it were only fine tuning I dont think i.
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