Warframe Beam Weapons More Dmg Firing Longer

Recommend me some of the best warframeS and weaponS in the game. Prime and non-prime variants, weaponS in all 3 slots. Emphasis on the plural warframeS and weaponS. Whenever I google this subject and I see someone asking for the best warframE or weapoN I see thread after thread with elitist ♥♥♥♥♥ spamming 'der iz no beast wep an warfram' with no recommendations in sight. Thank you in. Before the beam weapon nerf known as status/sec and damage/sec (damage/sec involves compressing all numbers into a single number that shows once a second instead of hundreds of satisfying numbers appearing on your screen like you are melting an enemies head with something that should feel like a beam weapon that pukes constant numbers) Status/sec as a whole makes the entire class of beam.

If you’re a Warframe veteran, you probably remember a time when Beam Weapons were king and were probably a little bit upset when the devs decided to change the whole system. Digital Extremes has just brought back the Beam Weapons of old with the latest update – Hotfix 22.13.3.

“Beam Weapon behavior was originally changed to help with performance but as we've made optimizations to the game over time, we can return them to their original status of hitscan weapons with pinpoint accuracy and zero recoil. Or at least we think we can.

Perfect accuracy and high fire rate is balanced by limited range and damage ramping up from 10% to 100% over 0.8 seconds when firing and decays back to 10% over 1 second after stopping. To help with ammo economy, Beam Weapons consume 0.5 ammo per trace - unless they are Flamethrowers.”

The studio says that the changes will immediately be noticeable and is keen on getting constructive feedback from the community to further improve the system. The hotfix also includes non-Beam Weapon changes including a now silent Cernos Prime alt fire, increased rate of fire for Zenith’s alt fire, and a ton of other tweaks and fixes.

You’ll find the full patch notes on the official forums. Don’t forget to check out the latest Warframe dev stream right after the break.

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Warframe Beam Weapons More Dmg Firing Longer Time


Warframe Beam Weapons More Dmg Firing Longer Free


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