Talon Magi Dmg Or Ad

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  1. Talon Magi Dmg Or Adventure
  2. Talon Magic Dmg Or Ad Online

Jun 25, 2014  Flat runes only benefit the ratio of the ability (and your AA's for AD). Two abilities deal 1000 magic damage. If one deals 1000 (+ 100% Ap) magic damage, then your flat AP runes are really efficient. If the other one deals 1000 (+50% AP) magic dmg, then your flat. Oct 07, 2012  With Talon being focused as one of the only actual AD champs on a team comp playing bottom lane it forces the enemy team to focus more on MR building than AD. Or if they try to build AD they leave themselves open to being thrown down easy by the rest of the team that stands as AP magic damage dealers. Oct 01, 2011  How to deal 'tons of dmg' as a Talon? Comment below rating threshold, click here to show it. Now its up to you if you want to sell youmuus to get either banshees if they are heavy magic dmg team guardian if lot ad dmg and ie if you have alot of kills and want to countinue raping +0. Comment below rating threshold.

Um mal ein paas Missverständnise auszuräumen: Trinity ist ein SEHR gutes Item auf Talon..
Wer allerdings Glaskanone lieber mag kann das natürlich weglassen. Falls man jedoch n Tick smarter spielen will ist Trinity unschlagbar gut bei Talon.
Ums mal aus einem bekannten Guide zu quoten:
'The best item for single target damage on Talon adding a fantastic amount to his Q. His Q is quite spammable so it does not go to waste and he use all but one stat. The only real issue with it is it costs a whole lot and doesn't have all that much flat AD. It's still better then infinity edge.'
Frosthammer aka Frozen Mallet bringt leider nur auf dem Papier etwas. Man ist halt kein Auto-Attack-Champion. Man spielt eigentlich immer am Rand des kampfes wegen der Cooldowns.
Eine ranked Itemreihenfolge sähe eigentlich so aus:
1. Boots + 3 Tränke
2. vs AD: Wriggles
vs AP: max 2 Dorans Blade
3. Brutalizer
4. Blutdürster
5. Ionisches Stiefel / Mercurys
6. Trinity Force
7. Last Whisper (gegen Tanks/Offtanks)
8. Banshees Vail / Schleider der Todesfee
9. Yormus Geisterklinge
4-9 wäre dann der Endbuild. Nein kein Infinity Edge..man kommt einfach nicht zu dem Gold bzw. verliert andere wichtige Stats.
Falls dazu noch Fragen sein sollten: immer her damit!
Der Slow

Yeah yeah I know, at first look it sounds like something trollful. I know. But earlier I was forced to play bottom lane as Talon, even though I had called mid and it was clear I was going to be our mid as Talon. Our teammate had chosen Diana and stubbornly insisted on being mid. So I had to improvise and go to bottom lane.
Anyway. It was me bottom lane as Talon with a Janna vs Graves & Taric.
Surprisingly from the get-go we were doing fine. And as every second kept ticking by we were doing more fine and more fine. I started building speed and damage on Talon ASAP. To accommodate late game as his burst obviously falls off at one point.
To my dismay we were winning the lane easy. But because of this, and Talon and Janna's hard push capability we over extended pretty hard. Had Taric and Graves pretty much being jabbed at under their own tower with nothing to do in return. Which I found funny. But we were still zoning them out too.
Eventually the enemy jungler Rengar began to focus bottom lane. Killing us off. However, regardless of how much that jungler kept sticking to our lane we still had the up on Graves & Taric.
Mid game all outter towers down on both sides, I was surprisingly destroying the enemy team in team fights and being a major clean up with my E+R combo and W on escapee's. I was nearly causing quadra kills even though I was focusing on being an ADC with mixed Auto Attack Speed + Attack Damage.
Mid-Late game I was able to cause us nearly every team fight victory and had the enemy team scared whenever they saw me lurking behind my teammates before a team fight would ensue. I was throwing down towers like nothing thanks to the speed + damage from Q.
Needless to say we won that match over easy. Even when we started off being ganked a lot.
Do any of you think Talon has the potential to be a type of ADC?

  • -He has a ranged slow cone skill shot that does insane damage in itself and beautiful harass. Which helps with protecting allies in escape or hunting down the escapees. And it clears minion waves quickly.
  • -His Q amplifies his next auto attack.
  • -He can silence and cripple an AP carry in a team fight. Or even any enemy that could change the game up in that split moment.
  • -His ult does a ton of damage regardless of focusing on AS or AD. And allows him an escape. It has a low low cooldown and can easily be used to farm with quickly too and fend base as well.
Late game he can backdoor like a boss. In many ways far better than Jax can with his Q. And he can even be much more efficient than Jax as a lane pusher. As Jax can only really take down 1 minion at a time in waves and Talon can destroy all minions in a wave with 1 skill shot.
Also, with Talon being the ADC, that leaves room open for a mid AP carry to also worry about. Rather than matches where mid Talon takes over the role of any mid carry. And in many cases you still have your AP bruiser/tank top and AP bruiser/tank jungler. With your ADC bot and support.
With Talon being focused as one of the only actual AD champs on a team comp playing bottom lane it forces the enemy team to focus more on MR building than AD. Or if they try to build AD they leave themselves open to being thrown down easy by the rest of the team that stands as AP magic damage dealers.
Not to mention all Talon needs to do to build defense against an ADC at bottom lane is build a Frozen Heart which fits him beautifully in Armor defense, CDR and mana for more harass and lane sustain.

Talon Magi Dmg Or Adventure

What do you guys think of this?Talon Magi Dmg Or Ad

Talon Magic Dmg Or Ad Online

Keeping in mind, most ADC's do stand as clean up in the back lines and poke in team fights. Preparing to pick off stragglers and not actually being in the heart center of a fight. And focus mainly on farms. Which Talon can do incredibly well.
Talon's way of ADC'ing has him harass with his W to the entire enemy team doing damage and at the right moment can come in and clean up the entire enemy team all at once. Not to mention his W has a low CD. Especially even lower with CD items like Frozen Heart.
Where as you have champs like Ezreal who have to poke at each and every champ from a far distance, has a dodge skill that doesn't have long range and he typically builds very squishy even with a GA and can't at all risk being around. While Talon can escape, has just as much range and can do much more damage. And definitely clean up far better. Even with an oracle's countering Talon the right team comp can ensure his survival. And entering the team fight at th eright time after everything has been cast off with enemies helps ensure he can't be harmed. Especially with a flash out and a potential Quicksilver Sash if the enemy team has too much CC.
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