Sto Is All Radiation Exotic Dmg

  1. Mar 13, 2017  Star Trek Online - T6 Vesta Exotic Damage Cannon Hybrid Build (213k CCA). T6 Vesta Exotic Damage Cannon Hybrid Build (213k CCA). The video gives an.
  2. Dec 10, 2016  Note: This skill was replaced by Exotic Particle Generator. Starship Particle Generators is a Tier 3 Science skill available to all Starfleet and KDF Commanders. Each increment of this skill costs 2,000 skillpoints.
  3. I wish STO did ground combat like ToR, and that ToR did space combat like STO. I have to point this out, but The old Republic uses the same tired old tab targeting system that STO does, hit tab tap 1 to win, that's all there is to either game's ground combat.
  4. Mar 17, 2018  Star Trek Online is the first massively multiplayer online role-playing game within the Star Trek franchise. Star Trek Online is set in the years 2409/2410, thirty years after the events of Star.

Feb 14, 2017  (, 04:36 PM) eaglescoutdjb Wrote: It is a good set for a torp boat but with the exception of the 3 piece bonus boosting the Delphic torp's high yield it doesn't directly boost torps. Yi home for mac dmg. The console and 2 piece bonus boost all weapons not just torps. If the 3 piece bonus boosted all high yield Quantum torps I would have included it like I did with the New Romulus Command Advanced.

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  • I played with it...didn't seem to be that good. The colour was spectacular though, so I'm keeping that
  • Reputation weapons that aren't Romulan Plasma tend to be dubious weapon choices if you're looking for performance. Withering Disruptors seem to continue that tradition. I have yet to even hear of anyone blurt out how nice they are in the various channels I subscribe to.
  • The tooltip doesn't seem to tell anything. The stack seems to last long, but what does the stack do? If the damgae is something like 'x damage per second', the tooltip doesn't say.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • The tooltip doesn't seem to tell anything. The stack seems to last long, but what does the stack do? If the damgae is something like 'x damage per second', the tooltip doesn't say.

    Exactly what I myself asked, as well as another thread that was started a few weeks back.
    The desciption comes off, as a completely useless proc no matter how you understand the description, as it seems like a single dmg dot that lingers for 60secs., waiting for the next stack to apply, only to inflict 1 dmg value again.
    It comes off looking far worse, than any individual instant dmg applied effect, while also looking far worse than any standard dot that does dmg over times as well!!!
  • It's just another photon torp with little extra radiation lol. You can use it in torp boat along with dyson/undine/delta set which r photon based torp. I used it with the undine set for dual torp launcher since both have radiation effect/photon/disruptor dmg. Basically, you got different choice to play with beside plasma. Tbh, the dyson/undine/terran set give an awesome photon dmg bonus. Try it and see things blow up with 150k+ crit.
  • Could it be that we only have withering disruptors around because somebody at cryptic’s realized a few moths ago that he simply likes the word withering?

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  • Just a guess as I haven't used them myself, but based on the wording I think it's not quite so much a DoT like plasma fires. It seems like each time a stack of it is applied, it deals some amount of radiation damage based on how many stacks were already on the target. Eventually the stack count reaches its max and further applications will deal the max damage and refresh the timer.
    The universe has a wonderful sense of humor. The trick is learning how to take a joke.
  • It's not just the Romulan Plasma weapons from the reputations that are great. The bio-molecular weapons and the Iconian anti-proton are good as well.

    Norway and Yeager dammit.. I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
    JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon.. get over it. But I still prefer TAR.

    '..I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
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    'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
    '..The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
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  • LOL..another useless reputation solely based to create unnecessary grind. Thanks for the advice and will save my time for other purposes.​​
  • It's not just the Romulan Plasma weapons from the reputations that are great. The bio-molecular weapons and the Iconian anti-proton are good as well.

    I forgot about the Bio-Molecular Phasers/Disruptors. Those are good and will easily go right into existing Phaser / Disruptor builds without breaking their integrity. I was never sold however on the Iconian Resistance Rep's AP weapons.
  • My best guess is that it is like Coalition disruptors in that if you use only withering weapons you get nice damage out of it, but splashing is pointless.
  • edited December 2015
    Withering Radiation weapons are supposed to apply a debuff to the target, then deal a direct amount of Radiation damage to the target based on the number of stacks present. 1 stack = x damage. 2 stacks = x*2 damage, etc. Said damage should be more than '1'. This damage does not penetrate shields, and benefits from Weapons Training and Energy Weapons Training. If that's not functioning properly, it's a bug (and news to me, as QA and myself certainly tested out the proc when I built it).
    And yes, I'm rather fond of the word 'withering.'
  • edited December 2015
    Withering Radiation weapons are supposed to apply a debuff to the target, then deal a direct amount of Radiation damage to the target based on the number of stacks present. 1 stack = x damage. 2 stacks = x*2 damage, etc. Said damage should be more than '1'. This damage does not penetrate shields, and benefits from Weapons Training and Energy Weapons Training. If that's not functioning properly, it's a bug (and news to me, as QA and myself certainly tested out the proc when I built it).
    And yes, I'm rather fond of the word 'withering.'

    Is the debuff suppose to be the normal disruptor debuff, or is it something different, because the tool tip that I am reading is a rather unclear on what the debuff is:
    Withering Photon Torpedo Launcher Mk XII [Acc] [CrtH]
    Kinetic Damage
    90 degree Targeting Arc
    4,940.9 Kinetic Damage (823.5 DPS)
    +50 Armor Pen vs. Exposed Targets
    20% Chance: Improve recharge time by 5 sec.
    20% Chance: Improve recharge time by 5 sec.
    to target: 33% Chance: Apply stack of Withering Radiation
    (Lasts for 60 sec, 5 stack max)
    345.9 Radiation Damage to target per stack of Withering Radiation
    20% Chance: Improve recharge time by 5 sec.
    +2% Critical Chance
    +10% Accuracy
    I am not seeing anything about a debuff. The ground weapons I am getting out of the rep boxs, for daily and hourly rep missions, say they are dealing disruptor damage, but are not making note of the disruptor proc chance. I think you guys are doing a great job, but would it be possible to get a bit of a cleaning up of the tool tips for the Terran Task Force weapons, so what exactly what players should expect?
  • edited December 2015
    Withering Radiation weapons are supposed to apply a debuff to the target, then deal a direct amount of Radiation damage to the target based on the number of stacks present. 1 stack = x damage. 2 stacks = x*2 damage, etc. Said damage should be more than '1'. This damage does not penetrate shields, and benefits from Weapons Training and Energy Weapons Training. If that's not functioning properly, it's a bug (and news to me, as QA and myself certainly tested out the proc when I built it).
    And yes, I'm rather fond of the word 'withering.'

    Is the debuff suppose to be the normal disruptor debuff, or is it something different, because the tool tip that I am reading is a rather unclear on what the debuff is:
    Withering Photon Torpedo Launcher Mk XII [Acc] [CrtH]
    Kinetic Damage
    90 degree Targeting Arc
    4,940.9 Kinetic Damage (823.5 DPS)
    +50 Armor Pen vs. Exposed Targets
    20% Chance: Improve recharge time by 5 sec.
    20% Chance: Improve recharge time by 5 sec.
    to target: 33% Chance: Apply stack of Withering Radiation
    (Lasts for 60 sec, 5 stack max)
    345.9 Radiation Damage to target per stack of Withering Radiation
    20% Chance: Improve recharge time by 5 sec.
    +2% Critical Chance
    +10% Accuracy
    I am not seeing anything about a debuff. The ground weapons I am getting out of the rep boxs, for daily and hourly rep missions, say they are dealing disruptor damage, but are not making note of the disruptor proc chance. I think you guys are doing a great job, but would it be possible to get a bit of a cleaning up of the tool tips for the Terran Task Force weapons, so what exactly what players should expect?

    It's a 'debuff' in that it's something that persists on the target even if it has no immediate effect.
    If I undestand the mechanics correctly, the stack of Withering Radiation does nothing in and of itself. However, when a second stack is added, either 345.9 or 345.9 x2 (not sure on this point, depends on the order of stack application and damage application) Radiation damage is applied to the target. When a third stack is added, either 345.9 x2 or x3 damage is applied, etc. I would imagine that's the reason the duration is so long, to actually give you a chance to max out the stacks and therefore deal the maximum radiation damage. Eventually it becomes a 2.5% chance for energy weapons to deal an additional 1729.5 damage on the first shot and 33% chance for torpedoes to deal an additional 1729.5 damage.
    The universe has a wonderful sense of humor. The trick is learning how to take a joke.
  • edited December 2015
    So the first stack is like expose, and stacks 2-5 are exploit?
    I'm not sure that matches this, which implies the first stack will . . . eventually? apply 1x damage:
    Withering Radiation weapons are supposed to apply a debuff to the target, then deal a direct amount of Radiation damage to the target based on the number of stacks present. 1 stack = x damage. 2 stacks = x*2 damage, etc.

    Perhaps crypticrock could give a concrete example of the behavior for a single withering proc by itself, with no later procs? Then one with multiple procs?
    Right now I'm not clear on whether only procs 2-on cause damage, or proc 1 causes damage but only after 60 seconds, or what. So confused!

  • And yes, I'm rather fond of the word 'withering.'

    I salute you for being the one to own up to that
    Thanks for the clarification in what the proc is supposed to do.
  • Doesn't look like any debuff to me, and is weaker in rad dmg than any other weapons, along with weaker than dot weapons as well.
  • Just out of curiosity do you have and consoles or other gear that buffs Exotic Damage? From what I understand radiation damage is exotic damage and exotic damage is buffed by the consoles and other gear the amplifies it.
  • edited December 2015
    So far i understand this that way :
    Any withring disruptor weapon have a chance to apply a stack of whitering radiation up to 5 times.
    Then you need a radiation dmg weapon or ability to proc these stacks.
    Which make for exemple a good combo with whitering disruptors and bio molecular weapons and ability like aceton.
    And that's why they added a new radiation dmg ability.
    Am I right?
    I am from Belgium and english isn't my main language, sorry if I make mistakes.
  • Just out of curiosity do you have and consoles or other gear that buffs Exotic Damage? From what I understand radiation damage is exotic damage and exotic damage is buffed by the consoles and other gear the amplifies it.

    Not all radiation damage is exotic. Radiation damage from weapons for example are not exotic so this isn't exotic.
    @crypticrock thank you for explaining the mechanics. I'll have to retest the rep Photon Torp but from my old parses it did not seem like the procs were stacking properly. Just to confirm, in my logs the procs are the 'Withering Barrage' entries?
    Looking at some recent Crystalline Catastrophe runs (where I get to use the Terran Taskforce Photon torpedo fairly constantly), I average between 10-16 normal shots with this torp and an additional 3 torps from a torp spread (because I switch my spreads to these torps towards the end). So that's an average of about 13-19 'hits' from the torp. Over the course of that run, I'll be lucky to have around 5 'shots' of Withering Barrage for 215 damage/tick. It seems to me it should be procc'ing more often that that. I know my gravimetric torp (which has a similar 33% chance to proc a rift) procs more often than this.

    USS Curiosity - PathfinderUSS Rift - Eternal
    The Science Ship Build Thread - Share your Sci Ship builds here!
  • Just out of curiosity do you have and consoles or other gear that buffs Exotic Damage? From what I understand radiation damage is exotic damage and exotic damage is buffed by the consoles and other gear the amplifies it.

    Not all radiation damage is exotic. Radiation damage from weapons for example are not exotic so this isn't exotic.
    @crypticrock thank you for explaining the mechanics. I'll have to retest the rep Photon Torp but from my old parses it did not seem like the procs were stacking properly. Just to confirm, in my logs the procs are the 'Withering Barrage' entries?
    Looking at some recent Crystalline Catastrophe runs (where I get to use the Terran Taskforce Photon torpedo fairly constantly), I average between 10-16 normal shots with this torp and an additional 3 torps from a torp spread (because I switch my spreads to these torps towards the end). So that's an average of about 13-19 'hits' from the torp. Over the course of that run, I'll be lucky to have around 5 'shots' of Withering Barrage for 215 damage/tick. It seems to me it should be procc'ing more often that that. I know my gravimetric torp (which has a similar 33% chance to proc a rift) procs more often than this.

    The Withering Barrage, is from the Pilot Starship Trait the Tactical one I think, if anything would be in your log it would show up as Withering Radiation, one would think.
  • edited December 2015
    Not getting any log entries for Withering Radiation at all. Also worth noting that I don't have that trait (from tactical pilot escort I believe?).

    USS Curiosity - PathfinderUSS Rift - Eternal
    The Science Ship Build Thread - Share your Sci Ship builds here!
  • Just out of curiosity do you have and consoles or other gear that buffs Exotic Damage? From what I understand radiation damage is exotic damage and exotic damage is buffed by the consoles and other gear the amplifies it.

    Not all radiation damage is exotic. Radiation damage from weapons for example are not exotic so this isn't exotic.
    @crypticrock thank you for explaining the mechanics. I'll have to retest the rep Photon Torp but from my old parses it did not seem like the procs were stacking properly. Just to confirm, in my logs the procs are the 'Withering Barrage' entries?
    Looking at some recent Crystalline Catastrophe runs (where I get to use the Terran Taskforce Photon torpedo fairly constantly), I average between 10-16 normal shots with this torp and an additional 3 torps from a torp spread (because I switch my spreads to these torps towards the end). So that's an average of about 13-19 'hits' from the torp. Over the course of that run, I'll be lucky to have around 5 'shots' of Withering Barrage for 215 damage/tick. It seems to me it should be procc'ing more often that that. I know my gravimetric torp (which has a similar 33% chance to proc a rift) procs more often than this.
    Are you using withering disruptors?
  • Are you using withering disruptors?

    Yes I am using the array for the set bonus. In CCA however I have this mounted aft and it never gets a shot out.

    USS Curiosity - PathfinderUSS Rift - Eternal
    The Science Ship Build Thread - Share your Sci Ship builds here!
  • only one? a full set might be better. this really needs to be trigger repeatedly to be effective.
  • I'm talking about the torp. It should have a 33% chance to proc withering radiation.
    Did a test in CCA. Went in with only this torp and heals, fired 21 normal shots, no entry in the logs for 'Withering Radiation' but I did get 5 ticks from 'Withering Barrage'. There is something wrong with the procs of this torp.

    USS Curiosity - PathfinderUSS Rift - Eternal
    The Science Ship Build Thread - Share your Sci Ship builds here!
  • Must confess, I have the terran photon torp on my Alita fore just because I thought it looked like a cool torp to fire :P. The spam with TS3 is epic.

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  • OK additional tests done..
    Is Withering Radiation supposed to be a DoT or a single hit? Tested on PVP, it applies a single hit, and that single hit's damage stacks (x2) on the next hit and so on. Is this how it's supposed to work?

    USS Curiosity - PathfinderUSS Rift - Eternal
    The Science Ship Build Thread - Share your Sci Ship builds here!
  • OK additional tests done..
    Is Withering Radiation supposed to be a DoT or a single hit? Tested on PVP, it applies a single hit, and that single hit's damage stacks (x2) on the next hit and so on. Is this how it's supposed to work?

    Single hit..the thing that has a timer is just a debuff and not a dot


Sto Is All Radiation Exotic Dmg Free


Sto Is All Radiation Exotic Dmg Download

  • edited May 2015
    While I cannot answer #1..
    #2) The 'cloud' from the Particle Emission Plasma Torpedo should count as 'plasma-based exotic damage', since it has been confirmed that it is boosted by PGens.
    As far as other sources, that I do not know.
    @Odenknight U.S.S. Challenger 'Remember The Seven'
    Fleet Defiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support Fleet Manticore Kinetic Strike Ship Tactical Command Kinetic Siege Refit Fleet Defiant Quantum Phase Escort Fleet Valiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support
    Turning the Galaxy-X into a Torpedo Dreadnought & torpedo tutorial, with written torpedo guide.
    'A good weapon and a great strategy will win you many battles.' - Marshall
    I knew using Kinetics would be playing the game on hard mode, but what I didn't realize was how bad the deck is stacked against Kinetics.
  • edited May 2015
    It's been forever since I used it, but I do think Eject Warp Plasma counts as Exotic. It's a popular ability in STO and I'm sure someone will chime in with a definitive answer whether it's Exotic or not. But I think it counts because it isn't applied via weaponry, which is typically the defining factor if it's Exotic or not with Cryptic.
  • edited May 2015
    Isn't the plasma burn on all plasma torpedoes also boosted by Part gens, and therefore would benefit from these consoles? I am pretty sure that was the intended purpose all along, since plasma torps are the Romulan torpedo and these are 'Romulan' technology.
  • edited May 2015
    So the recent changes to the Romulan plasma infuser consoles changed the +9.6% plasma damage to '+9.6% Plasma-Based Exotic Damage.'
    Is there a single 'Plasma-Based Exotic Damage' effect in the entire game, or does this stat literally do nothing? I would have thought that something like the Console that comes with the Romulan Faeht Intel Warbird: The Console - Universal - Heavy Plasma Lance would count as 'Plasma-Based Exotic Damage,' but it does not.
    I would also have thought that the proc that has 2.5% chance to occur on the Embassy Science Plasma Generating / Plasma Infuser Console (Plasma Explosion) would have either counted as regular plasma damage or 'Plasma-Based Exotic Damage,' but it is not boosted by regular plasma damage boosting tactical consoles, nor is it boosted by the Embassy Science Consoles in question. Therefore the 2.5% proc (Plasma Explosion) on the embassy science consoles counts as neither 'Plasma-Based Exotic Damage,' nor do they count as regular plasma damage even though it clearly states that Plasma Explosion does plasma damage!
    So my question is..
    1) What type of plasma damage does the Plasma Explosion proc count as so I can figure out how to boost it?
    2) The +9.6% boost to 'Plasma-Based Exotic Damage' will boost what abilities in the game? Give me some examples of things that count as 'Plasma-Based Exotic Damage.'

    1. Generic all damage. You can only (to my knowledge) buff it via +all damage abilities, EPTW, starship energy weapon specialization and starship weapons training, reducing the enemy's damage resist, and upgrading it's mark/rarity.
    2. Disreguard what I had before here, I was wrong. And tired. And virusdancer did not say that all of those things were plasma-based exotic damage.
    SCM - Crystal C. (S) - [00:12] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 8.63M(713.16K) - Fed Sci
    SCM - Hive (S) - [02:31] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 30.62M(204.66K) - Fed Sci
    Tacs are overrated.
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  • edited May 2015
    Eject Warp Plasma
    Eject Cryoplasma
    Plasma Shockwave
    Particle Emission Plasma Torpedo (both the Plasma DoT and Plasma Cloud)
    Plasma Energy (Plasma, Romulan Plasma, Caustic Plasma, Corrosive Plasma, and Plasma-Disruptor)
    Energy Plasma DoTs
    Projectile Plasma DoTs
    Fluidic Phase Decoupler
    (that's a direct copy-paste from virusdancer)

    Er..some of those are Weapon and some are Exotic. But I don't have the caffeine in me to remember which is which off-hand.
    Oh yeah, that was from the complaint about it no longer affecting all Plasma.
  • edited May 2015
    1. Generic all damage. You can only (to my knowledge) buff it via +all damage abilities, EPTW, starship energy weapon specialization and starship weapons training, reducing the enemy's damage resist, and upgrading it's mark/rarity.
    Eject Warp Plasma
    Eject Cryoplasma
    Plasma Shockwave
    Particle Emission Plasma Torpedo (Plasma Cloud)
    Fluidic Phase Decoupler
    (that's a direct copy-paste from virusdancer)

    Weapon based dots aren't affected by Particle Generators..the only weapon based one is the plasma cloud from the emission torp..
  • edited May 2015
    The plasma cloud spawned by the Particle Emission Torpedo is treated as a small patch of Eject Warp Plasma, which is why it would be boosted by the +Exotic Plasma damage.
  • edited May 2015
    Er..some of those are Weapon and some are Exotic. But I don't have the caffeine in me to remember which is which off-hand.
    Oh yeah, that was from the complaint about it no longer affecting all Plasma.

    Bah. I was tired. I also clearly didn't read through it. I'll just edit that misinformation out, sorry.
    SCM - Crystal C. (S) - [00:12] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 8.63M(713.16K) - Fed Sci
    SCM - Hive (S) - [02:31] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 30.62M(204.66K) - Fed Sci
    Tacs are overrated.
    Game's best wiki
    Build questions? Look here!
  • edited May 2015
    Bah. I was tired. I also clearly didn't read through it. I'll just edit that misinformation out, sorry.

    Eject Warp Plasma
    Eject Cryoplasma
    Plasma Shockwave
    Particle Emission Plasma Torpedo (Plasma Cloud)
    Fluidic Phase Decoupler
    Coolant Ignition
    Those should all be exotic based plasma..
  • edited May 2015
    I would like to see the game working as intended with accurate unambiguous tooltips

    This, and a 21st Century River City Ransom.
    @Odenknight U.S.S. Challenger 'Remember The Seven'
    Fleet Defiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support Fleet Manticore Kinetic Strike Ship Tactical Command Kinetic Siege Refit Fleet Defiant Quantum Phase Escort Fleet Valiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support
    Turning the Galaxy-X into a Torpedo Dreadnought & torpedo tutorial, with written torpedo guide.
    'A good weapon and a great strategy will win you many battles.' - Marshall
    I knew using Kinetics would be playing the game on hard mode, but what I didn't realize was how bad the deck is stacked against Kinetics.
  • edited May 2015
    I would like to see the game working as intended with accurate unambiguous tooltips

    I've got a tinfoil hat covering that one.
    If we had accurate unambiguous tooltips, it would be easier to point out things were not working as intended. With inaccurate ambiguous tooltips, it's more difficult to tell if something is working as intended or not. It buys more time to address all the things that are not working as intended. :P
  • edited May 2015
    Wait, so they changed these again? I thought the embassy sci consoles offers some sort of weird proc. wtf is this TRIBBLE?
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