Soulworker Class Deals The Most Dmg

  1. Soulworker Class Deals The Most Dmg In Windows 7
  2. Soul Worker Class Deals The Most Dmg Game

Fun Fact: In terms of number of basic attacks needed to kill the tutorial golem from least to most it goes Lily, Haru, Erwin, then Stella. I haven't bothered playing the other three characters past the first town, but for sure Erwin is the hardest. There's a reason this guy has been the character that has the lowest play percentages. We, the Burning Soulworker staff, apologize and thank you for your patience. The compensation will be sent through HEMS (once per account), and will be the following: x10 QBD x10 Glutton AR cubes x15 Energy converters Class advancement Erwin’s advancement. There's a reason this guy has been the character that has the lowest play percentages. Erwin has the third lowest natural damage and I believe the third lowest natural hp (though Stella can self heal so he might as well be dead last). He also has the highest SG costs as a proportion of SG among all the characters. From Lion Games, SoulWorker is a third-person action MMORPG with an Anime style for PC. In a post-apocalyptic scenario, using keyboard and mouse or controller, players take on the role of a Soul.

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Soulworker Class Deals The Most Dmg In Windows 7

in General Discussion

Hey, I think that Closers, sam as Soul Worker, gonna be here later this year (tbh I wonder if enmasse/gameforge will try to compete with each other or will they take up a little different approach and just release couple months after another so one would take up players that clearly stoped carring about other game, and no matter if these games are good, there will be big amount of such players as always) and here is question to you, we have already Kritika which in general is same as above two (dungeon crawler) thogh it's obviously much different from both considering setting and gameplay but Closers and Soul Worker are pretty similar in settings (it's supposedly dark scifi with high tech) so question for you - have you played kritika? What's your opinion? How would you compare it to Closers and Soul Worker? Which of these you are most interested and why?
tbh for now I'm most interested in Soul Worker since it's the only one that I have played besides Kritika (but I got dissapointed by Kritika, not cuz of system but because of setting and pretty much ultra boring storry).

Soulworker class deals the most dmg downloadGame


Soul Worker Class Deals The Most Dmg Game

  • i played all 3 kritika for 3 years closers for some time now a i even played soulworker on the JP server. And All 3 games are different the biggest issue people will have with Soulworker is the Publisher which is known to kill off some great titles and Tera EU and have reviews counting as 2 starts out of 10. Kritika isnt based around story its a dungeon brawler which attracts people with ultra speed and flashy combat and class variety. In the other hand Closers is a story based which the story itself is incredible also it has awesome combat and Naddic spends a lot of time into this game. Soulworker has amazing graphics and great combat but its to monotone after a while you will get bored really fast even tho its doing well on the Asian Markets i cant see it surviving in west under gameforge. I have faith in Enmasse some changes they did to Kritika were questionable but they heard the community and trying to do it so the community is satisfied .
    TL.DR all 3 games are different, Gameforge sucks ass, naddic doing great job

  • I'm excited for both Soul Workers and Closers. As they are my all time favorite games. Lets hope they release later on this year T_T

  • edited August 2017

    I might play Soul Workers, despite the fact that 1 of the companies I dislike will be hosting the EU/NA server..

    but yeah, while I also play Kritika (on a break till Eclair), Closers is the MMO I prefer the most atm

  • .If anything Soul Workers competes with Kritika gameplay wise, but they both still play differently. Closers on the other hand would be competing with DFO or something.

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    I'm most interested in Closers because they have special moves/ultimates and aerial combos.

  • 13
  • Soul WOrker is nothing like Closers (except anime style characters). Closers is more like Elsword, when Soul WOrker is more like Kritika. Booth games are greate (at least for me), and i cant agree with Natorious that SW become boring fast (at least if you dont use gunner guy becouse from what my brother said he is OP as hell and boring (never tried this character then cant tell you)). As which game become boring fastest from this 3: Kritika, Closers, Soul WOrker, then for me it was Kritika. But all have theyr own opinions and tastes.

  • @Emul said:
    .If anything Soul Workers competes with Kritika gameplay wise, but they both still play differently. Closers on the other hand would be competing with DFO or something.

    I'm most interested in Closers because they have special moves/ultimates and aerial combos.

    i believe closers is pretty much competing with elsword because i feel like its almost the same style except closers is more 3D 2D in a way.

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  • To be fair, all of these style of MMOs are competing with each other in a sense, some more with others.

    Though I doubt lots of DFO players will jump to play this game. Closers aesthetic is closer to Soul Worker/Elsword than it is to DFO.

  • @Seimore said:
    To be fair, all of these style of MMOs are competing with each other in a sense, some more with others.

    Though I doubt lots of DFO players will jump to play this game. Closers aesthetic is closer to Soul Worker/Elsword than it is to DFO.

    True enough. I somehow missed that their speculated release windows are pretty close.

  • Soul Worker, Closers and Kritika all are same type of game - 100% instanced mmorpg. 0 open world besides hubs, and visually they are somehow similar so for me they all compete with each other in the sense.

  • they are not same. True its 100% instanced type, but CLosers is 2D type game (well you can go up and down, but its still 2D), while in SOul WOrker and Kritika you have 100% 3D game. Its something totally diffrent.

  • BaraNoMarie, 'same type of game' you get what I say? They all are anime-inspired instance-based mmorpg. The only true differences (from the first-timer point of view) is 3d/2.5d and the setting. Why do you think many ppl are interested in all of them?
    Totally different games are for example civilization and quake. Yep, these two are totally different.

  • I'm waiting Soul Worker , but feel uneasy for GF. Els UK wasn't that bad (while I play in NA too) with their small playerbase.

  • But you cant rly compare 3D action game to 2.5D action game even when booth of them are pure instance. Its diffrent type of games.

  • edited September 2017

    Honestly, i'm happy En Masse is getting Closers Online instead of Soul Worker, and i'd love to do into details on why, but there is way too much to go through. xD

    Let me just say i'm happy it's Naddic games and not Hangame/NHN -Nexon and Naddic is so so so much easier to deal with in terms of localization of it's korean game content.

  • Personally i like booth of them so.. Im onyly sad they propably start with low content (but it should be enough for most of us eather way).

  • @BaraNoMarie said:
    they are not same. True its 100% instanced type, but CLosers is 2D type game (well you can go up and down, but its still 2D), while in SOul WOrker and Kritika you have 100% 3D game. Its something totally diffrent.

    What you want to say is, Closers is a SideScrolling.(Because the game is 3D)

  • I was hoping for enmasse to get soul worker.. since I'm more hyped about that one and everyone knows enmasse > gameforge .

  • Well.. Gameforge can fu** hard Soul Worker even though its greate game, but we cant do enything with it (you can prey that Gameforge gonna drop this, and sell Seoul worker developement rights to Enmasse, but i dont belive in any specyfic god so..).

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  • edited September 2017

    I'll probably play both soul worker and closers personally and tbh im kinda sceptic about how both companies announced beta at same time,pretty sure lot of anime mmo fans are expecting both and will have hard time choosing which one theyll dedicate themselves to,as for kritika,it was fun..for 3-4 days,once you hit endgame theres nothing interested to do so it gets boring

  • edited September 2017

    Kritika was fun for a while but quickly became boring. I did love the combat and had a great deal of fun playing assassin and wolf guardian. I had an issue with the costume dyes( I really hope they added a black dye by now). I've been interested in Soul Worker and Closers since I saw their gameplay on Youtube. I agree with BaraNoMarie; Closers is basically Elsword 2.0. I haven't played Soul Worker yet so I can't say much in regards to it.

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