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Determines whether any condition in a set is true (If) or the result of a formula matches any value in a set (Switch) and then returns a result or executes an action.

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The If function tests one or more conditions until a true result is found. If such a result is found, a corresponding value is returned. If no such result is found, a default value is returned. In either case, the returned value might be a string to show, a formula to evaluate, or another form of result.


The Switch function evaluates a formula and determines whether the result matches any value in a sequence that you specify. If a match is found, a corresponding value is returned. If no match is found, a default value is returned. In either case, the returned value might be a string to show, a formula to evaluate, or another form of result.

If and Switch are very similar, but you should use the best function for your situation:

  • Use If to evaluate a single condition. The most common syntax for this function is If( Condition, ThenResult, DefaultResult ), which provides the common “if … then … else …” pattern seen in other programming tools.
  • Use If to evaluate multiple unrelated conditions. In Power Apps (unlike Microsoft Excel), you can specify multiple conditions without having to nest If formulas.
  • Use Switch to evaluate a single condition against multiple possible matches. You can also use If in this case, but you'd need to repeat the formula for each possible match.

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You can use both of these functions in behavior formulas to branch between two or more actions. Only one branch will trigger an action. Conditions and matches are evaluated in order, and they stop if a condition is true or a match is found.

Blank is returned if no conditions are true, no matches are found, and you don't specify a default result.


If( Condition, ThenResult [, DefaultResult ] )
If( Condition1, ThenResult1 [, Condition2, ThenResult2, .. [ , DefaultResult ] ] )

  • Condition(s) - Required. Formula(s) to test for true. Such formulas commonly contain comparison operators (such as <, >, and =) and test functions such as IsBlank and IsEmpty.
  • ThenResult(s) - Required. The corresponding value to return for a condition that evaluates to true.
  • DefaultResult - Optional. The value to return if no condition evaluates to true. If you don't specify this argument, blank is returned.

Switch( Formula, Match1, Result1 [, Match2, Result2, .. [, DefaultResult ] ] )

  • Formula - Required. Formula to evaluate for matches. This formula is evaluated only once.
  • Match(s) - Required. Values to compare with the result from Formula. If an exact match is found, the corresponding Result is returned.
  • Result(s) - Required. The corresponding value to return when an exact match is found.
  • DefaultResult - Optional. If an exact match isn't found, this value is returned. If you don't specify this argument, blank is returned.


Values in formulas

In the following examples, a Slider control (named Slider1) has a value of 25.

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If( Slider1.Value = 25, 'Result1' )The condition is true, and the corresponding result is returned.'Result1'
If( Slider1.Value = 25, 'Result1', 'Result2' )The condition is true, and the corresponding result is returned.'Result1'
If( Slider1.Value > 1000, 'Result1' )The condition is false, and no DefaultResult was provided.blank
If( Slider1.Value > 1000, 'Result1', 'Result2' )The condition is false, a DefaultResult was provided, and it's returned.'Result2'
If( Slider1.Value = 25, 'Result1', Slider1.Value > 0, 'Result2' )The first condition is true, and the corresponding result is returned. The second condition is also true, but it isn't evaluated because it appears later in the argument list than a condition that evaluates to true.'Result1'
If( IsBlank( Slider1.Value ), 'Result1', IsNumeric( Slider1.Value ), 'Result2' )The first condition is false because the slider isn't blank. The second condition is true because the slider's value is a number, and the corresponding result is returned.'Result2'
If( Slider1.Value > 1000, 'Result1', Slider1.Value > 50, 'Result2', 'Result3')Both the first and second conditions are false, a DefaultResult was provided, and it's returned.'Result3'
Switch( Slider1.Value, 25, 'Result1' )The slider's value matches the first value to be checked, and the corresponding result is returned.'Result1'
Switch( Slider1.Value, 20, 'Result1', 25, 'Result2', 30, 'Result3' )The slider's value matches the second value to be checked, and the corresponding result is returned.'Result2'
Switch( Slider1.Value, 20, 'Result1', 10, 'Result2', 0, 'Result3', 'DefaultResult' )The slider's value doesn't match any value to be checked. A DefaultResult was provided, so it's returned.'DefaultResult'

Branching in behavior formulas

In these examples, a Text input control named FirstName has the value 'John' typed into it.

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If( ! IsBlank( FirstName.Text ), Navigate( Screen1, ScreenTransition.None ) )The condition is true, so the Navigate function runs. You can use the IsBlank function to test whether a required form field has been filled in. If FirstName were blank, this formula would have no effect.true
The display is changed to Screen1.
If( IsBlank( FirstName.Text ), Navigate( Screen1, ScreenTransition.None ), Back() )Without the ! operator, the condition is false, so the Navigate function doesn't run. The Back function was provided as a DefaultResult, so it runs.true
The display goes back to the screen that was previously shown.
Switch( FirstName.Text, 'Carlos', Navigate( Screen1, ScreenTransition.None ), 'Kirstin', Navigate( Screen2, ScreenTransition.None ), 'John', Navigate( Screen3, ScreenTransition.None ) )The value of FirstName.Text is compared against 'Carlos', 'Kirstin', and 'John' in that order. A match is found with 'John', so the app navigates to Screen3.true
The display is changed to Screen3.

Step by step

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  1. Add a Text input control, and name it Text1 if it doesn't have that name by default.

  2. In Text1, type 30.

  3. Add a Label control, and set its Text property to this formula:
    If( Value(Text1.Text) < 20, 'Order MANY more!', Value(Text1.Text) < 40, 'Order more!', Text1.Text )

    The Label control shows Order more! because the value of Text1 is more than 20 but less than 40.

  4. In Text1, type 15.

    The Label control shows Order MANY more! because the value of Text1 is less than 20.

  5. In Text1, type 50.

    The Label control shows the value that you typed because it's more than 40.

Blaze dmg:50Enhanced Liandries dmg:41Enhanced Liandries +Rylias dmg:68.​1. Buy rylias and liandries, either stack up liandries or dont(easier to see the dmg if you do, tho)2. Hit a champion or target dummy(easier to see with the dummy)Reproduction rate is 100%.Expected result: Rylias+Liandries should burn the target dummy for 68 dmg for 3 seconds while it is movement impared then 41 dmg while only liandries burns it.Actual resutl: The enhanced dmg from rylias+liandries(68 dmg vs 41) either procs every other tick, or does proc twice in the first second(68-68) then only every other tick. (41-68)


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