Path Of Exile Elemental Dmg Vs Spell Dmg

Seminars. Test machining. Dmg mori cmx 600 c frame.

Elemental Damage refers to fire damage, lightning damage and cold damage collectively. Passives or items which refer to elemental damage or elemental resistance will affect all 3 of these Damage Types or Resistances.

Elemental Damage Vs Spell Damage Poe

Path Of Exile Elemental Dmg Vs Spell Dmg

Path Of Exile Elemental Dmg Vs Spell Dmg 1

Does it get bonusses from % elemental damage from scepters, spell damage on caster weapons, % fire dmg on for example the searing touch unique, and from passive that gives % fire damage and % spell damage? :D
+ advanced question
The unique: Ebony Tower Shield
Has 25% physical converted to fire dmg. I just read that base fire dmg, from for example Anger aura, applies to the base dmg that the explotion from minion instability does. Question then is, if I take the passive that gives minions the shield stats, so they then get 25% of their base dmg added as fire dmg, then it will be added as base dmg to the explotion, just as angers extra fire dmg does?
Then viable would be having this shield, then melee damage support gem, for alot higher base fire dmg from explotion. ^^
Yes.. I love to theorycraft, but not answers easily avilable. :p And all depending on how the game works!
Last edited by Schmidter on Jul 1, 2013, 4:42:46 AM
Posted by
on Jul 1, 2013, 4:30:04 AM
IGN: WoManNoImATrap
Posted by
on Jul 1, 2013, 1:54:29 PM
IGN: WoManNoImATrap
Posted by
on Jul 1, 2013, 3:53:34 PM
You need to boost the minion's damage in order to boost the explosion damage because it is the minion dealing the damage, not you. You can use items that provide life and damage to minions like or the support gems for minions.
About the shield - MI deals pure fire damage, such conversion would only work on their attacks that deal physical damage like default attacks of zombies. But you can use some shield with some additional damage instead, that should give the bonus to minions and boost the explosion.
I'm pretty sure anger doesn't add any damage to the explosion because it only works with attacks, MI should be a spell (I am not 100% sure).
✠ ✠
Posted by
on Jul 1, 2013, 4:42:29 PM
You need to boost the minion's damage in order to boost the explosion damage because it is the minion dealing the damage, not you. You can use items that provide life and damage to minions like or the support gems for minions.
About the shield - MI deals pure fire damage, such conversion would only work on their attacks that deal physical damage like default attacks of zombies. But you can use some shield with some additional damage instead, that should give the bonus to minions and boost the explosion.
I'm pretty sure anger doesn't add any damage to the explosion because it only works with attacks, MI should be a spell (I am not 100% sure).

thanks for the reply..
So the spell damage from a ES shield would not count towards the damage, since it isnt sen as a spell? = only thing that gives it more dmg is % minion damage, minion life and.. penetration??
Posted by
on Jul 1, 2013, 5:19:37 PM
I think spelldamage would count (given you have necromantic aegis), I am just not sure.
Also concentrated effect would boost the damage. And the penetration yeah, well, it would boost the actual damage if some resistances were in play but I guess that was the point.
Last edited by wiggin on Jul 1, 2013, 5:38:07 PM
Posted by
on Jul 1, 2013, 5:36:05 PM
As far as I understand explosion, it is:
- Elemental
- Fire
- Projectile
- Increased Elemental Damage works
- Increased Elemental Damage with Spells doesn't work
- Increased Elemental Damage with Weapons doesn't work
- Increased Fire Damage works
- Increased Fire Damage with Spells doesn't work
- Increased Fire Damage with Weapons doesn't work
- Increased Projectile Damage works
- Increased Projectile Damage with Spells doesn't work
- Increased Projectile Damage with Weapons doesn't work
- Increased Spell Damage doesn't works
- Increased Minion Life works
I have no idea IF
- Increased Minion Damage works
Imho it shouldn't, but who knows
NAS <-- [Newbie Friendly] Marauder Melee Build
IGN: NinjaArabStrategist
Posted by
on Jul 1, 2013, 7:45:23 PM
You need to boost the minion's damage in order to boost the explosion damage because it is the minion dealing the damage, not you. You can use items that provide life and damage to minions like or the support gems for minions.
About the shield - MI deals pure fire damage, such conversion would only work on their attacks that deal physical damage like default attacks of zombies. But you can use some shield with some additional damage instead, that should give the bonus to minions and boost the explosion.
I'm pretty sure anger doesn't add any damage to the explosion because it only works with attacks, MI should be a spell (I am not 100% sure).

First, MI deals flat damage equal to 33% of minion life. But there are way more improvements besides HP & Damage
And second, am i the only one who knows of this site???
Go to wiki and read. All ways of increasing MI damage listed there -_-
Remember, suffering is convenient.
That is why many people prefer it.
Happiness requires effort.
Last edited by HarukaTeno on Jul 1, 2013, 9:01:25 PM
Posted by
on Jul 1, 2013, 9:00:01 PM
This is too confusing?
So would shield with spell dmg work? One said yes, other said it is not counted as spell damage, so then it would not work?
God dang it, soooo confusing.. Need reply from GGG about all this, becasue I want build around minions exploding! ^^ But impossible to do, when you dont know what works.
Oh and yes, I do know about the wiki, and have checked it many times.
Posted by
on Jul 1, 2013, 9:21:36 PM
First, MI deals flat damage equal to 33% of minion life. But there are way more improvements besides HP & Damage
And second, am i the only one who knows of this site???
Go to wiki and read. All ways of increasing MI damage listed there -_-

I'm not sure if you quoted me on purpose or by accident because it seems rather accidental and random considering I listed those ways of improvement and don't deviate from the information listed in wiki at all..
Anyway, wiki is great source of info but it's people like me and you who fill it, not like it's confirmed by devs or so. Also I don't see the answer about spell damage in there and I don't know it myself, I just remember things devs (usually Mark) say on forums.
It seems like it is not spell after all. Mentioned somewhere, if I get to my other computer I will get to history and link it.
Mark_GGG wrote:
.. spell damage has no effect because it's not a spell.

Edit: note the mods Ninja listed have to be applied to minions to take effect. Exclude Projectile. Confirm minion dmg.
✠ ✠
Posted by
on Jul 1, 2013, 9:29:09 PM

Path Of Exile Elemental Vs Spell Damage

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