Nid Ttoo Much Dmg Without Landing Spear

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Nid Ttoo Much Dmg Without Landing Spear
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Nid Too Much Dmg Without Landing Spear Video

Mid Nidalee is more potent than top Nidalee right now because the mid lane is larger and gives you more chance to run around the minions to throw a quick spear. It is harder to continually retain the minion shield without putting your back to the river bushes (even when warded, can be hard to get all the way back depending on if they have a fast jungler like Hecarim. So it's dodge spears or be suceptible to ganks.
All I know is that non mobile champions get destroyed by her. Orianna is more mobile than some, but not enough for mid lane spears (or I'm just bad), but I can beat Kats and Akalis in lane before I beat a nidalee. That and she is so mobile, that my ball seems impossibly slow against her and unable to really hit her. Then she just heals.
All that being said though, I don't want them to nerf her. The spear is her only ap dmg attack out of 6. With a lichbane and the new masteries and Haunting Guise upgrade, she still deals massive dmg in cat form, but she also has bad mana problems without a blue buff or lots of mana. And without a lot of health, she will die a lot in teamfights if she goes cat form. So I feel it is pretty balanced.

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Nid Too Much Dmg Without Landing Spear Free

Dec 24, 2019 1: Spears. You will be able to make use of your spear much more than in the jungle. As a jngl Nidalee, the only situation where you can use your spear is with ganking. This is because of the distance rule: 'how further the distance, how more damage the spear does if it hits'.

  1. Gretel won't be contributing much damage directly, though various Scholar skills and Disaster Rune aren't too bad, but rather she'll be keeping enemies locked down with Stun Burst. For Nightmares, a focus on healing and support through both skills and items is ideal. The Logic Job's passives are the most important detail all around.
  2. The idea is to harrass the enemy off the lane giving your carry enormous freedom and a huge gold advantage from creeps, the more spears you land the bigger your advantage, by level 8 you should be landing 1 spear for an assist ( 50-70% hp in dmg), with your carry getting an easy kill, I recommend picking Nidalee when you have Caitlyn or Ezreal.
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