Natural Attack Dex To Dmg

Most creatures possess one or more Natural Attacks (attacks made without a weapon). These attacks fall into one of two categories, primary and secondary attacks. Primary attacks are made using the creature's full Base Attack Bonus and add the creature's full Strength bonus on Damage rolls. Secondary attacks are made using the creature's Base Attack Bonus –5 and add only 1/2 the creature's Strength bonus on Damage rolls. If a Creature has only one natural attack, it is always made using the creature's full Base Attack Bonus and adds 1-1/2 the creature's Strength bonus on Damage rolls. This increase does not apply if the Creature has multiple attacks but only takes one. If a Creature has only one type of attack, but has multiple attacks per round, that attack is treated as a primary attack, regardless of its type. Table: Natural Attacks by Size lists some of the most common types of Natural Attacks and their classifications.

The natural attack rules say clearly 'If a creature has only one natural attack, it is always made using the creature’s full base attack bonus and adds 1-1/2 times the creature’s Strength bonus on damage rolls. This increase does not apply if the creature has multiple attacks but only takes one.' This formula works because defense subtracts one damage from every attack sustained by an entity, which would then have been multiplied by attacks per second and number of shots to form total DPS. (Pre-Defense DPS - (1.5 + 6.5.(DEX/75). Enemy DEF. No. Of Weapon Shots)) = DPS (after defense).

Some creatures treat one or more of their attacks differently, such as dragons, which always receive 1-1/2 times their Strength bonus on Damage rolls with their bite attack. These exceptions are noted in the creature's Description.

Creatures with Natural Attacks and attacks made with Weapons can use both as part of a full attack Action (although often a Creature must forgo one natural attack for each weapon clutched in that limb, be it a claw, tentacle, or slam). Such creatures attack with their Weapons normally but treat all of their Natural Attacks as secondary attacks during that attack, regardless of the attack's original type.

Secondary attacks are made using the creature's Base Attack Bonus –5 and add only 1/2 the creature's Strength bonus on Damage rolls. If a Creature has only one natural attack, it is always made using the creature's full Base Attack Bonus and adds 1-1/2 the creature's Strength bonus on Damage rolls. When making a melee weapon Attack, a creature that doesn’t have a swimming speed (either natural or granted by magic) has disadvantage on the Attack roll unless the weapon is a Dagger, Javelin, Shortsword, spear, or Trident. A ranged weapon Attack automatically misses a target beyond. How to add dex to damage on Natural attacks?`. And you carry a scimitar in one hand? Lets say you have two claws and a bite attack, you could get dex to damage.

The Damage Type column refers to the sort of Damage that the natural attack typically deals: bludgeoning (B), slashing (S), or piercing (P). Some attacks deal Damage of more than one type, depending on the Creature. In such cases all the Damage is considered to be of all listed types for the purpose of overcoming Damage Reduction.

Some fey, humanoids, monstrous humanoids, and outsiders do not possess Natural Attacks. These creatures can make unarmed strikes, but treat them as Weapons for the purpose of determining attack bonuses, and they must use the Two-Weapon Fighting rules when making attacks with both hands. See Table: Natural Attacks by Size for typical Damage values for Natural Attacks by Creature size.

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Format: bite +5 (1d6+1), 2 claws +5 (1d4+2), 4 tentacles +0 (1d4+1); Location: Melee and Ranged.

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Before we start, get a green light from your DM to use the 'Revised' Ranger Class. WotC basically called a 'do-over' for the 5e Ranger after it was deemed to be far too underwhelming. Additionally, this build is improved with access to Xanathar's Guide to Everything (also by WotC). XGtE is allowed by most DMs since it was a re-balancing expansion, but never assume you have access to additional content. LET'S BEGIN!


- Take your 1st Lvl in Ranger for the weapon proficiencies. The Revised Ranger gives access to ALL WEAPONS (yes please!).

>>> Take Longbow and 2 Daggers

- Take at least 3 Lvls in Fighter by the time you are Lvl 9. This gives us a second Fighting Style, Action Surge, and a Martial Archetype. All important for this setup. Second Wind is also nice to have.

>>> You can take a 4th in Fighter if you need to cap off any stats with that extra Ability Score Improvement (ASI). You aren't missing out on much from the higher Ranger Lvls, and that's assuming your campaign even gets you that far.

- Take Ranger the rest of the way.

- Once you get to Lvl 9 (10 if you took 4 in Fighter), you could potentially deal 250 Dmg with a standard longbow in a single turn. Yes, it's possible..

Awesome Alternative:

- After you hit Ranger Lvl 6 & Fighter Lvl 3 (or 4), take the rest in Rogue.

>>> Dipping into two extra classes is usually not worth it because you give up some awesome high-lvl abilities, but Ranger 7+ is pretty poor compared to what you gain from just a few levels in Rogue (Sneak Attack Dmg, Expertise, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge). Once you're Lvl 13+, you will have a pretty incredible build in both combat and roleplay.


Wood Elf

- +2 Dex (duh!)

- +1 Wis, a nice bonus after the Ranger's casting stat is Wisdom.

- Darkvision, Speed of 35ft, Prof. in Perception, plus all sorts of other Elfy goodness.

- Elf allows access to an awesome archery Feat (explained later).


Max out Dex! I mean, it is a Ranger. More Dmg, better Initiative, better saves against Fireball's all good.

We only need one Feat for this build, so hopefully, the +2 Dex bump from Elf and +1 from a Feat (see below) max you out. If not, maybe it's time to think about taking that 4th Lvl in Fighter to top off. You can always cap off later if you cannot reasonably do so by Lvl 9/10.

Secondary Ranger stats should be Constitution (HP) and Wisdom (Spells). Intelligence and Charisma are always nice for roleplay. Rangers are NOT a Strength Class, this should be your dump stat. If you are relying on Strength with this build, you're doing it wrong.


- Elven Accuracy(XGtE): +1 to Dex and essentially Advantage+ on your Dex-based (ranged) attacks. Basically, instead of rolling two dice and taking the higher when you have advantage, you roll three dice!

- Sharpshooter(optional): If you have an extra ASI to burn, take this. Around Lvl 9+, you will have a +12 to hit with your bow, so taking a -5 to hit for +10 Dmg when you also have three rolls to determine hit..what could go wrong? The 250 Dmg does not even take this Feat into account, it's just bonus.


- 1st Fighting Style (Ranger/Fighter): Archer for +2 to hit on bow attacks.

- 2nd Fighting Style (Ranger/Fighter): Close Quarters Shooter (if DM allows - Revised Ranger is UA and so is this) for +1 to bow attacks, ignoring cover, and no disadvantage for ranged weapons at 5ft range. If the DM says no to this, then just take the Defense Fighting Style for the +1 AC.

- Favored Enemy (Ranger): Humanoids - Another reason the Revised Ranger is crucial. +2 Dmg to ALL HUMANOIDS..this is insane!

- Greater Favored Enemy (Ranger):(Campaign Specific Enemy Type) - +4 Dmg to your Humanoids (above) and another boss type. Your campaign's setting should dictate which type you choose. If you have no clue what you'll encounter, just take Giants or Dragons. Most campaigns have both.

- Spells (Ranger): Hail of Thorns & Hunter's Mark - These are huge for your additional Dmg. All other prepared spells are user preference.

Natural Attack Dex To Dmg Download

- Ranger Conclave (Ranger): Hunter Conclave - Revised Ranger makes your other conclaves better, but Hunter is still king and mandatory for this build.

>>> 3rd Lvl: Colossus Slayer for the 1d8 extra Dmg per turn

>>> Do whatever you want for your other Conclave Features at higher levels.

- Martial Archetype (Fighter): Arcane Archer

>>> Take Bursting Arrow as one of your two Arcane Shots (huge potential damage)

>>> Take any other shot you fancy. I like Grasping Arrow. Really nice for crippling a caster with low Strength.

250 Dmg???[edit]

By the time you are Lvl 9+, you are ready to deal some INSANE DAMAGE. I will now break down 'how' and 'why' if you did not do the math as we went through the build. There are a lot of modifiers, so I assume you did not.

Hitting Targets:Your Revised Ranger will have advantage on Initiative rolls (Natural Explorer) and you have +5 Dex, so that should get you an early turn order, hopefully first. You will also have advantage on attack rolls against creatures that have not yet taken a turn (Natural Explorer). We have Elven Accuracy which makes missing with your bow almost impossible.

Damage:Your Ranger will be doing some sweet Dmg in day-to-day combat, but there is a scenario where your Ranger can do upwards of 250 Dmg in the first round of combat. If you have enemies that are closely grouped (took them by surprise or your DM keeps them grouped for reasons), your stacked features/abilities will be a miniature nuke before the enemy has a chance to act.

Here are the steps, assuming you have a center target flanked by four enemy allies, and assuming you have advantage with your beast Initiative:

1. Bonus Action - Cast Hail of Thorns (If you cast @ Lvl 5).

2. Fire your longbow at the center target.

3. When it hits, elect to cause the damage from both the Colossus Slayer (Hunter Conclave) and Bursting Shot (Arcane Archer).

DmgNatural attack dex to dmg converter

4. Shoot any target. Choose any enemy on the field since there is no bonus Dmg in play here for this attack. Since Colossus Slayer Dmg and Bursting Shot are once per turn, not per action.

5. Action Surge and Shoot 2 more times

For this potential damage, we are (1)assuming everything hits a Humanoid, (2)you get max Dmg on rolls (I know this is unlikely, but we are talking potential damage after all), and (3)nothing crits. Yes, you will likely crit at least once with Elven Accuracy and four shots, but assume you don't for now.

- Four enemies hit by arrows: 17 (Bow + Dex + 4 to Humanoids) Dmg per enemy = 68

- Colossus Slayer once = 8

- Hail of Thorns splash Dmg = 50 Dmg to 5 targets (could be as much as 8, but let's be real) = 50 x 5 = 250

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- Bursting Shot = 12 Dmg to 5 targets (again, could be more) = 60

- That puts our total past 386! If you factor in higher level Hail of Thorns, crits, magic weapons, Sharpshooter Feat Dmg, and possibly Sneak Attack Dmg if you dipped into Rogue, we could easily reach 450, maybe more..

Another way to look at this:

- 25d10 + 5d8 + 10d6 + 36

Hope you enjoy, have fun!

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