Mhw Does More Ammo Increase Flinch Shot Dmg

I did some testing in training area and noticed that spread 1 sees little impact from the skill spread 2 or higher however see noticable impact. Not sure how mods like close range up play into the calculation. but My fate's ember (second to last lbg in garon line) Dealt 10's and 12's(crits) with spread 2 without the skill and 10's and 13's with the skill. However with 2x close range ups installed the impact was much more noticeable.For starters without the skill equipped spread 1 went up to 11's and 13's(rough estimation there were ALOT of numbers due to rapid fire some smaller than others) However I saw 12's and the occasional 15 with the skill on and with 2x Close range ups. So it seems the effect is a multiplier and won't have much effect unless you have a strong base to begin with. For another example (just to be through with the data I could think to get) Spread 2 with the same gun and setup dealt 12's and 15 on crit rolls without the skill. and jumped to 14's and 17's with it on. It's alot easier to get numbers without rapid fire but I don't have alot of bowguns around to try it out on.

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  2. Mhw Does More Ammo Increase Flinch Shot Dmg For Free

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Mhw Does More Ammo Increase Flinch Shot Dmg

Mhw Does More Ammo Increase Flinch Shot Dmg For Free

Depending on how good the damage increase Critical Element and True Critical Element is, how valuable is Affinity and Critical Eye for these builds. Check our MHW Calc! Like us on Facebook for more gaming. Does that mean I’ll be getting 55% more damage when hitting weak spots? Also do you know how much does Non-Elemental Damage boost. Xenmind posted. It’s only 10? Hmmm that’s not so great. I feel a maxed generic attack is better overall Its only one point though. Dmg after your stun meaning wot 4. It takes either one 3 slot deco or just leg armor and you got a 10% boost to the only attack you care about if you're making a set around normal ammo or lvl 3-4 charge normal bow fire. I am a status gunner using the Xeno LBG and I am wondering how exactly KO is applied by sticky ammo. (I know it has to be to the head.) I have had some people say it scales based of damage the shot does so Artillery will increase its KO power.

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