Magic Dmg Not Showing Lol


Ranged physicall dmg dealer (Ashe for example) are very weak in the early lvl´s of the game.
Since this people scale with ad,critchance,critdmg,lifesteal,atackspeed and armor pen until they are usefull for the team.
If they got this they getting the strongest dmg dealer type of Champion in this game.
They need some1 who help them in lane and also offer them the most possible safe! money.
A good ad carry allways know how to position himself to be on the safest spot meanwhile he is using deadly autoatacks to the possible best target in his possible range.
Supports are usually champions who can heal and shild the ad carry.(AD carry is the name of Ashe and similar champions)
But thats not all.
A good support usually have abilitys that doesn´t scale with items.(crowd controll)
Stuns and knock ups will allways have their effect even without items.
Thats why Blitzcrank is also a good support, even if he doesn´t offer a shild or heals.
Supports usually build two gold per 10 items.(philosopher stone, heart of gold for example)
This items generate a small amount of gold, because supports usually won´t kills creeps.
A good support won´t build dmg items because the amount of dmg he will get with this items is not good enough compared to items which offers your team better stats and make your team usefull-
The support trys to get the most positive,effective and possible most influnced items with his possible small amount of gold.
This items have auras to make their own team stronger. (For example aegis of the legion or Zekes herold)
Beside that supports buying wards for the botlane to get vision over the dragon and possible ganks.
Later in game he wards alot more than his teammates do and offer mapvision and controll for his team.
He will try to defend the dmg dealer on his team.
The most supports have teamfight changing ulitmates, such as Sonas,Nunu&Willumps,Jannas,Blitzcranks,Sorakas,Lulus and Tarics for example.
The support and ad carry are on bottom lane because the dragon is on bottom.
The amount of 2 people have a higher chance of protecting the dragon than 1 would do.
Also the midlaner can go to the dragon and protect it in the early stage of play.
The midlaner are usually mages, caster types of champions.
They deal magic dmg and deal the most dmg with their spells instead of their autoattacks.
Spells get a significant dmg increase by level up them.
Since you are on a solo lane you level up faster than on a duo lane and your spells deal more dmg.
Beside that the most important point is that the midlane is a very short lane, the shortest of all.
It is the safest lane of all.
The most mage types have no escape abilitys(jumps, flash)
They can simply avoid to die by going back to tower.
They allways can flee by flashing to tower.
Also the most mage types of champions have stuns.
This helps them to escape since a 1-2secounds stun is enough to run to the tower and be safe.
He builds ability power.
A good midlaner will allways ward both sides of the river, mostly he will ward both sides of wraiths (the ghosts in the jungle)
Will gank the sidelanes and help with the dragon.
He will try to burst the enemys dmg dealer(mages and ad carrys)
The toplaner is usually a champion that is very tanky.
He takes the toplane because he needs a big amount of gold for tanky items and dmg items.
He is solo because he can survive longer periods of dmg trades and have himself often jump abilitys and stuns.
He have unlike the mid a very difficult lane.
The lane is longer and offers alot of space to gank.
He will survive this lane because he can mostly stun and jump away, this offers enough time to get to your tower.
Also they often have sort of health regenerations spells or lifeleech items.
A good toplaner will counterbuild the enemy toplaner,meanwhile he using every possible advantage to outfarm him, ward the topriver and possible take controll over the enemy jungle in the toppart of the map.
He is the guy who will focus the dmg dealer in teamfights and/or protect his own dmg dealer.
The jungler is most of the time a semi tank semi dmg semi support champion.
He is in the jungle to offer all lanes the most possible gold income and taking himself the gold of the jungle.
He allways use smite.
He usually have something that regenerate his life, lifeleech items or spells.
He ganks all lanes if he have the opportunity to do so.
Sometimes he hold lanes.
He give the buffs to other champions. (Mostly he will dmg the golem and give the midlaner the blue buff)
He use smite to make sure he kills the dragon and make his jungling safer and faster.
A good jungler wards the map, mostly parts of the enemy jungle and the river.
Also he buys the oracle to kill enemy wards, he does it since he is the type of champions who is running through all parts of the map.
I hope this helps you abit.
Sorry for my gramma and english skills but its abit late, im tired and playing games give you a horrible gamer english.


There will be a display, showing Manaflow Band 's cooldown on top of your ability bar. Rather go for Banshee's Veil if you are against a lot of magic dmg. Luden's Echo + becomes a delte button for enemy carries! Beginner's Guide to LoL Learn the Basics.

Hey good question, I think a lot of people confuse Ability power and Magic damage / Attack Damage and physical damage.
You can deal three types of damage in the game - physical damage, magic damage and true damage. Physical damage can be blocked(reduced) by armor, Magic damage can be blocked(reduced) by Magic resist and true damage cannot be blocked.
The champions spells will decide what kind of damage it does but magic doesn't always mean that it is powered by AP.
For instance a champion can have an ability that does 100 (+50% AP) physical damage.
This means that 1) the champion does physical damage and if you want to block it you need to get more armor.
2) even though its physical damage it is powered by AP --> so 50% of your AP is added as damage. If you have 100 AP you add 50 damage for a total of 150 physical damage.
Hope this clears it out for you. Your spells and ratios will decide what kind and how much damage it does.
If you head over to lolwiki you can search for the champion and look under their ability details and it will tell you everything about that champions spells - damage type, ratios and numbers.

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May 12, 2017  So i assume the first thing youll ask is to look on the forum, which i have but there are so many builds there lol. Id like the build to have.decent dmg as well being somewhat tanky(to not die in one hit on higher maps).some magic.melee xD Any recommendations? Oct 01, 2017  Variant Feral Tiefling Racial Traits not showing up correctly in DDB Character Sheet. Devil’s Tongue. You know the vicious mockery cantrip.When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the charm person spell as a 2nd-level spell once with this trait. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the enthrall spell once with this trait. You must finish a long rest to cast these spells once again with this. Apr 21, 2012  LoL forum thread 'Best AP Mid'. Mid is that champion deals magic damage. Mostly, that is achieved by building AP. Ryze doesn't need AP, but still does magic damage, so he still goes in category with regular mid champs. Also fact he is one buggiest champions still his e is most bugged skill in game animation not showing for me dmg not.

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