Idvd 7.1.2 Update.dmg

Hello - I've just tried to synch my iphone 4 to iTunes and now see that several duplicate events have been created in iTunes for my photos. I can't synch properly and when I go back into iPhoto to see what's happening, it looks like several duplicate photos have also been created ? ?
Help ! My iTunes photo library is jack - knifed !

Trying to burn DVD-R content using iDVD 7.1.2 on Mac Pro (Mid 2010) MacOS Sierra version 10.12.8 and iDVD freezes about 30 to 45 minutes into the encode on a movie. Technician's Assistant: Have you tried a Force Quit on your frozen Mac Pro (pressing and holding Option, Command, and Escape)? IDVD has froze 3 times. I've force quit 3 times. Aug 21, 2019 If you do not want an iDVD alternative, you may have to commit to purchasing the iLife suite to get iDVD. In addition, you will also need to download the latest update on Apple's iDVD downloads page. Version 7.1.2 is the latest update and most recommended for Maverick operating systems.

Similar Messages. MacOSX server update from China. Hi all, i've installed a US MacOSX server 10.6.4 version on a MacPro bought in China. The installation process goes fine but when i restart the server after an apple update the server displays a frozen black screen. Hier finden Sie die Links zu den in Macwelt 12/2007 auf Seite 32 vorgestellten Updates. You’ve found the app you need, but you’re missing out on the best part of MacUpdate. Members perks: Unlock personalized app recommendations; Access exclusive, member-only discounts.

Terence and Peter,
I have iPhoto 9.1.5 which was installed on my iMac that I received November, 2011.
My wife has the 9.2.1 version of iPhoto on her MacBook Pro which she bought months before I bought my iMac.
My iPhoto library opens fine in 9.1.5 on my iMac but will not open the copy of her iPhoto library that I copied to my iMac. We have two libraries and I want the same one she has instead of two separate libraries.
I went to the Mac App Store and downloaded iPhoto9.2.1 Update.dmg to my desktop.
I then opened the .dmg and clicked on the iPhoto9.2.1Update.pkg.
The install iPhoto Update window started to open briefly before the Alert message 'The version of iPhoto installed on this Mac must be updated through the Mac App Store. Check the Mac App Store to see if an update is available' appeared.
I checked the MAS and found this link and this is what I downloaded:
hth, Bob

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  • Since the latest iPhoto Update (9.1.2) Photos have been displaying incorrectly on AppleTV in Events View. Instead of being organized in events like in iPhoto, the events are displayed with 2 photos in each, creating multiple events for each actual event. For instance, if a specific event in iPhoto has 1,500 photos, then on AppleTV, this event is displayed 750 separate times with 2 photos in each 'event'. That makes it impossible to fins anything specific, and is embarrassing when you are showing people your cool AppleTV.
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    Anyone else experiencing this, or find a fix?

    I found this other thread discussing this topic, no fix, I will revert to 9.1.1 from Time Machine and wait for a new update.

  • I recently installed iLife 06 on my Powerbook and soon afterwards got a message that my iPhoto would be updated. Not having any problems in the past with software updates, I clicked the 'ok' button. Then when I went into Finder, I found that the whole organisation of my photos in the iPhoto Library had changed from being sorted by year, month and day, to year and roll. I HATE this and cannot find any photos or films the way I used to find them. Can anybody explain WHY on earth Apple have decided to sort files this way and if there is anything I can do to revert to the old way? Also in the iPhoto Library now, the same photos seem to be in at least 3 different places. WHAT is that all about??? I would be so grateful if someone could help! Thanks in advance, a very frustrated Mac lover!
    Powerbook G4 Mac OS X (10.4.9)

    Welcome to the Apple Discussions.
    Can anybody explain WHY on earth Apple have decided to sort files this way and if there is anything I can do to revert to the old way?
    I think they changed the entire database engine with iPhoto6 to take account of ever growing libraries.
    But NO there is NO way to revert to the older way, nor is there any need to.
    To find pics - and this was also the way in earlier versions - you never need to look in the iPhoto Library Folder. There are three ways (at least) to get files from the iPhoto Window.
    1. Drag and Drop: Drag a photo from the iPhoto Window to the desktop, there iPhoto will make a full-sized copy of the pic.
    2. File -> Export: Select the files in the iPhoto Window and go File -> Export. The dialogue will give you various options, including altering the format, naming the files and changing the size. Again, producing a copy.
    3. Show File: Right- (or Control-) Click on a pic and in the resulting dialogue choose 'Show File'. A Finder window will pop open with the file already selected.
    Also in the iPhoto Library now, the same photos seem to be in at least 3 different places. WHAT is that all about???
    iPhoto - as it has always done - keeps your Original file, untouched, a Modified version (if you've edited it) and a thumbnail. This has been the way since iPhoto 1.
    A Note about the iPhoto Library Folder:
    In this folder there are various files, which are the Library itself and some ancillary files. Then you have three folders
    Originals are the photos as they were downloaded from your camera or scanner.
    (ii) Modified contains edited pics, shots that you have cropped, rotated or changed in any way.
    This allows the Photos -> Revert to Original command - very useful if you don't like the changes you've made.
    (iii) Data holds the thumbnails the the app needs to show you the photos in the iPhoto Window.
    IF you do your work in the iPhoto Window - as is intended with the app - then you'll have no problems whatever.

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    I have the exact same issue. Apple also directed me to do the same tasks.. didn't correct the issue. We can not be the only ones with this issue.I can't add music from iTunes to any slideshows, iDVD's or anything. I have rebuilt my itunes Library as directed by Apple.. no progress.

  • System Details:
    Windows 8.1 pro - 64 bit
    i5-3320M @2.6GHz
    12GB Ram
    Lenovo Thinkpad Edge E430
    Before the iTunes update I could simply turn on my bluetooth speaker or headphones and both Windows and iTunes would automatically switch to that audio source, even mid-song. I could turn the speakers on and off multiple times and the sound would almost instantaneously switch between sources without fail. Now I have to restart iTunes to hear music after turning on my bluetooth speakers or headphones. Itunes simply stops playing music, although the pause button does not revert to the play symbol, but the track progress indicator stops moving.
    Please help!

    Make sure you have the latest version of QuickTime (7.6.6) installed - if this is missing or out of date there may be no audio output from iTunes (including, but not limited to, playback through Bluetooth devices) or playback may be of poor quality.
    Also check iTunes' Play Audio Using setting in Edit > Preferences > Playback (you will have to restart iTunes for any changes to take effect). In most cases selecting Direct Sound addresses playback issues when Windows Audio Session is active (though some users have reported the reverse),
    If neither of these solves your problem try installing this alternate version: iTunes 12.1.1 for Windows (64-bit — for older video cards). The 'for older video cards' label is a little misleading, as this also fixes some playback issues, QuickTime and Outlook interoperability errors, and problems with other third-party applications.

    As it saves a lot of time to locate and clean up unnecessary files on your drive. Clean my mac x key.

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    I also had no such problems before I downloaded the updates. Very annoying. Any answers?

    Actually, Apple does list the QuickTime requirement, but you have to look for it. Updates do not usually require other updates (although lately some of them have). However, when you upgraded from iTunes 6 to iTunes 7, you caused your Mac to need the system requirements for the upgrade. They are listed here on the Apple Download iTunes 7 page. Notice under 'Additional video requirements' where it says QuickTime 7.1.5 or later, which links to the update page for QuickTime.
    I agree it would be nice if they made it more obvious. It is a good idea to get into the habit of checking system requirements before upgrading any software, to avoid exactly this kind of surprise.

  • Hi,
    I can't open iPhoto after iMovie 10.0.3 update with message:
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    iPhoto can not be opened while it is being updated.
    But problem is, that nothing idicate there is some iPhoto update.
    Please help Apple.

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  • I only have 1 apple ID and the same was used to set up this early 2011 macbook pro and iPhoto app. I don't want to loose out on any photos. I tried logging out of app store and back in but no luck. PLEEAASEE HELPP!!!

    I only have 1 apple ID and the same was used to set up this early 2011 macbook pro and iPhoto app. I don't want to loose out on any photos. I tried logging out of app store and back in but no luck. PLEEAASEE HELPP!!!
    This problem has been reported by quite a few forum members, who skipped the update to iPhoto 9.5.1 while running Mavericks. In that case try to purchase iPhoto again instead of updating.
    After making your backup try the following:
    Uninstall iPhoto by deleting it from the applications folder, but do not empty the Trash.
    Launch the App Store, click the 'Store' menu, and sign in with your AppleID.
    Open the main page of the App Store and search for iPhoto.
    If iPhoto is listed as 'Free', click the 'Free' button to buy it with your current AppleID.
    If it is not showing as free, there is no help but contacting the App Store Support, as Niel pointed out:

  • macbook pro - iPhoto keep prompting to update after Yosemite update. Error message when trying to update -This update is not available for this Apple ID either because it was bought by a different user or the item was refunded or cancelled.

    I only have 1 apple ID and the same was used to set up this early 2011 macbook pro and iPhoto app. I don't want to loose out on any photos. I tried logging out of app store and back in but no luck. PLEEAASEE HELPP!!!
    This problem has been reported by quite a few forum members, who skipped the update to iPhoto 9.5.1 while running Mavericks. In that case try to purchase iPhoto again instead of updating.
    After making your backup try the following:
    Uninstall iPhoto by deleting it from the applications folder, but do not empty the Trash.
    Launch the App Store, click the 'Store' menu, and sign in with your AppleID.
    Open the main page of the App Store and search for iPhoto.
    If iPhoto is listed as 'Free', click the 'Free' button to buy it with your current AppleID.
    If it is not showing as free, there is no help but contacting the App Store Support, as Niel pointed out:

  • After iPhoto update some photos go black when trying to edit them and am unable to edit those photos. How do I fix this as this is the latest update?

    If I hold down the Option key while launching iPhoto, I get the option to start a new library. Do I have to import all my thousands of photos into the new library?
    In his original post the poster referenced the following. As to the new Library, see the end.
    There are several possible causes for the Black Screen issue
    1. *Permissions in the Library* : Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Include the option to check and repair permissions.
    2. *Minor Database corruption*: Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild.
    3. *A Damaged Photo*: Select one of the affected photos in the iPhoto Window and right click on it. From the resulting menu select 'Show File (or 'Show Original File' if that's available). Will the file open in Preview? If not then the file is damaged. Time to restore from your back up.
    4. *A corrupted iPhoto Cache*: Trash the folder from HD/Users/Your Name/Library/ Caches..
    5. *A corrupted preference file*: Trash the file from the HD/Users/ Your Name / library / preferences folder. (Remember you'll need to reset your User options afterwards. These include minor settings like the window colour and so on. Note: If you've moved your library you'll need to point iPhoto at it again.)
    *If none of these help*:
    As a Test:
    Hold down the option (or alt) key key and launch iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Create Library'
    Import a few pics into this new, blank library. Is the Problem repeated there?

  • Hi,
    I have no clue if it's related, but after iPhoto last update to 9.6.1, I'm no more able to import photos in Aperture from my Pentax K-50.
    Spinning wheel and after that, I get the message that no pictures were imported.
    Everything was going fine until that iPhoto update!
    Sometimes, it will import 1 picture and then Aperture will crash, saying that it was impossible to import pictures.
    I formatted my SD card, but same result.
    Any idea why this is happening?

    See Aperture 3: Troubleshooting basics - Apple and Aperture 3.x: Repairing and Rebuilding Your Aperture Library for detailed information on repairing the library.
    Post back if you still have problems. Let us know the error you are getting.

  • On November 5, 2008, I let software update install Apple's 'Digital Camera Raw Compatibility Update version 2.3 (4.3MB)'. Now, plugging my iPod Touch (1G) into USB port on my MacBook Pro laptop causes iPhoto to start (and eventually the expected iTunes starts as well).
    Prior to that upgrade, iPhoto did NOT start up when I plugged my iPod in. Prior to that upgrade, only iTunes started up (as expected).
    Yes, I know there's a preference setting in iPhoto to tell it not to startup when a camera is plugged in. However, I think Apple should investigate and see if they've introduced a 'bug' with this update.
    By the way, I do NOT have synch of photos toggled on for the iPod. So, that doesn't explain this unexpected behavior of iPhoto starting up when the iPod is plugged into the USB port.

    I discovered that I accidentally took a picture of the iPod Touch's main screen (by doing Sleep+Home buttons at same time). This saved a picture (*.jpg?) on the iPod. Once I deleted this picture, then iPhoto stopped opening up whenever I connected the iPod to my MacBook Pro.
    Thus, my problem was pilot error.

  • I recently bought a Macbook Pro 15' 2.4GHz and installed iLife 09. On my previous computer (Powerbook 12' 1GHz) I was running iPhoto 2.0.1. I had copied that entire HD to an external drive. I plugged in the external drive to my new Powerbook and copied the User>Pictures>iPhoto Library Folder to appropriate location on the new HD. When starting up iPhoto 09, I got the message that it needed to update the library. Every attempt I made resulted in iPhoto freezing with the 'Updating photo library..Time remaining' message. It often froze with the same amount of time remaining. I have tried several remedies: I deleted the from the preferences folder. I also tried to use BatChmod after following instructions in another forum, but that didn't seem to help. I also downloaded iPhoto Library Manager and used its rebuild function. This appeared to work and all the pictures are present (minus about thirty, but I think they were duplicates), but all 7,000+ got imported with the same date (DEC 31 2000) and were randomly arranged into about a dozen Events. Also, none of the Albums were transported. I don't have time to individually rearrange all the photos and rebuild all the albums. I would be happy solving either one of the problems. Thanks.

    Thanks for responding Larry. I tried that, but unfortunately it did not work.
    Based on what I read in some other threads, I tried forcing iPhoto to rebuild the library by holding command-option while starting iPhoto, but that did the exact same thing. I ended up downloading iPhoto Library Manager and using that to rebuild the library, which worked. There was one photo that could not be copied over (corrupted file or something), so that's probably what was making iPhoto hang. Luckily my mom had a backup on a CD.

  • After updating to 10.6.7 some Chinese websites don't display properly in both Safari and Firefox on my '08 book pro, while the '09 iMac has no such problem. On the book pro Chinese characters appear as unreadable squiggles. Other apps (word, mail, photoshop) seem to do fine post-update.
    Anyone encountered this? solution?

    Puzzling. Why should it happen after the 10.6.7 update?
    There is a long history of duplicate fonts causing problems in OS X. Do you know for sure whether you had duplicates of that one in 10.6.6?
    Is this related to other more serious font problem reported by other users after the update?
    I don't think the other one can be fixed by getting rid of duplicates.


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Earlier this week we picked up a Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra and did a feature overview to see if it's worth $1,400, but we also thought we'd take a deeper look at Samsung's newest smartphone to see how the cameras measure up to the cameras in Apple's iPhone 11 Pro Max. Subscribe to the MacRumors YouTube channel for more videos. Hardware Details Samsung's Galaxy S20 Ultra, like the iPhone, has a multi-lens rear camera setup. There's a 108-megapixel wide-angle camera, a 12-megapixel ultra wide-angle camera, a 48-megapixel telephoto camera, and a DepthVision Camera for portrait shots. For comparison's sake, the iPhone is sporting a 12-megapixel ultra wide-angle camera, a 12-megapixel wide-angle camera, and a 12-megapixel telephoto camera. Portrait Mode When it comes to Portrait mode photos, the Galaxy S20 Ultra wins out thanks to that depth sensor. There's not a major difference, but the images coming from the S20 Ultra appear to be sharper and the edge detection is better. The iPhone does win out when it comes to dynamic range, and the S20 Ultra seems to have a bit of desaturation in some images, but overall, the S20 Ultra wins this category. Standard Camera Tests When it comes to standard photos using the three different lenses on each camera, we actually preferred the iPhone images for the most part because the iPhone offered more balanced color and better dynamic range, but with high-end smartphone cameras, a lot comes down to personal preference. The S20 Ultra seems to be overexposing highlights in images with the sun and clouds, resulting in too
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