How Much Dmg Is 34 Frost Damage In Classic

How to see wow dmg after fighting. Fight Length: Dungeons and LFR raids often have shorter fight durations which can result in much higher DPS as the value of DPS cooldowns is greatly increased in short fights. Multiple Targets: The current DPS rankings offer strictly single-target and splash-AoE (1 main target+2). There are scenarios in-game where there are a lot more targets. R/wow: World of Warcraft on Reddit! Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Help My damage numbers are gone. Archived Help My damage numbers are gone. Hi all, I'll try to make this quick: I was playing in Tanaan with a few friends last night.

Total: +112 Spell/Frost Damage which adds + 97 to your Frostbolt. This increases damage from 227-248 to 324-345 which is around a 40% increase in DPS. The level 44 Frostbolt only does 292-317 damage. (I reccommend to have a General set ( good balance of int/sta/+dmg/mana regen), a DPS set (as much +dmg as possible for those fast damage urges) and a FR set (FR obviously). Some other sets i personally like are just for looks such as my tuxedo, magister, and naked.) The Wardrobe addon makes switching between these all very easy and fast.

Hello there. Information of this seems sparse. I'm looking at fine details, not just matter-of-fact.
I'm wondering how damage/healing items work.
What does this do: [up to 40 damage / healing] ?
What does this do: [+40 damage]?
What does this do: [+40 healing]?

I believe these are based on cast times for the maximum effect .. but 'up to X damage'? does that mean 1dX RNG? Up to 40 damage is 1d40 damage? AVG~20?
Cast time matters. An instant cast, as a wand, cannot expect those rewards. But what about wands with +damage or +healing? Healing wands are very sought after.
Is there a difference between [up to] damage vs +damage . or [up to] healing vs direct +healing
Anyways, an explanation of +damage +healing items would be appreciated. It's probably simple, yet elusive to me. Thanks!

How Much Dmg Is 34 Frost Damage In Classic Car


How Much Dmg Is 34 Frost Damage In Classic Trucks

I know its probably pointless to make a thread like this without posting logs but I'd like to just ask it as a general sort of question. Recently I've started raiding with Frost, and as my guild progresses on Heroic Desolate Host I'm nearly always the top DPS at over 1 million, but when I go over to the Damage Done tab I'm middle of the pack and nearly at the bottom. The other Mage in our guild is Fire and I am far ahead of him in DPS but he does quite a bit more sustained damage than me.
I was wondering if this is a common problem I will face as a mage, specifically frost. Or if any other frost mages have or had this issue and what you did to improve. Its very disheartening because damage done is what almost everyone looks at.
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