How Is A Dmg Different From A Deb

  1. How Is A Dmg Different From A Deb Size
  2. How Is A Dmg Different From A Debit Card
  3. How Is A Dmg Different From A Deb Stone

Convert.deb file into.ipa to sideload. You will need a computer and a couple of tools that will help you in the process of conversion. I will be using a Windows Computer but if you have Mac or Linux, you can do it with essentially the same steps.

There are numerous Linux distributions, and packaging applications for different Linux distributions are quite time consuming and difficult task. Packaging applications is not a piece of cake for everyone. Luckily, there is an alternative and easiest way to build packages. Meet Fpm (Effing package management), a command-line program that helps to easily build packages. You can also convert a package to different format, so that the packages can be installed on different kind of Linux operating systems. And yes, Ubuntu’s Snaps and flatpaks are rapidly growing and they can be installed on most Linux distributions. But, just in case you want to package an application which is not yet available to your distribution, Fpm is one way to do it. And, it is lot easier than traditional packaging methods. Fpm is completely free, open source tool written using Ruby programming language.

In this guide, we will be discussing how to build a package using Fpm in Linux.

Install Fpm

Since fpm is written using Ruby, you must install Ruby first. Ruby comes pre-installed with some some operating systems. If it is not installed already, run the following commands depending upon the distribution you use.

On Arch Linux and its variants:

Top quality at fair prices. Dmg mori ctx beta 2000 coupe.

On Red Hat systems (Fedora 22 or older, CentOS, etc):

On Fedora 23 or newer:

On Debian-derived systems (Debian, Ubuntu, etc):

You can also install Ruby using Linuxbrew package manager. To install Linuxbrew on Linux, refer the following guide.

After installing Linuxbrew, run this command to install Ruby.

Once you have installed Ruby, run the following command to install FPM:

You will see an output something like below.

To make sure if Fpm is installed correctly, run the following command.


Sample output would be:

If you see an output like above, congratulations! Fpm is ready to use.

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Build Linux Packages For Multiple Platforms Easily Using Fpm

The typical command to use FPM to build a package is given below:


  • -s <source type> – The type of the source package. It would be a directory (dir), a rubygem (gem), an rpm (rpm), a python package (python), a php pear module (pear), etc.
  • -t <target_type> – type of your output package, like .rpm, .deb etc.

Here is the complete list of source and target file types.


  • gem
  • python modules
  • pear
  • directories
  • tar(.gz) archives
  • rpm
  • deb
  • node packages (npm)
  • pacman (ArchLinux) packages


  • deb
  • rpm
  • solaris
  • freebsd
  • tar
  • directories
  • Mac OS X .pkg files
  • pacman (ArchLinux) packages

You can also bring up the help section at any time by typing the following command from the Terminal.

Build a RPM package

I am going to show you some examples to understand better. The following command will download latest json gem and convert it to a .rpm package:

Sample output:

The above command will download the latest ‘json’ rubygem from and convert it to a .rpm. As you see in the above output, this command has created a package named ‘rubygem-json-VERSION_ARCH.deb’ with appropriate version/arch in place. Quite easy, isn’t it? Of course, it is!

It just took one minute to build this .rpm package. The packages will be stored in the current working directory. Now, you can install this rpm package on any rpm-based distributions like RHEL, CentOS, Fedora etc as shown below.

You check the details of newly created .rpm package as below.

How is a dmg different from a deb pdf

Sample output:

As you can see in the above output, fpm automatically picked the package name, version, architecture, install date, maintainer, homepage, and description all from the ruby package itself. How cool is that? You don’t need to add anything manually. Fpm will take care of everything.

To view the dependencies, just run:

Sample output

Let us see another example.

Build a DEB package

To make a DEB package, just replace the word ‘.rpm’ with ‘.deb’. In the above example, we have build json gem and convert it to a .rpm package using:

Similarly, to make deb a package, run:

Sample output:

To check the details of the newly created package, run:

How Is A Dmg Different From A Deb Size

Sample output:

To view the dependencies of the above package, run:

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Build a specific version package

The commands we have seen so far have created the latest stable versions. In case you need to build a specific version package, you can do this using command:

The above command will download rubyjson verion 2.0.0 and convert it to .deb package.

How Is A Dmg Different From A Debit Card

Sample output: Install dmg image on windows 7.

Similarly, you can assign a specific name to a package like below.

Sample output:

As you see in the above output, I have assigned a custom name to the package i.e my-json_2.0.0_amd64.deb.

Convert RPM to DEB packages and vice versa

You don’t have to create packages for different platforms. Simply convert them from one format to another. The following command will convert a rpm package into deb package.

Please note that I have changed the syntax a little bit. the target type (-t) comes first and source type goes next.

Sample output:

Build packages from a source directory

Here is the simple steps to create an rpm of ‘hello’ program.

Next, install it to a temporary directory as shown below:

Now, make the rpm package using Fpm as below.

Where -s indicates the source file type (directory), -t is the type of package (rpm), -n indiactes the name of the package and -v is the version; -C is the directory (E.g /tmp/installdir) where fpm will look for the files.

Sample output:

To create deb package, run the following command:

Similarly, you can build any package from a directory.

Also, check a similar tool called ‘Checkinstall’, which is used to build packages from source.


Fpm simplifies the process of building packages a lot easier for multiple distributions without having much programming knowledge. Even an intermediate Linux user can easily build any packages for any platform in no time.

Hope this helps. And that’s all for now. If you find this guide useful, please share it on your social, professional networks and support OSTechNix.



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How Is A Dmg Different From A Deb Stone

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