Hdiutil Create Dmg From App

  1. Hdiutil Create Dmg From Appointment
  2. Hdiutil Create Dmg From Apparel
  3. Hdiutil Create Dmg From Application

Image from directory (new-style): hdiutil create -srcfolder mydir mydir.dmg Image from directory (10.1-style; of historical interest): du -s myFolder # du(1) will count resource forks 10542 hdiutil create -sectors 10642 folder # add 1% for filesytem hdid -nomount folder.dmg. Skype dmg download fails because of network.

Hdiutil create dmg from apparel

A shell script to build fancy DMGs.

Status and contribution policy

Hdiutil Create Dmg From Appointment

This project is maintained thanks to the contributors who send pull requests, and now (Sep 2018) with the help of @aonez.

We will merge any pull request that adds something useful and does not break existing things, and will often grant commit access to the repository.

If you're an active user and want to be a maintainer, or just want to chat, please ping us at gitter.im/create-dmg/Lobby.


  • You can install this script using Homebrew:

  • You can download the latest release

  • You can also clone the entire repository:

    And even add comments and locations. Mac os 10.5 dmg download Tweet or post to Facebook. Just click the Share button, then choose how you want to send it off. Use Mail, Messages, or AirDrop.


All contents of source_folder will be copied into the disk image.

Hdiutil makehybrid


  • --volname <name>: set volume name (displayed in the Finder sidebar and window title)
  • --volicon <icon.icns>: set volume icon
  • --background <pic.png>: set folder background image (provide png, gif, jpg)
  • --window-pos <x> <y>: set position the folder window
  • --window-size <width> <height>: set size of the folder window
  • --text-size <text_size>: set window text size (10-16)
  • --icon-size <icon_size>: set window icons size (up to 128)
  • --icon <file_name> <x> <y>: set position of the file's icon
  • --hide-extension <file_name>: hide the extension of file
  • --custom-icon <file_name custom_icon sample_file> <x> <y>: set position and custom icon
  • --app-drop-link <x> <y>: make a drop link to Applications, at location x, y
  • --ql-drop-link <x> <y>: make a drop link to /Library/QuickLook, at location x, y
  • --eula <eula_file>: attach a license file to the dmg
  • --rez <rez_path>: specify custom path to Rez tool used to include license file
  • --no-internet-enable: disable automatic mount&copy
  • --format: specify the final image format (default is UDZO)
  • --add-file <target_name> <file folder> <x> <y>: add additional file or folder (can be used multiple times)
  • --disk-image-size <x>: set the disk image size manually to x MB
  • --hdiutil-verbose: execute hdiutil in verbose mode
  • --hdiutil-quiet: execute hdiutil in quiet mode
  • --sandbox-safe: execute hdiutil with sandbox compatibility and do not bless
  • --version: show tool version number
  • -h, --help: display the help


Hdiutil Create Dmg From Apparel


Hdiutil Create Dmg From Application

  • see the StackOverflow question
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