Good Boss Dmg Maplestory Reboot

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According to a potential list site, at legendary, you can get 40% boss damage and +12% atk.

Jan 12, 2017  Maplestory – Five Strongest Classes for Unfunded Players. I’m playing on Reboot currently and I was wondering if you could give me some tips. I’m not really going to focus on funding, mainly just having a good time when I have the time to play. Have a lot of different skills, use df in stead of mp, have a lot of boss damage, oh. The second patch of the MapleStory Reboot update has been released! This patch includes the new Reboot World, Hyper Stats, Toad's Hammer, and other various game system changes. It's very similar to the last test server patch but there are a few changes and I have also added the events which have begun! Reboot World The. Additionally,% boss damage is the same as% damage, except that it only works on bosses, so they're additive together as well, so if you have quite a lot of boss damage, which is very possible considering boss damage potentials and set effects usually comes in 20%, 30%, 35%, and 40% flavors, on bosses, the impact a measly 12% or 13% damage at.

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  1. I put in 230% as the ideal amount to match 250% boss since DBs get blade clone for 10% total damage and 10% for the other hyper skill buff (230+10+10 = 250). However DBs can gain tons of boss% due to the SW katara giving an innate 30% boss so you have a strong point in the ease of reaching 350% boss.
  2. May 05, 2018  Here is my guide for helping players get stronger and build their own funds! Sorry about the audio, still messing around with software settings.
So here is your balance of stats between att% and boss damage% at its simplest:
Boss Damage% Atk%
.4 .12
.8 .24
1.2 .36
1.6 .48
2 .6
2.4 .72
2.8 .84
3.2 .96
3.6 1.08
Obviously, you cannot have less than 0% att (which is at 1+0=1.00). So let's look at the ratio after atk% rises to/above 1. Ideally, according to the chart, when you reach 3.6 or 360% boss damage, you should have 1.08 or 8% atk. But of course, you can get 12% atk so you just try to match it up as close to this as possible.
Basically, it's saying you do not get att% until you have 360% boss damage. So I'll prove the chart is correct and that you should only get atk% after getting 360% boss damage. Simply put, if you were at 360% boss damage, and you had the choice of either getting 12% atk or 40% boss damage, what would be the better choice?
With +40% boss damage, you go from 360%-> 400% boss damage and that is 4.0/3.6=1.11 or about +11% damage increase. However, since we so far have 0% atk, and if we choose to add +12% atk instead of +40% boss damage, we get a flat +12% dmg which is > than the 11% damage increase.
But it's a little bit trickier than that. Since you basically the formula is 1+(boss dmg%), it's kind of like saying you get a base of 100% boss damage (becuase if you had 0, you do 0 damage [0xanything=0]) . And same for atk% (1+atk%), we start with a base of 100% atk. So basically, from the chart, you need to minus 1 from your boss damage% and from atk%. 360% or 3.6-1=2.6.
So really, at 260% boss damage, you should get 8% atk. At 300% boss damage, you need 20% atk. At 340% boss damage, you need 32% atk, etc..
Here's the new chart that shows those ratios:
Boss Damage% Atk%
2.6 .08 (at +260% boss damage, you should have 8 atk%)
3 .2 (at 300% boss damage, you should have 20 atk%)
3.4 .32 (at 340% boss damage, you should have 32 atk%)
So I'll prove this chart is correct.Good Boss Dmg Maplestory Reboot
We have 340% boss damage. The chart says I need 32% atk. But let's say you think I'm wrong and think that 40% boss damage is better and that we should get +40% boss damage instead of another +12% dmg. So in that scenario, we would get 380% boss damage and 24% atk.

Good Boss Dmg Maplestory Reboot List

Basically, 340% boss damage and 32% atk vs. 380% boss dmg and 24% atk.
damage = (STUFF) * (1.0 + %att)) * (1.0 + [total boss dmg%+total damage%])
340% boss dmg and 32% atk = (stuff)*(1+0.32)*(1+(3.4)=stuff*5.808
380% boss damage and 24% atk = stuff*(1+0.2)*(1+(3.8)=stuff*5.76
So obviously stuff*5.808 > stuff*5.76
So you just follow the chart, and your damage will be optimized.

Good Boss Dmg Maplestory Reboot Free

Good Boss Dmg Maplestory Reboot 2

Note that total damage adds to boss damage, and so do dmg% from skills. You should just try to match your stats as closely as possible to the chart.
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