Goggles Of The Night Dmg

Chinese police have started wearing high-tech sunglasses that can help them spot suspects within seconds in a crowded train station. The transport police in Zhengzhou, central China, are given the. Jan 10, 2020  Welcome to my tanky caster druid build post! Update 38 brought many changes to druid, so I've decided to rework the intro here a bit and I've updated things to reflect recent changes. I originally posted this build in 2013 because at the time druids were still rather new to DDO and there wasn't really anyone playing a druid caster like this build, which plays as a highly defensive frontline. Jun 03, 2013  DELAWARE, Ohio - Dusk is turning to night, and the sniper sits hidden in the woods, watching a grassy path that cuts through the trees. He lifts a pair of night-vision goggles to his eyes. Jan 01, 2020  Shauna Vayne is a deadly, remorseless monster hunter who has pledged her life to finding and killing the demon who murdered her family. Armed with her wrist-mounted crossbows and a heart full of vengeance, Vayne is only truly happy when she’s slaying practitioners or creations of the dark arts.

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What magic items would be well-suited for the night hag Widow Groat's personal lair? I'm open to homebrew items, older D&D items, DMG items, or items from other published resources.
So far, the PCs have found a little treasure and minimal magic items (scrolls & potions, a

Goggles Of The Night Dnd

cape of the mountebank, and a homebrew Lifeblade). Based on their feedback ('give us more!'), and my own reading of the scarcity of magic items in Tomb of Annihilation, I'd like to include some magic items in her lair. One player requested goggles of night, so I'm incorporating those. Not counting a bunch of art objects and story items, here's what I have so far for magic items..
  • An Ornskull, which is a trap that's bonded to a throne with sovereign glue, so probably not an immediate item the PCs can take, but who knows!
  • A Spell Scroll of locate object
  • Veil of the Fiery Night, which is just goggles of night with some more story & quirks, worn by the hag in her alternate form
  • Silver Bell, which acts as an up-leveled scroll of toll the dead
  • Wand of Barbed Missiles, which is just a wand of magic missiles, but they remove the requirement that you must see the target, allowing you to 'blindfire' at invisible/hidden creatures as long as you have line of effect, but if you guess a creature's position incorrectly, missiles aimed at that empty space rebound back at you
  • Scroll of Hidden Byways, which randomly reveals a new teleportation circle sigil sequence in Chult every week, turning to dust once three have been successfully learned by the wielder
  • Potion of Dreaming, risky potion revealing the night hag's own worst nightmare

[SBLOCK=The Party, 5th level]
Drake Freeman NG human archaeologist Bard (college of lore) 5
E'kama Natombe N human outlander Ranger (gloom stalker) 5
Koko LN grung sage Druid (circle of land, swamp) 5
'Pallas Ravenwood' CG half-elf hermit Sorcerer (draconic) 2, Bard (college of lore) 3
Scomett 'Nilc N lizardfolk hermit Rogue (swashbuckler) 5
Yargle Sharptooth LN goblin knight Paladin (oathbreaker) 5[/SBLOCK]
My group is on the trail of a 'witch' (actually a night hag, but they don't realize it yet) who cursed an illiterate NPC with inability to speak. The NPC has information the players want so they're looking for this 'witch' to undo the curse. The witch is Widow Groat from Tomb of Annihilation, a night hag with coins over her eyes & ants swarming from her skull, an expert in the art of making soulbags and in cahoots with the BBEG Acererak. I've imagined her as a consummate bargainer, obsessed with the idea of love but not actually understanding it, infatuated with Acererak, and local legends referring to her as a 'euthanasia witch.'
Her lair is the abandoned palace of a divine necromancer named Ras Nsi (who sold his soul to the yuan-ti), a ruined structure that once was a moving palace on the backs of giant turtle skeletons. When Ras Nsi fell from divine favor, he lost control of his army of undead which swarmed the palace and surrounding jungle, turning them into a wasteland of blighted trees. Widow Groat now occupies it, using it as a secret sanctuary away from the prying eyes of her coven sisters, and the interior is full of foul knickknacks.
The players might trade with her.. for starters, they want the curse lifted on this silenced NPC.. while Widow Groat desires several things:
  • N’kanyezi, a coure eladrin in an astrolabe the PCs found in Mezro
  • Diamond from Mezro (which the PCs identified as a former soul gem)
  • “Ownership” of a geas (both Drake & Koko are geased by a death knight)
  • Memory of true love (intended for E’kama)
  • The given or false name of someone not going by their given name (intended for Pallas)
  • Knowledge of the “life relics” of Chult (items which can delay Death Curse in creatures)
  • Knowledge of where lich’s phylactery is located (PCs happen to know location of a lich's phylactery!)

[SBLOCK=Full Description of the Lair]Uplifting stone tiles and toppled pillars are visible from the light coming through cracks in the walls and ceiling of this 25-foot-tall throne room. In the center of the room is a circular stone table engraved with serpentine pictograms, and overlooking it is a throne of human bone topped with a skull merging traits of triceratops, dragon, and demon. A pair of hideous reliefs frame each entry arch: men in flowing cloaks wearing fanged skull masks and reaching out from the wall as if in torment. Everything smells of formaldehyde and pungent herbs. The east side of the throne room is cluttered with all manner of foul knicknacks…
Macabre prosthetics and a polished Omuan mask line the walls, with a ragged burgundy curtain covering a hallway to the east; intermittent winds cause it to blow aside just enough to reveal a spiked iron door at the end of the hall. From the ceiling hang shrunken heads, marionettes, and dried herbs; while spaced apart on the floor are a fancy wood jewelry box, a circle of spell components, and a serpentine pedestal holding a glass orb.
A sloped desk made of petrified swamp wood is illuminated by melted black candles; in addition to ink, quill, and paper, the desk holds several books, a ledger, a dinosaur hide scroll case, a clay tablet, bone dice, a cracked whispering stone, even a vaguely familiar skull. Shelves made from shelf mushrooms and overgrown by a grape vine hold a dark red potion, a wine bottle, a withered grung hand wearing two rings (one of which glows with dim violet light), a miniature museum, a petrified gecko, a pouch of coins, and a facedown handmirror.[/SBLOCK]

Nwn deal dmg to creature online. Randomly generates towns, shops, NPCs

Ban Beach, City [Permalink]

Population: 7,597, Size: 127 acres
Wealth: 15,194,000 gp. Max value for sale: 2,507 gp. Max pawn value: 13,295 gp
Demographics: Human (83%), Elf (9%), Dwarf (3%), Halfling (2%), Gnome (1%), Half-Elf (1%), Half-Orc (1%)

Ban Beach has an awful smell, and is known for its rude populace. It is governed by a consortium of guildmasters. The races live together mostly in harmony.


Tavern: The Lame Boar
Owner: Kyle Wing, Male Human [Details]

Location: In a market quarter. The street outside has drunken revelers.
Description: The tavern is a wooden single storey building, with a white shingled roof and a pillared curved-roof entryway. It contains antique cabinets filled with oddities and tightly packed tables and chairs.
Quests and Rumors
  • Bison Sandwich with Sharp Cheese and a Coffee (5 sp)
  • Egg Cake with Oat Bread and a Glass of Whiskey (5 sp)
  • Bison Cake and a Glass of Brandy (4 sp)

    Other Patrons:
  • Margery Melancon, Female Elf [Details]
  • Hugh Schwartz, Male Human [Details]
  • Conrad Franklin, Male Human [Details]
  • Sybil Sibilans, Female Human [Details]

Blacksmith: Charles's Hilt
Owner: Charles Fidget, Male Elf [Details]

Location: In a small alley. The street outside is recently paved with worn brick.
Description: The blacksmith is a plaster rowhouse, with a white tile roof and dwarven-crafted iron furniture. A number of hunting trophies line the walls. It contains curtains draped over the walls and horseshoes and metal hanging from the rafters. They're doing a sale or promotional event.
  • Trident of Fish Command (dmg 209) (754 gp)
  • Ring Mail (phb 145) (28 gp)
  • Trident of Fish Command (dmg 209) (757 gp)

    Other Patrons:
  • Anne L'Fondant, Female Human [Details]
  • Heather Solvenstein, Female Human [Details]

Alchemist: Fortune's Cure
Owner: Alexandre Callan, Male Human [Details]

Location: In a temple district. The street outside has a crowd watching performers.
Description: The alchemist is a plaster and wood framed simple building, with a reinforced wooden door and finely-crafted furniture. A small dragon's skull hangs over the hearth. It contains curtains draped over the walls and glass beads cover the doorway.
  • Oil of Slipperiness (dmg 184) (458 gp)
  • Potion of Fire Giant Strength (dmg 187) (795 gp)
  • Potion of Healing (dmg 187) (49 gp)

    Other Patrons:
  • Roger Almeida, Male Human [Details]
  • Alex Jethro, Male Gnome [Details]

Jeweler: The Shiny Anklet
Owner: Randal Accord, Male Human [Details]

Location: In a temple district. The street outside contains a heroic monument.
Description: The jeweler is a log tower, with a white shingled roof and tile flooring. It contains a high vaulted ceiling and containers of chemicals stacked in the corner.
  • Exquisite Ring (3 gp)
  • Crystal Arcane Focus (phb 151) (10 gp)
  • Exquisite Ring (3 gp)

    Other Patrons:
  • John Almeida, Male Human [Details]
  • Tim Trowbridge, Male Human [Details]
  • Gilbert Dumph, Male Human [Details]
  • Tim Hybrid, Male Human [Details]
  • Maynild Callan, Female Human [Details]

Enchanter: Enchanted Tarot
Owner: Emeny Dmitriyev, Female Human [Details]

Location: In a side street near the town gate. The street outside is watched by a squad of the town guard.Goggles of the night dmg free
Description: The enchanter is a marble single storey building, with a blue tile roof and a smooth stone floor. It contains a large bookshelf filled with books and a table with arcane symbols and candles on it.
  • Quiver of Ehlonna (dmg 189) (988 gp)
  • Goggles of Night (dmg 172) (1,463 gp)
  • Necklace of Adaptation (dmg 182) (1,434 gp)

    Other Patrons:
  • Aline Bulsara, Female Halfling [Details]
  • Anthony Fidget, Male Human [Details]
  • Roland Simmons, Male Gnome [Details]

General Store: The Royal Mart
Owner: Galiena Gracey, Female Human [Details]

Location: In a side street near the town gate. The street outside is watched by a squad of the town guard.
Description: The general store is a brick big orb-like building, with large windows and dwarven-crafted iron furniture. A number of hunting trophies line the walls. It contains religious paraphernalia on the walls and several lanterns hanging from the roof beams.

Goggles Of The Night Dmg 2017

  • Smith's Tools (phb 154) (20 gp)
  • Barrel (phb 153) (2 gp)
  • Clothes, Fine (phb 150) (15 gp)

    Other Patrons:
  • Emeny Beitz, Female Dwarf [Details]
  • Sarah Ray, Female Human [Details]
  • Miles Rolands, Male Dwarf [Details]
Goggles Of The Night Dmg


Small Cottage
Owner: Charles Franklin, Male Gnome [Details]

The house is a terra cotta simple building, with a gray tile roof and a big brick chimney. It contains a single bachelor-style room with a bed and dresser. In the middle of the room is a simple cooking pot over an enclosed flame. Cured meats are hung in bundles from the rafters. A few sheep are grazing at a hay bale in the corner.

Goggles Of The Night Dmg 2

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Now open a Finder window and drag your DMG file into Disk Utility. Drop it in the blank area below the drive names on the left panel. Step 3: You can now insert your USB drive and wait for it to appear in the drives list. Next, click on your mounted DMG file on the left panel and click on ‘Burn' in the top toolbar. How to burn a dmg file on linux.

Goggles Of The Night Dmg Download

Shout outs: Stacey and Justin Kitchur.
Their contribution stands as a beacon of hope for all adventurers!

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