Giga Does 0 Dmg At Training Dummy

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Giga Does 0 Dmg At Training Dummy
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Giga Does 0 Dmg At Training Dummy 1

I know its probably pointless to make a thread like this without posting logs but I'd like to just ask it as a general sort of question. Recently I've started raiding with Frost, and as my guild progresses on Heroic Desolate Host I'm nearly always the top DPS at over 1 million, but when I go over to the Damage Done tab I'm middle of the pack and nearly at the bottom. The other Mage in our guild is Fire and I am far ahead of him in DPS but he does quite a bit more sustained damage than me.
I was wondering if this is a common problem I will face as a mage, specifically frost. Or if any other frost mages have or had this issue and what you did to improve. Its very disheartening because damage done is what almost everyone looks at.
On my Stam Sorc I can hit 4.8k Weapon Damage self-buffed with similar stats, although I have way more recovery (around 1700), and about 10% less crit. So it all balances out.
This is using:
-Warrior mundus
-procced Briarheart set,
-Dual Wield,
-Procced Weapon Damage enchant on an infused weapon
-2 Fighters Guild abilities slotted, including Flawless Dawnbreaker
-all 3 Damage enchants on jewelry
-WD potion buffs of course
-all medium
That's all I can think of.. It's definitely possible to go higher though, just by switching sets. But you will lose other things, such as recovery in the pic above. But if you weave heavies in religiously that's not too much of a problem.
edit: Oh yah and my gear is all purple, except weapons (gold of course). I think one of my jewelry is even blue!
edit 2: the poster above is wrong in their insinuation. This is all self-buffed.

This is more or less what I do with my stam NB. He averages 3100 weapon damage unbuffed IIRC. MY issue is getting the skill rotation and weaving down to get that DPS up. OP, if you're not already aware it'll help you to know that equipping all the right gear with glyphs, etc. won't suddenly make your dps go way up. A lot of that is also going to be learning the right rotation along with animation cancelling and such. It's a bit of a learning curve.

Jun 03, 2016 I tested a Journeyman Rocket launcher and it hat 699150 dmg per hit, my giga with 190% had around 2,3k dmg and dps and my 500% Rhino does 16,5k per full charge hit. It might be that the Dummy has no resistance values at all. Giga with 38.7% dmg only does 91 damage I tested my dinos on a training dummy. My giga, which has got 38.7% damage only deals 91 damage per hit. If u compare damage wise my 72 kibble tamed giga with pure melee on a training dummy dealt 788 while my 120 kibble tamed rex with fair points into melee dealt 1988. Is something wrong with this? 0 points 3 years ago. Meaning you could theoretically add 24 dmg to the giga's base attack, however keep in mind that drops every bite. The minimum pulling time to shoot an arrow with a bow is 0.3 seconds and the maximum damage is reached after pulling for 1.2 seconds. An arrow's damage starts at 25% at 0 seconds, and increases linearly up to 100% at 1.2 seconds. Since an arrow can only be launched after 0.3 seconds, this means that the minimum damage of an arrow is 43.75%.

Giga Does 0 Dmg At Training Dummy Cost

Edited for typo.
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