Epic Seven Most Dmg In One Hit

All of these swords are from really oped mods. Enjoy, you can learn more of these swords from PopularMMOs video of op swords!

The Top Ten

1Really the Last Sword Your Going to Need - The Last Sword Mod

Tied with the sword of cosmos, all though it does less damage, this can shoot lightning diamonds, and can break blocks with infinite durability

This sword deals 8 quintillion damage at melee and ranged attacks. I wish I was joking. Without damage caps, the mob with the most health I've seen so far is Burning Godzilla, who has 100,000 health after factoring in armor. And this isn't even the most powerful item in its mod with the addition of the Dragon Crystal Armor. - MissingUTAH

This sword is a legendary! Whatsoever really cheap! This sword take more than a trillion! Holy cow, you can defeat Godzilla in one take! - XxNosyxX

The 25 Most Loved One-Hit Wonders Ever. Spotify tallied the songs that appeared most on playlists that were similarly titled 'one hit wonders' and found the following songs were. Nov 27, 2018 This video covers everything you need to know to maximize your new experience with the game:) Epic Seven is a Korean made game for Android/ios, and one of the hottest gacha's out on the market.

Most overpowered sword kills everything in one hit, has ranged attacks, and all you need is a lot of diamonds and killing the ender dragon.

2Ariana Grande Sword 3 - Ariana Grande Mod

This sword does 90 million damage on a hit, making it far stronger than any sword except the Last Sword. - MissingUTAH

This ain't the most OP sword, it's the most OP 'picture'.

It is not exactly a sword

That's a good sword

3Royal Guardian Sword - Orespawn

It's awesome. That's why the mod has lots of Op mobs like the queen and king!

He probably means compared to really the last sword you are going to need but its not weak

It does a whopping 750 attack damage I know it's not as good as the first two but still

Best sword ever how the heck did someone think it was weak

4Pig Pan - Unknown Mod

One hits every enemy, including those with damage caps. From TiC, one of of the best mods ever made.

It is called the Bane of the Pigs and it makes everything negative health

More like pig penis

It's from tinkers construct

5Ariana Grande Sword 2 - Ariana Grande Mod

Somewhat too op, but it is priceful! Takes about 1M damage. - XxNosyxX


6G-sword - Godzilla Mod

It's power level is over 9.0000000000000

Kill Godzilla and get yourself a 1k deal damage sword! Useful for killing the Wither. - XxNosyxX

This does 1004 damage sadly doesent have long range but still cool

This sword does 2500 damage not 1k

7Ariana Grande Sword - Ariana Grande Mod


Useful for attacking not so HP bosses. 3k damage, it's alright. - XxNosyxX

8The Last Sword You're Going to Need (1) - The Last Sword Mod

Epic Seven Most Dmg In One Hits

This sword does 1600 damage, functions as a pickaxe, axe and shovel, and shoots a 1600 damage projectile on a right-click. All it takes is a dragon egg and diamond blocks to craft, and being from a mod where the dragon egg is craftable, this sword is very overpowered indeed. - MissingUTAH

Too good! I killed the wither enderdragon in one shot!

It is so Awesome

It is the best

9The Cosmos Sword - Avarita

How could you suggest other swords? This one does infinite damage.

It can literally kill people in creative and it does infinity damage. I think you can guess why I think it's the best

Creative kiler. for once survival players have a chance lol INFINITY DAMAGE!

Can kill literally anything. I'm not joking. The king, queen, burning godzilla, witherstorm, anything. With the only exception being witherzilla, because you can only fight him with stuff in the mod and removes everything from your inventory.

10Big Bertha Slice - Orespawn

500 damage dealing. I mean it's alright, but it is a boss sword! Slice is an ironed Big Berta. - XxNosyxX

You spelled 'bertha' wrong, XxNosyxX

Its good.. but not as good as the last sword!

The Contenders

11Dark Royal Guardian Sword

How craft this sword?

It does a 1000+ damage that's it

I say it sow many stronger in that swordsman

It does 1000+damage

12Wooden Sword

It's op because it is so easy to craft and has lots of durability - Drakar

The most strongest sword. It should be number 1.

This sword is rubbish! It is not even from a mod

You guys are stupid how is it even on this list

13Strongest Diamond Sword - Toomanyitems Enchanting

If you add all the enchantments to level 127 on a diamond sword, you'll get yourself a 165 deal damage sword! - XxNosyxX

Strength is alright but to deal damage, and still not be overpowered makes this my second favorite sword

14Ultra Lucky Sword from a Lucky Block


15God SwordOne

There's a creative+ mod that can kill players and entities one hit! even players on creative mode can die

Bruh, that's so OP even the Cosmos Sword can die.

16Big Bertha OreSpawn Mod

Have you not already said this sword? Well it is still awesome

17Infiminer - Tinkers Construct

InfiMiner - TConstruct

Epic Seven Most Dmg In One Hit18Queen Scale Battle Axe

It does 666 damage come guys..

Epic Seven Most Dmg In One Hit Lyrics

It is very huge pretty item

Well the queen is op

Hard to get, and is crazy good, insantly kills any mob

19One Hit Kill Sword - Lucky Block Mod

This only does 1000 damage. sad.

20Emerald Sword

Your going to need

I want this mod


22Cinderfall Sword

Kickass sword, de-bone your enemies OR your next meal with ease. Plus it's beautiful.

Cinderfall sword it is AWESOME BRRO! although it is not stronger than big bertha

23The Dirt Sword

I voted this

It d0es 1 damage! It can 1 hit every thing.You can make it by getting 1 dirt block and killing mojang

24Bane of Pigs

It's a creative only weapon with over 2 billion damage, 1 hits everything exept Witherzilla, where you can only use stuff from its mod, and Mobzilla, King, and Queen which have a damage cap of 120

25Twilight Sword

An amazing map sword that kills anything in a few hits. Should be number 2!

What cat40 pull stud for dmg mori 5100. Mori-Seiki/DMG Pull Stud. Pull Studs for DMG Mori NVX Machines Series. DOWNLOAD FLYER. Lyndex-Nikken Part #: C40-1500-MORI. Mori-Seiki/DMG Part #: N29105 Download CAD drawing.

This is so powerful. does 1400 damage

How is this not number 3 at least it shoots this thing that's like purple power its like being the queen one shot k.o's everything

27Glass Sword

Glass is the most op sword ever /better than the sword of cosmos

28Sword of the Cosmos - Avaritia

As with a lot of the items from Avaritia, this sword is very expensive(and becomes even more so the more mods are installed), but is very powerful in return. Sure, it deals infinity damage, but by the time you have automated ore mining, wither killing, and crop growing, you probably already have a Draconic Staff of Power(or the like) that one-shot-kills most mobs. So, why not go all-out and destroy the Chaos Guardian(or Queen, as I have heard about from Orespawn) in one shot while you are at it?

Ummm.. this is already here - davywavy

29Punk Destroyer-Pun Mod

It only does 5 more damage than a chainsaw and why did someone put 65 attack damage in capitals

An amazing sword that does 65 ATTACK DAMAGE

30Tank Sword

From the Swords of Israphael mod, this sword does 105 attack damage, will never break, and will give Resistance V for two seconds on a right click. While not at the level of a Royal Guardian Sword, this still deserves to be at least a contender. - MissingUTAH

31Bedrock Sword

So wrong, u can literally see bedrock in the name it’s unbreakable

Or devine rpg bedrock sword

Bedrock Sword does 999 hearts!

Is this even possible?

32Amethyst Sword - Orespawn

This purple sword dosen't look powerful but it does 15 attack damage. on rare occasions it can do 50 attack damage.

34The Supreme Cheat Blade - Matt's Mod

Just go on any server you have op on, enchant it with sharp 900000000, and kill everything in sight. - mattstat716

35Shulker Sword - Unlimited Damage

Should be #2 (too OP)(#2 because it is too ugly..)

36Sword of Absolute Infinity

Does infinate damage, can ban players, destroys everything, and gives you abilities similar to hacks

37Diamond Sword

Diamond Sword
are good it's a pretty strong sword

It sucks compared to the first ones

I think diamond is good

It's one of the best


Ignores all armour so the best in PVP

What du u Mean its weak u can make this Rapier to 100 atack dmg

39The Ultimate Sword

The Ultimate Sword might not be the best sword out there, but it does get you through in mid game and serves well killing the mobs needed for Big Bertha. It has 40 attack damage (20 hearts).

40PlugPE - Super Diamond Sword

Plug PE-Super Diamond Sword: Enchanting: sharpness: 32767 smite: 32767 power:32767 unbreaking: 32767 looting:100

41Alicorn Sword

This sword sucks

Does 1750 damage and has better range than the royal guardian sword. It also is in the MLP Mythical creatures mod. Look this mod up and see the true meaning of op

43Delta Sword

It does 150 damage but coming from a lucky block it's pretty hard to get. Isn't it?

45Frost Sword Luckyblock

Does more than 70 trillion damage
Reviewed by popularmmos

46The Ultimate Blade

The Ultima Blade does 100000 damage and if you have it, titans might think twice before attacking you

47Plural Impossible Sword

It does LITERALLY INFINITE DAMAGE. It's from the Plural lucky Block mod.
This thing should definitely be on top.


Tinkers construct mod.OP as crap

bull crap


50Star Sword

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Top Remixes

1. Really the Last Sword Your Going to Need - The Last Sword Mod
2. Ariana Grande Sword 3 - Ariana Grande Mod
3. Pig Pan - Unknown Mod

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