Dota 2 Highest Dmg Dealt

  • Jul 13, 2017  Dota 2 has iconic hero pairs that have made a lot of impact in the pro scene, either because they became a meta standard or because a specific team dominated with it. We recently covered Visage, a hero that, for the longest time, was part of a pocket strategy with Drow Ranger. Chaos Knight is also such a hero, and together with Io he was a strong pick to be reckoned with in 2013.
  • View the complete Dota 2 profile for DmG. on Dotabuff.

Nothing big has changed with Bristleback in the recent patches, but rather a series of incremental buffs has now put him back in a territory of irritating heroes to deal with. In pubs, his win rate has increased by 3 points from patch 7.03 to 7.06, and in competitive play, Evil Geniuses sealed their victory against Newbee with Arteezy playing a position 1 Bristleback, dealing more damage than SuMa1L’s Ember Spirit.

The last time Bristleback got a considerable direct nerf was back in patch 6.84c, over two years ago, and it was “Increased Base Attack Time from 1.7 to 1.8.” He has been buffed ever since. Over a series of patches since then, the net results of his buffs have caused Quill Spray’s damage cap from 400 to 550, Quill Spray’s radius from 625 to 700—greater than Lina’s auto attack range—and the release threshold of his passive Quill Spray from 250 to 210 (that’s a good thing). Then there have been numerous buffs towards the strength attribute, with a higher regeneration or HP gained per strength. Even though in today’s game there’s a surfeit of counters for Bristleback, it’s not always as easy as it seems.

Shadow Demon

Sep 17, 2013  Introduction. Hello guys and welcome to my first guide I've ever wrote. In the first place I want to give you some informations about me. I am playing DotA since 7 years, 4 years competitive and my main hero is Shadow Fiend.I've tried out nearly every build with this hero and got to the conclusion that this one is probably the best and strongest.

I guess that’s one way to counter Bristleback. credit: /u/karamiro

Outside of farming Aghanim’s Scepter, Ethereal Blade, Veil, Aether Lens, and Refresher on a support Shadow Demon, players can just cast any other spell as normal. Soul Catcher can offset the damage reduction from Bristleback’s passive, Disruption offers a brief respite to deal with Bristleback’s teammates, and Demonic Purge can effectively shutter him out of the fight. One reminder is that the Aghanim’s version of Demonic Purge applies Break, which disables Bristleback’s damage reduction passive. There’s no way to counter it. Shadow Demon is a solid counter for Bristleback from the support position. Only if he were effective in nearly every other situation.

Keeper of the Light

KOTL holds a 4.3% win rate edge against Bristleback, and all of it can be attributed to Mana Leak. He doesn’t need to cast any other spells to neutralize Bristleback, who depends on movement and mana. The spell is irritating enough to force Bristleback players to build BKB early, an item that they tend to delay for as long as possible. That’s not to mention Blinding Light, which also completely counters War Path’s benefits.

Legion Commander

After KOTL, Legion Commander holds the 3rd largest win rate edge against Bristleback (Necrophos sits at 2nd place). Using LC as a counter can be counter intuitive to other methods. Whereas one method is to reduce Bristleback’s potency and deal with his teammates first, a team with Legion Commander can pickoff Bristleback early in the fight. Duel forces Bristleback to face his opponents, as opposed to showing his back to them. The better use case for LC is to gank Bristleback and pressure him in the early and mid game, when he depends on his passive more than tanky items to survive.


Phoenix is one of the better hero choices because its a hero thats relevant in the meta. It’s less situational than KOTL, giving its team more options if picked in an earlier phase. Create bootable dmg in windows. Phoenix benefits from Sun Ray dealing damage as a percentage of max health, while Fire Spirits limits Bristleback’s underrated auto attack damage output.

Outworld Devourer

OD is a common counter pick to Bristleback and was picked a few times during the Manila Masters, with little success. But in pubs, OD has a 2% win rate advantage against Bristleback. Arcane Orb ignores armor and magic resistance (but not Bristleback’s passive) and Sanity’s Eclipse has a tendency to just detonate Strength heroes. Astral Imprisonment works similar to Shadow Demon's disruptions as it buys time to kite Bristleback around or deal with his teammates first.

Silver Edge should be the bane of Bristleback. The debuff Breaks Bristleback’s passive, and it’s undispellable. But in the same period of time that Bristleback has been buffed, Silver Edge has been nerfed. From 6.87c to 7.06 its build cost has increased from 4800 to 5550, and its Shadow Walk damage reduced from 225 to 175. Meanwhile, most heroes who can build Silver Edge as a situational item are no longer at the top of the meta. Troll Warlord would have been a decent pick, if he wasn’t just nerfed in both 7.06b and c.

The debuff doesn’t last forever, and it doesn’t disable the evasion from Solar Crest and Halberd. By the time your team has a Silver Edge, Bristleback will have tanky items that make him difficult to kill even without the benefit of his passive. Silver Edge can still help, but it’s just one of the puzzle pieces to solve the Bristleback problem. Other pieces include typical support items, that help put some distance between supports and Bristleback.

Current requested features
Request additional feature
If anyone wants to add to the list, post below and I'll update accordingly. If there is anything which won't get fixed/changed, I'll update to mark things as such following an 'official' post.
Dota 2 highest dmg dealt moneyFeature requests (anyone who fancies putting them into the above form will have my thanks!)
  1. More consistency - see here
  2. game_start_time for modes with variable hero selection times (ie CM/reverse CM)
  3. CS indicator (at 10 minute mark perhaps)
  4. Actions per minute
  5. Number of wards placed (in a manner which is safe from spamming - wards placed where there isn't ward coverage already perhaps, or simply give location of ward placement)
  6. Breakdown of which hero killed/assisted each kill which
  7. 'Match counted' boolean/a documented way to accurately determine whether a player received a win, loss or no lifetime statistic change from the result of their match.
  8. API for accessing player profiles public (level, xp, featured heroes, etc)
  9. Item purchases (and sales) at times, as with skills
  10. Items in stash/courier
  11. Ownership of pooled items (ie rapier/gem/consumables)
  12. Add matchmaking pool to MatchDetails
  13. GetItems (and GetAbilities) APIs. Currently there's both GetHeroes and GetLeagueListing, but for items we still need to download Dota 2, extract items.txt, grab dota_<language>.txt and parse them ourselves. Currently there's no official automated way to do this and no first-party VPK utility works with Dota 2. Ideally including a patch parameter to get correct values for previous versions.
  14. Roshan death times, to which team and who got aegis (and cheese) and when did they lose it

  1. barracks_status_dire is now occasionally a copy of barracks_status_radiant. Very inconsistent behavior even on the same request!? - see here and just before.
  2. game_mode parameter ignored in GetMatchHistory
  3. GetTeamInfoByTeamID errors if there don't exist enough teams to 'fill' the query
  4. IEconDOTA2_<ID>/GetRarities's 'count' is incorrect, it doesn't match up the amount of 'rarities' returned. The rarities array doesn't include 'Immortal', so 'count' probably is right and the lack of 'Immortal' is the bug

  1. GetTeamInfoByTeamID has a wrongly named error - 'statusDetail': 'Error retrieving match data.'
  2. GetLeagueListing's array of leagues doesn't match the order inside Dota 2 either forwards or backwards. From what I can tell, in the game the leagues are sorted in reverse by defindex from items_game.txt, but in the API they seem to be not quite in order. Sorting by league ID doesn't help because some of them are out of order, notable the > 65000 ones.
  3. GetLeagueListing and GetLiveLeagueGames both show no parameters on ISteamWebAPIUtil/GetSupportedAPIList. GetLeagueListing seems to support 'language' at least, and both require 'key'.
  4. Swapping heroes mucks up ability skilling.
  5. GetMatchHistory can return matches which GetMatchDetails does not let you view (401 Unauthorised). Match ID for example: 123110537.

Dota 2 Highest Dmg Dealt Game

  1. tower_state' in GetLiveLeagueGames compared to GetMatchDetails's 'tower_status_radiant' and 'tower_status_dire'
  2. Non standard error codes/behaviour
    1. ISteamUser/GetPlayerSummaries return's 'response': 'players' array, and if there is nothing - array is empty and http status code 200
    2. IDOTA2Match_570/GetMatchHistory return's 'result' and have 'status' (which in my opinion is the right approach) + 'statusDetail' if something wrong.
    3. IDOTA2Match_570/GetMatchDetails return 'result' and don't have 'status'. So if i request not existing match '' i'm getting onlu '{ }' and 500 http error - the same when the API was down.
    4. ISteamRemoteStorage/GetUGCFileDetails returns 'data' and have 'status' only if bad request. And for not existing file '' i'm getting status: { 'code': 9 } and http 404 error.
  3. GetMatchHistoryBySequenceNum returns practically the same data per match as GetMatchDetails (barring one attribute iirc), whereas GetMatchHistory is more just a list of appids to be parsed by GetMatchDetails. By it's name, I would've expected it to return results in a more similar format to GetMatchHistory.
  4. GetLiveLeagueGames' tower_state vs GetMatchDetails' (tower barracks)_status_(radiant dire)
  5. GetLiveLeagueGames returning team information but none of the other methods doing so
  6. GetMatchHistory has 'num_results', 'total_results', 'results_remaining', whereas GetMatchHistoryBySequenceNum has none of those.
  7. GetMatchDetails -> results -> picks_bans, has the attribute 'team' with the values 0 and 1; but instead of a 'winner' attribute matching that format there's the boolean 'radiant_win'.
  8. Versioning - potentially function breaking changes are made without updating the version number
  9. When using XML in GetMatchDetails and GetMatchHistoryBySequenceNum, <ability> gets used as both the grouping for each skill point selection as well as the listing for what ability gets selected.It would be convenient if they could use different tags (eg 'ability_id' and 'ability').
  10. GetTeamInfoByTeamID is not descriptive as per the function it provides. It's name suggests it should take a single parameter, team_id and return only information on the team(s) queried.


Dota 2 Highest Dmg Dealt Mean

Dota 2 Highest Dmg Dealt Money

  • Week of the 31/01/13 patch
    • barracks_status_dire is no longer a copy of barracks_status_radiant
    • GetMatchDetails doesn't use 'starttime' compared to GetMatchHistory using 'start_time' - both use 'start_time' now
    • Matches should display ability_usage correctly
    • test clientleague_id is used in both matchDetails and GetLeagueListing (was leagueid in GetLeagueListing)
  • Week of the 07/02/13 patch
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