Does Garen Do Any Magic Dmg

(2011–2018). Kpop boy group.

Courage does not interrupt Garen's previous orders. Courage's bonus resistances are only gained when it is ranked up at least once, but Courage's passive is retroactive. Any enemy unit counts towards Courage's bonus resistances: champions, minions, monsters (including epic ones), summoned units and turrets. The bonus is equal in all these cases. I looked it up and couldnt not find any argument why Garen is not lifestealing while doing the spinn atack, i mean he hits 6 times ( 3 x skill dmg total ).and no lifesteal at all.why????? Its an AD skill and there s no info that says it doesnt lifesteal. He literally just walks up, Q's then E for absolutely free dmg as any 90% of top laners need their abilities to do any dmg. This makes any counter play impossible because anyone he lanes against can't even fight back w/o losing 80% of their hp in one trade off while garen loses little to none and what he does lose is just healed in 3.

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First off, I want to say that this is a fun mechanic. Upon an ally dying, you have a goal to pursue this enemy champion and avenge your fallen comrade. But the thing is, the theme of this mechanic does not seem to fit Garen and there are several reasons. * **It's not always reliable**. Situations constantly changes on Summoner's Rift and its players. The 'Villain' may not be the target you want to focus in teamfights, and because of your choice to ignore that, you have lost potential power of dealing extra damage to this villain to prioritize the **REAL** 'Villain'. Put bluntly, **the game decides the 'Villain' for you**. **As a player, I would rather have the freedom to choose who the Villain is myself rather than the game deciding for me**. It's not fair that I have the game picking things for me, I want to pick out the Enemy myself during the situations that call for it. * **The theme of this mechanic fits that of an Avenger**. Garen is not an Avenger, he is a Vanguard. His job is to protect his comrades by fighting. **He is a Protector**, he fights for those that cannot. **He is a Soldier**. He is a durable Champion that can deal a lot of damage. **He is a Leader**. He makes the calls and plays on the Battlefield while participating in the battles himself, **meaning he should be the one making the calls of who to use his ultimate on. He decides who the 'Villain' is**. **This mechanic should be moved over to {{champion:429}} and then rework her.** It fits her theme better, you can W an ally to sacrifice a sentinel spirit, and you bind yourself with that ally and help avenge them. After your quest, you move on to another ally and bind with them. Another option with the Villain Mechanic to take part of it and rework it to fit Garen's theme better. Maybe if an enemy has dealt a certain amount of damage to any number of allies, then they get marked by Wrath, allowing Garen's ultimate to deal true damage to them. This can apply to any number of enemies. Just a thought, maybe something similar to this. * **You made Garen even more predictable**. Enemies now see a mark above their head, and know that Garen will have an increased chance of focusing them. Isn't Garen's 'Brush of Death' and 'Flash of Justice' combos already predictable enough? He already has a Cut & Paste strategy. In fact, this mechanic does have a feel for becoming a noob trap if you think about it. * **You buffed his most powerful ability for the sake of this mechanic**. You buffed an execution ultimate, an ability that already does its job effectively, while nerfing the rest of his kit that actually fit his theme well to begin with. His Q's Silence nerf, I cannot say much for that change but only its gameplay. This nerf makes it harder to deal with Champions that already counter Garen such as {{champion:10}} , {{champion:17}} , and {{champion:67}} . The silence is what locks them down so that Garen can use his full combo more effectively. I know the nerf is to provide more counterplay against Garen, but it needs more tweaking, especially mid and late game. But thematically, I have no problem with it. His W Active component losing Tenacity does hurt. With Original Garen, if you see a {{champion:113}} ultimate flying from across the wall heading to you and your team, you activate Courage. Because of this, you can break out of the ultimate's CC sooner so that you can begin protecting your team by doing your job: fighting. I really demand the Tenacity to return to his Active because it does fit the theme of a Vanguard and a Protector much better. The E changes is what Garen needed to help bolster his late game. It can definitely use some more tweaks to make him balanced. His R Passive in my opinion can just be removed. Like I said, you bolstered his most powerful ability for the sake of this 'not completely reliable' 'Villain' mechanic. **I hate the fact that I have lost my Original Garen's Power on his Q and W for the sake of the potential extra damage on a 'Villain' that may not be who I consider the 'Villain' given the specific situation during the game**. **I hate how you are forcing 'Villain' on us when it should be up to the Player to decide who the _REAL VILLAIN_ is. given the specific situation during the game**.In conclusion, I believe this 'Villain' Mechanic needs much more work to fit the theme of Garen's gameplay. You turned Garen into an Avenger and I disagree with most of this mechanic's functions. I would rather have this mechanic removed entirely, but I think it be wise to discuss how we should change this mechanic to best fit Garen's Theme. So, let the discussion begin, what should we do?

Magic damage is one of the three types of damage in League of Legends. Magic damage is dealt by some items and most champions' (e.g. Mages) spells. Most magic damage can be increased with ability power or attack damage in some rare cases, but some cannot be modified, such as Sunfire Cape's. Seriously, as a Corki main the amount of times where I lock in Corki and someone on my team says “we need ap dmg“ and then my toplaner locks in his first time Rumble both surprises and annoys me (and this is in mid plat elo). Corkis AAs deal 80% magic damage and his abilities are almost 100% magic damage. Solid works.dmg file mac.


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Garen - Ranked Build Tank + Dmg (Solotop)

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Garen is my main champion. I always played him as an full tank, and always called people a fail after they build a DPS Garen. Those builds were pretty bad, but then I said maybe Garen could be an Offtank damager. So I came up with this build.Does garen do any magic dmg download
Garen is an early game champion, but he is stronger as an Tank late game, and a DPS early game.
Since he has very high early game damage with his abilites you can be sure you will get first blood, well if played smart.
Anyways this is my first build im posting in MobaFire and be sure to check out other stuff I wrote in this build what will really help you and explain why these items, runes and masteries that I posted.

Runes & Masteries

- Why Armor Penetration? - Armor Penetration is an Must for Garen, since he does a lot of damage with his Spin, and it does stack with Penetration, early game this penetration will make your enemy at solotop an 0.
- Why Armor? - Since you want to be a tank, Armor Seals will do the job.
- Why Magic Res.? - Same as the above, you need to be tanky, so these Glyphs will help.
- Why Magic Res.? - Again he needs to be tanky.
- Why Armor Penetration? - Late game you will have High AD, so Penetration will be needed to boost your damage input.


21 - 9 - 0

I took 21-9-0 because I think its good, the 3% Lifesteal seems like nothing, but late game before you buy lifesteal you will already see that you heal about 20 per hit with only 3% lifesteal. Also the Offensive gives you Armor Penetration, which you need!
I took 9 in defence since its good, the bonus Magic Res. and Armor, also the Health is usefull.


: You want to max this skill first because its going to provide the most damage early game. Unfortunately Judgment scales poorly late game, but its very powerful early on.
Thankfully its not completely useless late game. Judgment crits and scales with AD so its going to be your main farming tool.
: This is the skill that you'll be using to initiate fights because of the speed boost/silence and it does really good damage as well. There's no reason to save this unless your playing against someone like Nunu and you need to shut down his ult. Max it second.
Remember this skill is your main chase skill since it does give you the Bonus movement speed.
: There's not much to this skill and it doesn't improve much per level, so I max it last. It doesn't last very long either. Use it whenever you draw focus and you plan on staying in the fight. If its off CD you can use it to help escape ganks and such as well.
: This skill is ridiculous. It does more damage based on how much health your opponent is missing so any champ at low health has good reason to fear you. You'll have to practice yourself to see how much damage it does, but this is a good guideline to follow if you want to ensure a kill.
Level 1: Use when your opponent is around 10% health
Level 2: Use when your opponent is around 15% health
Level 3: Use when your opponent is around 20% health

Summoner Spells

: We all know flash is probably the most usefull spell, it is used to escape, or catch an enemy, I highly recommend you taking this spell.
: Heal seems to you like on every other champion, but its not, I use it when I go tower dive, but mostly I bait with it. When im low HP I just know they will go tower dive, so what I do is I wait for him to tower dive, when he comes I use Q, W and E, silencing him making me lose less HP from his abilities, when I come on 100 Health I then Heal, and R him, getting the kill, and able to farm a little more.

Items Explanation

Infinity Edge - Garens spin stacks with his AD and Critical Chance, meaning that Infinity Edge is an perfect item for a damager garen.
Warmogs Armor - We all know it gives you a bunch of HP and some HP/5 regen. Needed for tanky garen.

Does Garen Do Any Magic Dmg Play

Atma Impaler - Atma converts his HP in to AD, and thats what garen needs, but dont forget it gives 45 Armor, and Critical Strike, I mean, already 2 perfect items for garen. :D
Force Of Nature - It gives him Magic Resistance, what is good, but dont forget the HP/5 Regen and the epic passive which is good since you will have tons of HP.
Ninja Tabi - Boots are needed, and since FoN gives 76 MR. and Atma 45 AR. these boots will balance the AR and MR, and also dont forget the passive reduced damage, which is great also when you use your W, you will be unkillable.
The Bloodthirster - It gives you AD, but lifesteal what you will need late game, but if you are to squishi you should take Frozen Malet, what will give you bonus HP and AD (20+ since you even have atmas).

Pros / Cons


Does Garen Do Any Magic Dmg Minecraft

- Naturally Tanky.
- Very strong early game.
- No mana/energy.
- Not hard to learn how to play.
- Can ensure kills with Ultimate.
- Very big sustain duo to passive.
- Hard to counter
- No CC!
- Weaker late game.

Does Garen Do Any Magic Dmg 2

- Not much damage late game.

Team Work

Your job in the team is being the tank, so you are always the closest to the enemy team. You need to start the team fight, and you do that by using your Q to gain movement speed and the second the enemy starts killing you you press your W, making the enemy team waste their spells on you, and your team will then go in, when the team fight starts, your job is to kill or scare their AD Carry, and you can do that fast with Q, E and R. After that, your job is to rush to your AD Carry and protect them, as you have heal, and do dmg.
Why not protect our AD Carry? - Well thats the supports job aint it? :)
When Defending your base your role is to just defend your ad carry, stay close to him, and kill creeps, if they jump on him you can save her by killing them, as in she is baiting.


Early game you should be able to farm with your basic attacks, and if 2 minions are about to die, use basic for 1 and quickly Q to get the other minion, and just farm untill you get gold for B.F Sword. (You will have sustain duo to passive and potions).
Late game you should be the one clearing minions that are pushing other lanes by going there with Q and then just with E you can clear all the minions and then with Q again get quickly back.
Your goal is to have the most miniions early game since you wont recall much.
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