Dmg Build Blood Dk Legion

Dmg build blood dk legion build

Dmg Build Blood Dk Legion 2

It's possible I just don't pay that much attention to how much DPS those other classes are doing but that has to put them up there. Especially when you rank Guardian Druids and DHs when their ST is ass. I normally shit on GDs on my Blood DK for single target. Hey guys, I was just wondering and siming my Blood Stat Priority with AskMrRobot. I found out, that they recommend me to focus on CritMastery to maximize my dmg Output. I had no Problems tanking a Myth 8 with 549 GS so i don't think survivability will be a Problem with this Statprio. What do you guys think about maximum DPS output? I still have the Problem that my rota does not feel very. Mixed in key v.5.1 serial number.dmg key. Tombstone remains unchanged from Legion; Blood generally has more than enough cooldowns available to cover damage spikes, and the Bone Shield charge cost of Tombstone will leave you working to rebuild charges during a high-damage period, creating unnecessary danger. Tier 4 (Level 60) Talents for Blood DK.

I've been playing my Guardian druid since 7.2 and love it. I've tanked everything in heroic Antorus and do constant mythic 17 and up runs.
My druids fairly well geared (965ilvl with optimized stats) and should be capable of pushing 20+ keys, but even at 19-20 I already feel like i struggle a lot.
Recently I've noticed that for any keys above 20 there's mainly Blood DK tanks. Even when tanking Heroic with another Blood DK it feels like he's getting punished a lot less then my druid.
Personally I haven't played Blood DK enough to be able to comment on their package and utility, but what's so great about them ?
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