Crit Atk Vs Crit Dmg

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Case 3: let's assume we have 100,000 atk &%55 atk &%66 crit dmg (this is if we take 5xAtk and 3xCrit Dmg) Math: a=atk(100,000)+%55atk(55,000)=155,000. B=a.2critical hit=310,000. C=b+(a.%416)=310,000 + 644,800 = 954,800. Case 4: let's assume we have 100,000 atk &%77 atk &%22 crit dmg (this is if we take 7xAtk and ONLY 1xCrit Dmg) Math: a=atk(100,000)+%77atk(77,000)=177,000. B=a.2critical hit=354,000. C=b+(a.%372)=354,000 + 658,440 = 1,012,440. Case 5: let's assume we have 100,000. For example, if your runes & towers & whatnot have raised your Attack Power by 140% over base value, and Critical Damage is also 140%, that will give more damage on a Critical Hit compared to 120% ATK and 160% CD values. But gear has changed since then). This means you're looking at about a 17% increase in damage. Increasing crit damage by 20% increases your full damage by 20%. This all really depends on your gear. But the higher your equip atk is compared to your status atk, the better AK cards and the like become. Aug 17, 2018  Been wondering if boss atk or crit damage will do more damage to boss? Me too, today i cleared Normal Zak twice with almost same stats weapon that i could find in the market. I will test out. I don't know if it's actually 100% as they say.but if it's really 100%, then Crit Damage Bonus would be better since the damage bonus boost is higher compared to attack. Tier 3 Metals only give like 11% Attack or something while crit bonus damage is around 20%+. Depends on your crit chance I guess.


Crit Atk Vs Crit Dmg 2

ATK SPD (post-patch buff aren't terrible, pre-patch they were god awful) and Armor Pen are flat % damage increases (for the most part, they both get a bump when combined with crits)
Crit Chance, and Crit Dmg are a little harder to classify. Crit Dmg is nice, because it's only available on Infinity Edge. Crit Chance is generally neglected, due to the fact that it's easy enough to accumulate (Zeal / Phantom Dancer / Executioner's Calling / Atma's Impaler / Infinity Edge / Avarice Blades / etc.)
I personally feel that if you are playing a DPS hero that relies on slow big hits (Ashe / Gangplank / Tyrnd / etc.) Crit Dmg is the best. On characters that attack fast (Twitch / Yi / Jax) I prefer Armor Pen, as the others are easy enough to get on items. Although one could vouch for Crit Chance, in that they don't need to get as much of it in order to make their fast attacks crit more often.
ATK Speed I only find useful on guys that have abnormally low base attack speeds, where I feel they do best with a boost. Or if they rely on hitting X number of times to activate Y proc (Nunu's Visionary, Jax's Relentless Assault, Udyr's Bear/Pheonix procs). Some champions get natural ATK SPD buffs and thusly, really don't need additional support in this area (Trist / Twitch / Gangplank).
Crit Dmg is really good on Gangplank (regular attacks & Parrrlay!). On Ashe it's also a boon, because her passive stacks her crit chance up as she's switching lanes, so she can easily burst someone down with ult + a hit with 100% crit chance. Tyrndamere is another one, with natural crit chance granted via his Bloodlust stacks. Shaco also likes this due to Deceive giving him 100% crit chance.
Crit Chance I find useful on guys like Teemo (atk power) / Gangplank (helps his early game with Parrrlay) / Twitch / Tristiana. These champions have either naturally high attack speeds, or play for singular big hits, either way, you get more mileage out of the crit early, and can build Infinity Edge without needing much else in the way of up'ing your crit chance.
Armor Pen is more versatile. It's good on any hero who can effectively attack physically. The mid-range guys (not high dmg, not high attack speed), that can really swing either way. If you like to play a mix of champions from the above list, I'd recommend this one, due to the fact that you can make up for your shortcomings with items for most of the others. Armor Pen is also the best vs. Casters at lvl 1 fights and harassing. They typically have little to nothing in the way of armor, and a full set of Marks Armor Pen Runes, and the Mastery talent to negate 6 armor stack up to give a big increase in harssment auto attacks.

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