Can You Scale The Retch's Chaos Dmg Poe

Inc spell damage increases all sources of spell damage unless stated otherwise (e.g. Detonate Dead is not affected by Increased spell damage). So both elemental and non-elemental (chaos/physical) damage. As a fire/ice witch, you can usually use both stats. Apr 13, 2019 Hey so this is just a real quick break down of Chaos Damage which is a specific Damage type in Path of Exile. This video will be a brief break down of how Chaos damage works. Where you can get. May 18, 2016 for daily live streams Won't be any new information or revelations for a lot of you but this is my opinion on what's going on with chaos at the moment. It's not so much an OP. Oct 29, 2017  In this guide we are going to investigate exactly how Damage Conversion works in Path of Exile by exploring a few different examples. Don’t let the numbers scare you!

Hey folks. I play a bane occultist in ps4 and I want to know how to scale the damage of bane? Chaos damage, spell damage, non ail multi, increase damage over time and so one. What is the best and which stats i have to looking for?
Example: I have eldritch knowledge with 30% chaos damage increase but is it better as a 14% spell damage + 4% non ail multi jewel?
Thanks for helping me!
Last bumped on May 20, 2019, 3:42:32 PM
Posted by
on May 17, 2019, 4:42:47 PM
I probably did it all wrong, but I am very satisfied with my Occultist:Maleficent.
I focused on curse duration, AOE, DoT and Chaos damage.
Bane and Soul Rend are almost equal in damage.
The speed and crippling effect of bane and the power of soul rend is a nice 1-2 punch. Both clear screens individually.
Got me to 95, until I got the Winter Orb bug!
Posted by
on May 17, 2019, 5:00:53 PM
Chaos Damage over Time Multipler is the number one stat you should prioritize everywhere (on tree and items) if you can get it. The items which can roll this stat is limited. Tree, weapon, jewels for sure.
After that you can scale with the usual chaos damage, damage over time, and spell damage.
Bane has the luxury of scaling very well with many things.
You may want to use Path of Building to determine whether you want 2 curses in your bane or just Despair + Bane + 4 links.
I found that I was doing more damage with only Despair in my links.
Posted by
on May 17, 2019, 6:41:35 PM
schau mal in diesen Thread, da wird alles erklärt:
P.S. german due to 'weltfremd' ^^
Last edited by LizardEchse on May 17, 2019, 7:56:26 PM
Posted by
on May 17, 2019, 7:55:13 PM
The tooltip for it is awful, here are a few pointers.
Increases (to Spell or Chaos damage) are all the same so whichever gives the higher % value is better.
More Damage (Chaos Damage over time multi) is much better than the increases in the long run.
Increased duration is also nice.
Added flat damage doesn't work for Damage over time, and neither does increases to AoE damage for Bane (Bane applies a debuff in the AoE, it doesn't do the damage in the AoE, so you can make the areas bigger or smaller but cant change the damage with AoE based dmg bonuses).
Like that one guy said highest damage is probably 1 curse (despair), or 2 curse (despair + temp chains) for a longer lasting debuff.
I like using the temp chains version with wither totems, the double curse is still going to kill all the trash in 1 hit and then drop the totems for absurd damage stacking on anything tankier.
Posted by
on May 17, 2019, 8:52:32 PM
Non ailment chaos multiplier is better than increased damage. Increased chaos,spell damage, damage over time etc all do the same thing, they are all increased damage. More damage is generally better than increased damage but you only see this on limited things like support gems, pain attunement, arcane surge, frenzy charges etc.
The only way to be sure if one choice is better than another is path of building really.
Edit: +1 socketed gems is the best way scale bane. Link despair only with empower, efficacy,void manip, swift affliction/controlled destruction. If you link more than one curse bane loses damage. Use vixens entrapment if you want extra curses to cast with bane.
Last edited by Pileggi on May 18, 2019, 11:22:50 AM
Posted by
on May 18, 2019, 11:08:09 AM
If your running out of places to pick up increased damage in the tree, dont forget you can grab the 'minion damage applies to self' over on the far left if you want to make a hybrid summoner build which works in nicely with where your tree is probably heading.
Posted by
on May 18, 2019, 9:48:04 PM
Gem levels give a huge boost to Bane's damage. Make sure you are using a level 21 gem.
Then make sure your 6th link is a level 4 Empower making it a level 24 Bane.
And put it all in a doubly corrupted Skin of the Loyal (any two of +1 gems, +2 AOE, +2 curse) for another 5 gem levels giving you a level 29 Bane.
No other Bane setup will reach equivalent dps.
It would boost your current 550k dps up to 870k. (That's with your level 20 gem, it would be even higher with the 21 gem)
Last edited by Qiox on May 19, 2019, 10:17:16 AM
Posted by
on May 19, 2019, 10:16:21 AM
Oh man. I will ask my brawski what he did with it.
Fighting the war against the AltF4Core! Hardcore is for whimps.
Posted by
on May 20, 2019, 7:24:22 AM
Non ailment chaos multiplier is better than increased damage. Increased chaos,spell damage, damage over time etc all do the same thing, they are all increased damage. More damage is generally better than increased damage but you only see this on limited things like support gems, pain attunement, arcane surge, frenzy charges etc.
(..) Use vixens entrapment if you want extra curses to cast with bane.
This is very sound advice. Anything that says 'increased' will be inferior to 'more' or to non-ailment chaos damage over time (unless the increased-number is much much higher than the non-ail multi number). I personally will not pick up 'increased Damage' if I have to skip on defenses for it. 'Increased' has diminishing returns, 'more' does not, non-ailment chaos damage over time is in the middle.
For all the details check:
LizardEchse wrote:
P.S. german due to 'weltfremd' ^^
That guide has a whole section dedicated to optimal curses and support for Bane.
Thx @LizardEchse für die recommendation :)
I try this: If I disagree, I will make a sound opposing argument. It's ok to love/hate something that I hate/love. Devs know PoE better than I do. I am the only player I represent.
Chaos-Caster-guide for any class:
Last edited by Lightelder on May 20, 2019, 1:41:01 PM
Posted by
on May 20, 2019, 1:02:34 PM

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The Retch
Rustic Sash
Requires Level 44(12-24)% increased Global Physical Damage+(60-80) to maximum Life
+(30-40)% to Cold Resistance
0.4% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life
60% increased Flask Effect Duration
30% reduced Flask Charges gained during any Flask Effect
200% of LifeLeech applies to Enemies as Chaos Damage
15% increased Movement Speed during any Flask Effect
But the grain grew twisted and the water turned dark
and those who partook of Mother Gull's gift
birthed monsters that fed
on the flesh of one another.
Purchase Costs
Unique8x Chaos Orb
Sell Price
12x Alchemy Shard
8x Alteration Shard
Item class: Belts

The Retch is a uniqueRustic SashRustic Sash(12-24)% increased Global Physical Damage.

  • 2Item acquisition


Can You Scale The Retch's Chaos Dmg Poe Lyrics

The modifier #% of Life Leech applies to enemies as Chaos Damage takes 200% of the actual life gained from leech and deals it as chaos damage to enemy that was the target of the leeching. Therefore, by default no damage is dealt if the player is at full health while leeching. This damage is not affected by damage modifiers as it is considered as reflected damage.[1]

With Ghost Reaver modifier the damage is dealt based on energy shield gained from leech.

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Using instantaneous life leech modifiers (such as BloodseekerBloodseeker
Hellion's Paw
Quality: +20%
Physical Damage: (105.3-113.1)(180.9-194.3)
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.68
Weapon Range: 11
Requires Level 62, 131 Dex, 95 Int1.6% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life(150-170)% increased Physical Damage
Adds 10 to 12 Physical Damage
5% increased Attack Speed
1.2% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life
5% increased Movement Speed
LifeLeech from Hits with this Weapon is instant
'For the life of the flesh will always be in the blood.'
- Atalui, Vaal Priestess
) causes chaos damage to be dealt instantly as well rather than over time. The damage dealt is based on the life gained before the character is at their maximum life total.

If Brutal Fervour is allocated, then the damage will continue as long as the leech lasts, even once at full life.[2] If combined with instantaneous life leech, then the total amount of potential leech is dealt instantly, including that above the player's maximum life.[3][4]

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Item acquisition

This item is restricted to areas with the league flag for Talisman active. There are additional ways to acquire league-restricted items, see League-specific items for more details.

Upgrade paths

This item can be acquired through the following upgrade paths or vendor recipes:

Can You Scale The Retch's Chaos Dmg Poe Full

Rustic Sash
Requires Level 11(12-24)% increased Global Physical DamageAdds 5 to 10 Physical Damage to Attacks
+(20-40) to maximum Life
0.2% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life
50% increased Flask Charges gained during any Flask Effect
50% increased Mana Regeneration Rate during any Flask Effect
Our forefathers danced and drank and ate their fill
and did not honour the First Ones for their gifts.
So the First Ones filled the sky with fire.
Corrupted items can not be usedManual
Rustic Sash
Requires Level 11(12-24)% increased Global Physical Damage+(20-30)% to Cold Resistance
20% increased Projectile Damage
30% reduced Flask Charges gained
60% increased Flask Effect Duration
Deals 50 Chaos Damage per second to nearby Enemies
After the Great Fire, the land lay barren
and our forefathers grew weak.
Mother Gull took pity on them
and gave them grain and water.
1Orb of FusingOrb of FusingStack Size: 20Reforges the links between sockets on an itemRight click this item then left click a socketed item to apply it. The item's quality increases the chances of obtaining more links.
Shift click to unstack.

Version history

  • Fixed various issues with The Retch's property that deals chaos damage. It is now also clearer that the portion of life leech that is dealt as damage is dealt as chaos damage.
  • Fixed a bug where the Chaos Damage dealt by the unique item The Retch was bypassing Chaos Damage mitigation.
  • 200% of Life Leech applies to enemies as Damage changed to
    200% of Life Leech applies to enemies as Chaos Damage.
  • Fixed a bug with The Retch which caused monsters to not drop any items when killed.
  • Introduced to the game.

External links


  1. Mark_GGG (January 27, 2016). 'The Retch Rustic Sash Hotfix?'. Path of Exile subreddit. Retrieved January 27, 2016.
  2. Mark_GGG (January 27, 2016). 'The Retch Rustic Sash Hotfix?'. Path of Exile subreddit. Retrieved April 26, 2016.
  3. Mark_GGG (March 24, 2016). 'The Retch Rustic Sash Hotfix?'. Path of Exile subreddit. Retrieved April 26, 2016.
  4. Mark_GGG (May 17, 2017). 'Mechanical Questions Thread'. Official Path of Exile Forums. Retrieved June 14, 2017.
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