Bard R 1 True Dmg

Elexir, Tonic, Eidolon (45%), Cos Hat dmg to element 18%, Superior Skill Potion (lv 2-3).

Hello everyone! With the recent addition of bard, and the relative uncertainty of his kit, i took it upon myself to give a little bit of info regarding bards passive: Essentially, Bards passive allows him to collect charms lying around the map that spawn in relatively random locations. R/ffxiv: A community for fans of Square Enix's popular MMORPG 'Final Fantasy XIV Online', also known as FFXIV or FF14. Expansions include Press J to jump to the feed.

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Runes: Summon Arey

Summon Aery
Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

Biscuit Delivery
Cosmic Insight

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+15-90 HP (lvls 1-18)

Bard r 1 true dmg free
Prototype: Omnistone
Magical Footwear
Biscuit Delivery
Cosmic Insight

Gathering Storm

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+15-90 HP (lvls 1-18)



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Xin Zhao

Champion Build Guide

You dont even need to go even in lane if your team can survive till mid game 40% cdr will give you tons of cc and heals making it impossible to engage on your team and impossible to kill your ad carry or carry jungler.
Any champ that can all in aatrox irelia and riven are a big threat that can all in you if you step up in lane too far
Try and get the 3 meeps before lane to get early lvl advantage and leave lane when you push enemy into turret to grab more getting to 15 meeps is ideal early for two meeps and strike through dmg. This strike through AOE cone that is added at 15 chimes is a big part of bards wave clear and damage late/midgame with his meep auto attacks. It is important to try and picture where behind the enemy charector/minion this AOE cone will hit so you can start laying down massave AOE damage. Make sure to grab as many meeps as u can throughout the game because bard's meeps do not have a scaling limit.
With the slows from ice born gauntlet and empowered meeps as well as hard cc from your Q and an attack speed bonus from ardent censor bard can start throwing down some serious AOE damage during the late game team fights with a 3 or 4 meeps. I think rylai is a great last item for damage and the slow applies on top of the slow from meeps make it impossible to run away from bard during the late game.
I Personally like playing bard in a few different stages throughout the game but its really up to you to decide what items you think work best for your playstyle and what role you want to play for your team. But here is how my role/playstyle changes throughout the different stages of the game.
Early Game 0:00 to 20:00
During the early game i try to be a lane bully if I'm against a melee opponent or weak early game champion. I like to try and back for an early sheen for lots of unexpected damage and to help get turret plates easier. I look to push in waves and leave lane for short periods to grab meeps that are close to top lane.
If i am in a hard matchup i look to play safe under turret and try to early back a dark seal and cloth/magic resist to survive lane until i can my core items Iceborn gauntlet/Athene's and then i look to group with my team.
Mid Game 20:00 to 30:00
During mid game i turn into a support carry as i look to group with my team in the mid lane and follow around my carry laners jungler/adc/midlaner and provide them with heals so they don't poked back to base and can clear waves mid safely. I also look to land ultimates and try to catch out enemies with a cc chain with a R into Q cc chain combo and follow that up with an iceborn slow.
Late Game 30:00 to end of game
When Bard gets his full build with Ardent censor, Spirit Visage and Ryali on top of the Core Build of Athenes and iceborn gauntlet. Bard becomes an AOE damage carry, With 4+ meeps to throw, an 80+% slow in a cone with around 300 AP and with a little added attack speed bonus from ardent censor bard can throw his chimes pretty quickly laying down crazy AOE damage during late game teamfights.
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Bard R 1 True Dmg Free


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Bard R 1 True Dmg 2



Ranked #38 in
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Ranked #38 in
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1. Jungle route and ganking/Top early 2. mid-and lategame

Start at wolves and kill the bluebuff.
Continue with the ghosts and then do the redbuff.
After that do the golems and start ganking.
Hit the enemies with your Q and deal much dmg with your redbuff and Vorpal Strikes.
If you reach lvl 6 use your ultimate at minions. Its like a big smite and with 6 stacks you are very tanky.
Harass your enemy with your e.
The most champions are useless with lvl 1 and deal less dmg than you.
So you have the biggest chance to get first blood, but the jungler will be your greatest enemy.
You have to place wards.
Mid- and lategame are nearly the same as jungler and top player.
Autohits and your ult are your main dmg. Initiate with your q.
Slow the enemies with your Q and Randuins Omen.
Use Sword of Divine and Feast as a finisher. The crits will help, like the true DMG.
The negative aspect of Sword of Divine is the attackspeed reduction after using it.
Your aim is to hit the carry with Rupture and eat him :p
Good look.
Tooltips(+notes) explain how to place your masteries, runes and skills.


Use the core items listed at the top of the guide.
Optional you can use Guardian Angel if you die too often.
With the core items you normally won't have problems. You have much armor, life and magice resistance.
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