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Banner For 20 Dmg Thousand Damage
  1. Hey Everyone, Back again this time with an overview of the new Units for the Happier Heights banner
  2. We'll start with Aimi because she feels like a random addition, with no story or event significance, at least as far as I know.
  3. Our little cowgirl has a well balanced stat line, smack-dab in the middle of all 3*s. Her disc spread is pretty good too, all things considered. 2A/2B is probably the best non-gorrila spread you could have because of its versatility. You're still at the mercy of RNG, but I think with this spread, you're still likely to get what you need.
  4. With nothing truly standing out about her base stats, we move on to her connect, which allows the target to IGNORE EVADE.
  5. Now I don't remember how the JP meta was this early in the game, but NA mirrors is riddled with Evade. at ***20%*** chance these seemingly harmless memoria can completely negate your plans, just like how Friends does this by deleting your team out of nowhere.
  6. If I didn't know any better, I'd say Aimi was designed to counter this meta. I can't say for sure because again, I don't remember if this was how JP Mirrors was back in the day. Blast up a super nice bonus, and more evidence of being a pushed mirrors unit since Blast was always strong. Her personal memoria looks like it'd synergize well with her kit. Evade is put on units they want to keep alive. Connect to pierce that evade, then def pierce to make them un-alive. The problem? Skills only work on the equipped unit, while connects only work on the target and not the unit herself. This means Aimi will still have a chance to miss, unless you use her Magia first, at 4*. It's a really bad nonbo, but leaving it on for the random extra damage is fine. The only true drawback she has is her average stats, everything else about her is pretty good, and I HAVE to comment on her adorable design. One of my favorite 3*s on design alone.
  7. Anyway next up is Masara. She's an Assassin-archetype with the highest attack in the 2-3* pool, plus a personal meoria with Guaranteed Crit. Her connect grants 85% Crit, which is the highest in the current roster. It doesn't do anything else but it's probably one of the best connects if you want to set up a burst. Her Magia grants herself Evade and Pursue, allowing her to finish off her allies' targets without being hurt herself. I wouldn't rely on this unless though, as Magia is usually overkill in PVE unless it's a hardy boss. I just have to say this is one of the coolest kits in the game, it really makes her play like an assassin, attacking from the shadows despite being a light type.
  8. Lastly for today, we have Kokoro. Our Azur Lane-looking girl is a defense type with ***TEN THOUSAND DEFENSE?????*** at five stars, she has LITERALLY the biggest ass in the game.
  9. Her Connect grants counter and Damage cut. Connect with your main damage source who most likely has lower defense, meaning it'll get target by the AI, and they take less damage so they'll *probably* survive. It's a dangerous plan in Mirrors, but should be fine in PVE. Should also note counter can activate on being hit with an AOE.
  10. Her Personal memoria matches her role as a tank, granting a 1 turn damage reduction
  11. Now let's talk about the Shop 4*. Atk up at full HP is not bad by a long shot. In mirrors where you want to beat people up as fast as possible, you'll likely fill out this condition. Less good in drawn out fights like PVE, but you'll at least have its stats to work with.
  12. Unexpected Reaction is for magia damage. dassit. just remember to activate it when you're about to pop it.
  13. And That's all for today everyone. All these units are permanent, so it's a hard skip..
  14. Wait, what do you mean there's another magical girl? I don't see anyone else here. Is she invisible? Ha! ..wait, actually? Well whatever. I don't see a girl but i do see numbers so let's talk about those i guess. She's another tank unit like Kokoro, boasting THE highest defense of the 2* pool, not falling far as her rarity goes up. Her disc spread is passable, even with 2 charge, but with one of the weakest attacks in the game her spread really doesn't matter that much. You only choose her discs to build up her connect, which at 4* grants.. 100% Damage cut??!!?
  15. **Dmg Cut has a min damage floor of 30%? Hard floor? I dont know the exact mechanics from it and when someone tried explaining it to me it went WAY over my head, but the point is it doesn't just. reduce all damage to the target to 0. but it's still a heck of a lot. When she gets uncapped, it'll also grant an attack buff.
  16. While her base kit doesn't seem too exciting compared to Kokoro's, her related memoria help set her apart, especially considering she's more easily slotted as a nat 2*. These two allow the equipped girl to take hits for an ally, and the 4* one also increases her defense. Being active memoria, they both come with flat defense buffs, which is just icing on the cake.
  17. Invisible girl after school grants Poison on activation. It's worth mentioning because it could allow Sana tto deal more indirect damage to make up for her poor attack. You can also use My School Life for this purpose. (Maybe mention the connection with her Doppel's effects?)
  18. With how things *currently* are in the game, with Sana being capped at 4*, Kokoro is still technically the better tank of the two, and you can just slep this setup onto her and do the same thing but with better stats. However, like I said before, Sana will be much easier to get, so you don't really need Kokoro either to enjoy a mega tank. At 5* you can make a strong case for her too, cause by then you'll probably have more slots open on her. Plus, her connect will be omre effective against enemies who use buffs
  19. (On screen note mentioning that un-buffed damage has a minimum of 30%, so both of their connects would have the same effectiveness)
  20. Man, I felt like I went way too indepth into a girl that doesn't exist, but Sana really is a girl worth investing in, especially in preparation for her uncap. The other three are ok, but not really worth whaling on unless you REALLY want your waifu. That's all I have for now, This event is already almost over wtf.

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