Atk 36 Or Crit Dmg Increase 9.5 Adl Sniper Enchant

Sep 21, 2017  Sniper perks: Crit +% Vs Crit +dmg. Discussion in 'Game Discussion. Now let's say your sniper has crit +% damage perks. So your chances to crit at 10% but your crit damage is 700. Is there some way of knowing what the crit damage of a weapon is? The stats show what the crit chance is but not the crit damage/damage increase. Jan 26, 2019  The most basic and obvious way to increase your physical attack damage is through your stats. Every point in STR increases melee physical damage, while DEX increases ranged physical damage. If you use auto-attack to farm, AGI increases your DPS (damage per second) too as it gives you a faster ASPD (attack speed). @JS47 crit type dps bro? With critical 20% increase on enchant or melee damage increase 10%? Or what type of pvp prefered idol like poison smoke & CI? Str/flee for agi char/atk/auto attack dmg/atk spd for sage. BEST ADL Sniper Equipment Guide & Explained.

  1. Atk 36 Or Crit Dmg Increase 9.5 Adl Sniper Enchanting
  2. Atk 36 Or Crit Dmg Increase 9.5 Adl Sniper Enchant 2
  3. Atk 36 Or Crit Dmg Increase 9.5 Adl Sniper Enchantment
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Kog'Maw Attack Speed and Crit ADC Patch 5.22

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Hello, this is Davidlegomaster, and I welcome you to my first build. As you can tell, this is a build for Kog'Maw based around Attack Speed and Crit Chance. The items and masteries I have accumulated for this build are all focused on increasing your damage, attack speed, and crit, allowing you to pump out the most damage possible as a literal walking machine gun. This guide is relatively short, but I hope it helps you out!


1. Make sure to farm as much as possible and to time your last hits well.
2. If you can, try to scare the opposing adc away from your minions, as it will delay their farm. However, usually your support will do that for you.
3. When you are farming, make sure to stand behind your support an minions, as you are squishy, especially early game. It is also important that you don't get tot aggressive early game, as you may regret it.
4. Make sure to let your support deal some damage to some minions before going in for the last hit.

Atk 36 Or Crit Dmg Increase 9.5 Adl Sniper Enchanting

5. Even when some enemy minions are low, don't stray too far from your support because the opposing adc and support could pump out some serious damage.

Tips and Tricks

1. Don't get too aggressive early game
2. Make sure you ward the bush by the river near your lane as it will be harder for the enemy junglier to gank you
3. When you die, your passive will kick in, giving you a few seconds before you explode and deals AOE damage. Keep this in mind because it can turn team fights around if you die.
4. Make sure you have vision near your lane! You are pretty slow and have no escape abilities, so if your flash is on cool down, you can easily be taken out by a gank.


Kog'Maw works well with any support that can stun, pull in, or isolate the enemy adc, because it allows you to take full advantage of your attack speed. These supports include: Braum, Blitzcrank,Morgana, Soraka, Lux, and Thresh.

Damage and Attack Stats of the Full Build

Damage and Attack Stats of Full Default Full Build:
Damage: 195
Ability Power: 96
Attack Speed: 2.28

Atk 36 Or Crit Dmg Increase 9.5 Adl Sniper Enchant 2

Attack Speed with W Activated: 4.56
Critical Chance: 80%

Atk 36 Or Crit Dmg Increase 9.5 Adl Sniper Enchantment

Damage and Attack Stats of Full Build with Rapid Fire Cannon instead of Nashor's Tooth:
Damage: 195
Ability Power: 16
Attack Speed: 2.15
Attack Speed with W Activated: 4.31
Critical Chance: 100%
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