5e Dmg 249 Targets Area Effect

edem has updated this extension for FG v3.3.0 compatibility - get it here:https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum..l=1#post336587
After playing a couple 5e games through Fantasy Grounds, I found one thing I really wanted was greater ability to customize effect application.
Effects in the 5e ruleset already support an 'Effect Target', which limits the scope of when they take effect. For example, if one player gets a damage bonus against a particular NPC, you can add the effect 'DMG:2' to the player, and then set the Effect Target. The effect 'DMG:2' on the player would make him deal an additional 2 damage to all creatures, whereas setting the Effect Target makes him deal an addional 2 damage only against the chosen Effect Targets.
The EffectTarget is an excellent feature, but setting it is a bit of a pain. Currently, you can set the effect target by either shift-dragging the effect to the target, or by applying the effect, then using the effect target button in the combat tracker. I wanted to create an easier way to handle most uses.
Effect Targeting Enhancement (Extension)
The Effect Targeting Enhancement creates an additional setting for Effects in the 'Spell/Ability Effect' window. With these settings, you have the option of automatically setting the Effect Target of an effect to be yourself, your targets, or none (current and default behavior).
Here is an example using the spell Hex:
Now, to apply the Hex effect on your current target, all you have to do is trigger the effect.
With this modification, there are often multiple ways of achieving the same result (essentially a Push or a Pull). Let's say you had an ability where you dealt reduced damage to allies (Presumably AoEs, but maybe the Barbarian needs to sustain his rage..):
The first applies an effect to your targets, with you as the effect target, granting them resistance to the attack. Thus, incoming damage, for them, is reduced.
The second applies the effect to yourself, with your targets as the effect target, and decreases all damage by 5. Thus, outgoing damage, for you, is reduced.
Effect Targeting works with many (but not all) effect elements. Check the wiki for more details on which modifiers currently function properly.
I've attached a sample character with example effects, showcasing the extension.
Please post any issues you have here, and I will try to address them.
v0.3 - Effect Targeting Enhancement is now compatible with the 5E Player Effect Removal Extension
v0.5 - Effect Targeting Enhancement is now compatible with the Fantasy Grounds v3.1.5
Current Version: v0.5
Compatible with FG: v3.1.5
Do not use the attached old extension This is provided purely for reference as the original author is not updating this now.
Attached Files

5e Dmg 249 Targets Area Effect Free

Apr 29, 2016  DMG p251 COVER To determine whether a target has cover against an attack or other effect on a grid, choose a corner of the attacker’s space or the point of origin of an area of effect. Then trace imaginary lines from that corner to every corner of any one square the target occupies. Sep 06, 2018  I have not been able to find if the 5e rules details what happens when a creature is partially in an area of effect. On this same accord, I have not been able to find rules on whether this can be used to the caster's advantage when using a map grid. In past editions, if you wanted to cast a.

He is doing substantial dps regardless of if he 'finishes the job' or not, and you care more about his average throughput than his theoretical maximum damage. If you're fighting into opponents where you need your ibaraki to be landing 40-55k hits to reliably get overkill damage, well, you need to be running crit dmg even if you drop crit% and have a chance to outright fail on a noncrit.Ootengu's setup mindset is different. Tamamo no mae crits or crit dmg onmyoji 1. If you only need him to hit for 20-25k for your bracket and/or pve stage, then you're fine with atk atk crit and 100% crit. As such, you need to realize that maximizing ootengu's average dps is done by first maximizing chance to proc seductress, and then trying to raise per proc seductress damage (by raising the attack stat) to hit 10% of your target's health and only THEN do you stack per hit raw damage by stacking crit damage.For pvp, I suppose it's much closer and a tossup regarding whether it's better to have marginally more per hit dmg or more seductress procs because units have less life.


Dnd 5e Dmg

5e Dmg 249 Targets Area Effect

5e Dmg 249 Targets Area Effect 2

  • EffectDemoChar.xml(13.5 KB, 274 views)
  • EffectTargetingEnhancement-old_DO_NOT_USE.ext(18.7 KB, 61 views)
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